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Исходное сообщение

Отправлено A Clockwork Orange , 03-Мрт-03 10:52 
Есть программа, которая посылает сообщение пользователю и постмастеру о превышении квоты...

# quotacheck.pl
# Written by Mark Borrie, ITS, University of Otago
#            Dunedin, New Zealand
#            mark@gandalf.otago.ac.nz
# Version : March 1 1999.
# A utility to check cyrus quotas and mail users who have used more than
# 90% of their quota. In addition users who have used all of their quota
# are also notified.
# Users who are over 90% are warned every 3 days, while user with full
# quotas are warned every five days.
# By using the delivery program directly we can deliver mail directly to
# the users mailbox even when the mailbox is full.
# In addition, users who have orgainised extended quotas have their extra
# space accounted for.  At Otago we give users 5Mb of quota for standard
# use.  Users can contract to pay for additional space.  We record that
# additional space usage.


# Some debugging things

#   A temp file with the quota data
#   The program that generates the quota data
#   Log file of all the mailboxes we are interested in
#   The cyrus delivery program
#   The 2 files that contain the email message to the clients.
#   mailwarn is sent to users whose quota is nearly full and mailfull
#   to users with a full mailbox.
#   Store the accounts that have been sent mail in a data file
$quotafull = "/usr/cyrus/quota/quotafull.dat";
#   Store the clients who are using more than the std quota


# we need this to do time things. If the ENVIRONMENT variable TZ is NOT
# set this doesn't work too well.
require "ctime.pl";
#require "ptime.pl";
use POSIX qw(strftime);

# better actually check if TZ was set before we go off and do things
# I got this from someone else so I'm not sure what happens if TZ is not
# set. The following line will need changed elsewhere.
$TZ = defined($ENV{'TZ'}) ? ( $ENV{'TZ'} ? $ENV{'TZ'} : 'NZDT' ) : '';
print "Timezone is set to : ",$TZ,"\n" if $debug;


# Preload the previous full account data
# The format of the file is a space separated field file with
# <lastwarningdate> <lastfulldate> <popid>
# lastwarningdate and lastfulldate are set to zero if the other
# value is non-zero.
# the values lastwarningdate and lastfulldate are more or less the
# number of days since Jan 1 1999.

print "Preloading previous full account data," if $debug;
while(<TABLE>) {
    @fields = split(/[ \t]+/,$_);# white space separated fields
    $lastwarndate{$fields[2]} = $fields[0];
    $lastfulldate{$fields[2]} = $fields[1];

print "Read $counter records from previous data\n" if $debug;


# This is not leap year compliant. Jan 1 the year following a leap year
# will have the same index as Dec 31 (the day before). This will simply
# increase the message sending interval by one day arround this time.

$offset= (($year-1999)*365) + $day; # days since 1/1/99,approx.
$date = strftime("%a, %d %b %y %r",localtime);

# Create the 2 warning message files with appropriate dates
# These can then be delivered directly to the cyrus mailbox
# The From: line will need customizing.

open (TMPFILE,">".$mailwarn.".tmp");
From:     "Administrator" <administrator\@localhost>
Subject:  Urgent Notice - Email Quota Warning
Date:     $date
Priority: urgent


open (MAILMESSAGE,"<".$mailwarn) or print "Could not open $mailwarn\n";

  # Read the main message which is non variable text
  while (<MAILMESSAGE>) {
    print TMPFILE $_;
close (TMPFILE);

open (TMPFILE,">".$mailfull.".tmp");
From:     "Administrator" <administrator\@localhost>
Subject:  Urgent Notice - Email Quota Limit Reached
Date:     $date
Priority: urgent


open (MAILMESSAGE,"<".$mailfull) or print "Could not open $mailfull\n";

  # Read the main message which is non variable text
  while (<MAILMESSAGE>) {
    print TMPFILE $_;
close (TMPFILE);

# Now change the date variable to something else
#$date = strftime("%d %b %y",localtime);
$date = &'ctime(time);
print "Entering main processing loop" if $debug;

# Generate quota file - remember to remove first line.
system("su - cyrus -c \"$doquota > $quotadata\"");


# Discard the first line of the quota file
$firstline = <QUOTAFILE>;

while (<QUOTAFILE>) {
#    print "Main loop\n" if $debug;
    if ($dohash) {
        if ( $cntr++ > $threshold ) {
            print STDERR "Processed ", $total," records\n" if $verbose;


# split input line into useful fields
        ($quota,$percent,$kbytes,$tmp)=split(" ",$_);
        print "tmp=$tmp\n"if $debug;
        $user=$tmp if $tmp=~/^user\./i;
        $bbs=$tmp if $tmp=~/^public\./i;
#       $user=substr($tmp,5);
        print "user=$user, bbs=$bbs\n" if $debug;
        if (!defined($lastfulloffset) ) {
        if (!defined($lastwarnoffset) ) {

        if ($percent >= 100 && !$bbs)  {
          if (($offset - $lastfulloffset) > 0) {
        if (!defined($lastwarnoffset) ) {

        if ($percent >= 100 && !$bbs)  {
          if (($offset - $lastfulloffset) > 0) {
            print LOGFILE "$user quota is full : $date\n";
            system("su - cyrus -c \"$mail -e -q $user < $mailfull.tmp\"");
            system("mail -s \"Quota full for $user\" postmaster < $mailfull.tmp");
        } elsif  ($percent >= 90 && !$bbs) {
          if (($offset - $lastwarnoffset) > 0) {
            print LOGFILE "$user quota is nearly full : $date\n";
            system("su - cyrus -c \"$mail -e -q $user < $mailwarn.tmp\"");
            system("mail postmaster -s \"Quota warn for $user\" < $mailwarn.tmp");

        if (($quota > 5120) and ($kbytes > 5120)) {
          $chargable=$kbytes - 5120;
          print ACCOUNTING "$user, $chargable, $date\n";



# Write out the quota full data again
foreach ( keys %lastwarndate ) {
    print TABLE "$lastwarndate{$_} $lastfulldate{$_} $_\n";

print "Wrote  $counter records to login data\n" if $debug;


Вот кусок лога

Mar  3 04:00:03 www drweb-smf: [h23102Yr034370]: processing message from <root@www.ru> completed (exit code 3)
Mar  3 04:00:03 www sendmail[34369]: h23101uU034369: to=postmaster,Quota,warn,for,leo, ctladdr=root (0/0), delay=00:00:02,
xdelay=00:00:02, mailer=relay, pri=150016, relay=localhost.ru. [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (h23102Yr034370 Message accepted for delivery)

Вопрос: не могу найти строки в скрипте, кторые заставляют посылать сообщения на Quota,warn,for,leo


Сообщения в этом обсуждении
"RE: qouta.pl"
Отправлено Igor , 03-Мрт-03 11:07 
system("mail postmaster -s \"Quota warn for $user\" < $mailwarn.tmp");

"RE: qouta.pl"
Отправлено A Clockwork Orange , 03-Мрт-03 11:12 
>system("mail postmaster -s \"Quota warn for $user\" < $mailwarn.tmp");

Да но здесь только postmaster?
А где Quota, for, leo ...?

"RE: qouta.pl"
Отправлено Igor , 03-Мрт-03 11:59 
>>system("mail postmaster -s \"Quota warn for $user\" < $mailwarn.tmp");
>Да но здесь только postmaster?
>А где Quota, for, leo ...?

Это значит, что он считает, что в аргументах указаны только адресаты, т.е.
postmaster -s \"Quota warn for $user\" -- это всё перечисление адресатов сообщения.
Правильно было бы так:
system("mail -s \"Quota warn for $user\" postmaster < $mailwarn.tmp");

"RE: qouta.pl"
Отправлено A Clockwork Orange , 03-Мрт-03 12:43 
>>>system("mail postmaster -s \"Quota warn for $user\" < $mailwarn.tmp");
>>Да но здесь только postmaster?
>>А где Quota, for, leo ...?
>Это значит, что он считает, что в аргументах указаны только адресаты, т.е.
>postmaster -s \"Quota warn for $user\" -- это всё перечисление адресатов сообщения.
>Правильно было бы так:
>system("mail -s \"Quota warn for $user\" postmaster < $mailwarn.tmp");

Спасибо, помогло