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"Помогите пож-ста расшифровать логи mgetty"

Отправлено SAVer , 22-Апр-05 12:29 
Возникли проблемы с dial-in модемы не хотят соединятся
система SuSE 8.2 , модем внутренний Acorp M-56PIM
вот лог mgetty.ttyS1 который обновляется каждую минуту


04/22 09:42:18 yS1 removing lock file
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.28-Jan10
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 mgetty.c compiled at Oct 21 2002, 19:05:38
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 user id: 0, parent pid: 1
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 reading configuration data for port 'ttyS1'
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 reading /etc/mgetty+sendfax/mgetty.config...
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS1'
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 section: port ttyS1, **found**
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 conf lib: read: 'speed 19200'
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 conf lib: read: 'data-only y'
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 conf lib: read: 'debug 8'
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 conf lib: read: 'init-chat "" ATZ OK ATS7=45L1V1X4&c1E1Q0 OK'
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'speed', type=0, flags=3, data=19200
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'switchbd', type=0, flags=1, data=0
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'direct', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'blocking', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'port-owner', type=1, flags=1, data=uucp
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'port-group', type=1, flags=1, data=uucp
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'port-mode', type=0, flags=1, data=432
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'toggle-dtr', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'toggle-dtr-waittime', type=0, flags=1, data=500
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'need-dsr', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'data-only', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'fax-only', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'modem-type', type=1, flags=1, data=auto
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'modem-quirks', type=0, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'init-chat', type=2, flags=3, data= ATZ OK ATS7=45L1V1X4&c1E1Q0 OK
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'force-init-chat', type=2, flags=1, data= \d\d\d\d+++\d\d\d
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'post-init-chat', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'data-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=1
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'fax-send-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'fax-rec-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'modem-check-time', type=0, flags=1, data=3600
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'rings', type=0, flags=1, data=1
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'msn-list', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'get-cnd-chat', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'cnd-program', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'answer-chat', type=2, flags=1, data= ATA CONNECT \c

04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'answer-chat-timeout', type=0, flags=1, data=80
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'autobauding', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'ringback', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'ringback-time', type=0, flags=1, data=30
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'ignore-carrier', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'issue-file', type=1, flags=1, data=/etc/issue
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'prompt-waittime', type=0, flags=1, data=500
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'login-prompt', type=1, flags=1, data=@!login:
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'login-time', type=0, flags=1, data=240
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'fido-send-emsi', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'login-conf-file', type=1, flags=1, data=login.config
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'fax-id', type=1, flags=1, data=49 115 xxxxxxxx
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'fax-min-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=0
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'fax-max-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=14400
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'fax-server-file', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'diskspace', type=0, flags=1, data=1024
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'notify', type=1, flags=1, data=faxadm
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'fax-owner', type=1, flags=1, data=root
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'fax-group', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'fax-mode', type=0, flags=1, data=432
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'fax-spool-in', type=1, flags=1, data=/var/spool/fax/incoming:/tmp
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'debug', type=0, flags=2, data=6
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'statistics-chat', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'statistics-file', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'gettydefs', type=1, flags=1, data=n
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 key: 'term', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 check for lockfiles
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 checklock: stat failed, no file
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 locking the line
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 makelock(ttyS1) called
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS1'
04/22 09:42:18 yS1 lock made
04/22 09:42:19 yS1 tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS DTR
04/22 09:42:19 yS1 WARNING: DSR is off - modem turned off or bad cable?
04/22 09:42:19 yS1 lowering DTR to reset Modem
04/22 09:42:19 yS1 tss: set speed to 19200 (016)
04/22 09:42:19 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
04/22 09:42:19 yS1 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
04/22 09:42:20 yS1 send: ATZ[0d]
04/22 09:42:20 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
04/22 09:42:20 yS1 got:
04/22 09:42:40 yS1 timeout in chat script, waiting for `OK'
04/22 09:42:40 yS1 init chat timed out, trying force-init-chat
04/22 09:42:40 yS1 send: \d[10][03]\d\d\d+++\d\d\d[0d]\dATQ0V1H0[0d]
04/22 09:42:44 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
04/22 09:42:44 yS1 got:
04/22 09:42:40 yS1 timeout in chat script, waiting for `OK'
04/22 09:42:40 yS1 init chat timed out, trying force-init-chat
04/22 09:42:40 yS1 send: \d[10][03]\d\d\d+++\d\d\d[0d]\dATQ0V1H0[0d]
04/22 09:42:44 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
04/22 09:42:44 yS1 got:
04/22 09:43:04 yS1 timeout in chat script, waiting for `OK'
04/22 09:43:04 yS1 init chat failed, exiting...: Interrupted system call
04/22 09:43:04 ##### failed in mg_init_data, dev=ttyS1, pid=1657


Сообщения в этом обсуждении
"Помогите пож-ста расшифровать логи mgetty"
Отправлено maxs , 22-Апр-05 12:57 
A mgetty.config покажи.

"пож- ста ))"
Отправлено SAVer , 22-Апр-05 13:14 
>A mgetty.config покажи.

# mgetty configuration file
# this is a sample configuration file, see mgetty.info for details
# comment lines start with a "#", empty lines are ignored

# ----- global section -----
# In this section, you put the global defaults, per-port stuff is below

# set the global debug level to "4" (default from policy.h)
#debug 4

# set the local fax station id
#fax-id 49 115 xxxxxxxx

# access the modem(s) with 38400 bps
#speed 38400

#  use these options to make the /dev/tty-device owned by "uucp.uucp"
#  and mode "rw-rw-r--" (0664). *LEADING ZERO NEEDED!*
#port-owner uucp
#port-group uucp
#port-mode 0664

#  use these options to make incoming faxes owned by "root.uucp"
#  and mode "rw-r-----" (0640). *LEADING ZERO NEEDED!*
#fax-owner root
#fax-group uucp
#fax-mode 0640

# ----- port specific section -----
# Here you can put things that are valid only for one line, not the others

# Zoom V.FX 28.8, connected to ttyS0: don't do fax, less logging
#port ttyS0
#  speed 38400
#  debug 3
#  data-only y

# some other Rockwell modem, needs "switchbd 19200" to receive faxes
# properly (otherwise it will fail with "timeout").
#port ttyS1
#  speed 38400
#  debug 3
#  data-only y

# ZyXEL 2864, connected to ttyS2: maximum debugging, grab statistics
#port ttyS2
#  speed 57600
#  data-only y
#  debug 3
#  init-chat "" ATZ OK
#  answer-chat "" ATA CONNECT \c \r

# direct connection of a VT100 terminal which doesn't like DTR drops
#port ttyS3
#  direct y
#  speed 19200
#  toggle-dtr n
port ttyS1
#    speed 57600
speed 19200
data-only y
debug 8
#init-chat "" ATZ OK
init-chat "" AT+MS=V34 OK

"пож- ста ))"
Отправлено maxs , 22-Апр-05 14:16 
а попробуй попроще  init-chat "" \d\d\d+++\d\d\dAT OK и дебаг левел 3 чтоб ясней :)
Это у тебя dial in сервер?

"новый лог"
Отправлено SAVer , 22-Апр-05 15:30 
да хочу из дома инет пользовать )

04/22 15:27:22 yS1   removing lock file
04/22 15:27:22 yS1  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.28-Jan10
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   mgetty.c compiled at Oct 21 2002, 19:05:38
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   user id: 0, parent pid: 1
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   reading configuration data for port 'ttyS1'
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   reading /etc/mgetty+sendfax/mgetty.config...
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   conf lib: read: 'port ttyS1'
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   section: port ttyS1, **found**
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   conf lib: read: 'speed 19200'
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   conf lib: read: 'data-only y'
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   conf lib: read: 'debug 3'
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   conf lib: read: 'init-chat "" \d\d\d+++\d\d\d AT OK'
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'speed', type=0, flags=3, data=19200
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'switchbd', type=0, flags=1, data=0
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'direct', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'blocking', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'port-owner', type=1, flags=1, data=uucp
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'port-group', type=1, flags=1, data=uucp
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'port-mode', type=0, flags=1, data=432
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'toggle-dtr', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'toggle-dtr-waittime', type=0, flags=1, data=500
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'need-dsr', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'data-only', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'fax-only', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'modem-type', type=1, flags=1, data=auto
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'modem-quirks', type=0, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'init-chat', type=2, flags=3, data= \d\d\d+++\d\d\d AT OK
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'force-init-chat', type=2, flags=1, data= \d\d\d\d+++\d\d\d
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'post-init-chat', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'data-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=1
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'fax-send-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'fax-rec-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'modem-check-time', type=0, flags=1, data=3600
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'rings', type=0, flags=1, data=1
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'msn-list', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'get-cnd-chat', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'cnd-program', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'answer-chat', type=2, flags=1, data= ATA CONNECT \c

04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'answer-chat-timeout', type=0, flags=1, data=80
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'autobauding', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'ringback', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'ringback-time', type=0, flags=1, data=30
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'ignore-carrier', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'issue-file', type=1, flags=1, data=/etc/issue
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'prompt-waittime', type=0, flags=1, data=500
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'login-prompt', type=1, flags=1, data=@!login:
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'login-time', type=0, flags=1, data=240
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'fido-send-emsi', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'login-conf-file', type=1, flags=1, data=login.config
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'fax-id', type=1, flags=1, data=49 115 xxxxxxxx
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'fax-min-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=0
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'fax-max-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=14400
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'fax-server-file', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'diskspace', type=0, flags=1, data=1024
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'notify', type=1, flags=1, data=faxadm
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'fax-owner', type=1, flags=1, data=root
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'fax-group', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'fax-mode', type=0, flags=1, data=432
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'fax-spool-in', type=1, flags=1, data=/var/spool/fax/incoming:/tmp
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'debug', type=0, flags=2, data=6
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'statistics-chat', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'statistics-file', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'gettydefs', type=1, flags=1, data=n
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   key: 'term', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 15:27:22 yS1  check for lockfiles
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   checklock: stat failed, no file
04/22 15:27:22 yS1  locking the line
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   makelock(ttyS1) called
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS1'
04/22 15:27:22 yS1   lock made
04/22 15:27:23 yS1   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS DTR
04/22 15:27:23 yS1  WARNING: DSR is off - modem turned off or bad cable?
04/22 15:27:23 yS1  lowering DTR to reset Modem
04/22 15:27:23 yS1   tss: set speed to 19200 (016)
04/22 15:27:23 yS1   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
04/22 15:27:23 yS1   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
04/22 15:27:23 yS1  send: \d\d\d+++\d\d\d[0d]
04/22 15:27:27 yS1  waiting for ``AT''
04/22 15:27:27 yS1   got:
04/22 15:27:47 yS1  timeout in chat script, waiting for `AT'
04/22 15:27:47 yS1  init chat timed out, trying force-init-chat
04/22 15:27:47 yS1  send: \d[10][03]\d\d\d+++\d\d\d[0d]\dATQ0V1H0[0d]
04/22 15:27:51 yS1  waiting for ``OK''
04/22 15:27:51 yS1   got:
04/22 15:28:11 yS1  timeout in chat script, waiting for `OK'
04/22 15:28:11 yS1  init chat failed, exiting...: Interrupted system call
04/22 15:28:11 ##### failed in mg_init_data, dev=ttyS1, pid=2452

"новый лог"
Отправлено maxs , 22-Апр-05 15:53 
у тебя ошибка в init-chat

у тебя -> init-chat "" \d\d\d+++\d\d\d AT OK
надо - >  init-chat "" \d\d\d+++\d\d\dAT OK
тобиш пробел не надо перед AT

"новые логи mgetty и message"
Отправлено SAVer , 22-Апр-05 16:24 

04/22 16:22:08 ##### data dev=ttySHCF0, pid=1901, caller='none', conn='57600', name='', cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', user='/AutoPPP/'

04/22 16:22:14 CF0  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.28-Jan10
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   mgetty.c compiled at Oct 21 2002, 19:05:38
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   user id: 0, parent pid: 1
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   reading configuration data for port 'ttySHCF0'
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   reading /etc/mgetty+sendfax/mgetty.config...
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   conf lib: read: 'port ttySHCF0'
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   section: port ttySHCF0, **found**
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   conf lib: read: 'speed 57600'
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   conf lib: read: 'data-only y'
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   conf lib: read: 'debug 6'
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   conf lib: read: 'init-chat "" \d\d\d+++\d\d\dAT OK'
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'speed', type=0, flags=3, data=57600
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'switchbd', type=0, flags=1, data=0
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'direct', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'blocking', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'port-owner', type=1, flags=1, data=uucp
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'port-group', type=1, flags=1, data=uucp
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'port-mode', type=0, flags=1, data=432
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'toggle-dtr', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'toggle-dtr-waittime', type=0, flags=1, data=500
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'need-dsr', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'data-only', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'fax-only', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'modem-type', type=1, flags=1, data=auto
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'modem-quirks', type=0, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'init-chat', type=2, flags=3, data= \d\d\d+++\d\d\dAT OK
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'force-init-chat', type=2, flags=1, data= \d\d\d\d+++\d\d\d
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'post-init-chat', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'data-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=1
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'fax-send-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'fax-rec-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'modem-check-time', type=0, flags=1, data=3600
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'rings', type=0, flags=1, data=1
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'msn-list', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'get-cnd-chat', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'cnd-program', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'answer-chat', type=2, flags=1, data= ATA CONNECT \c

04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'answer-chat-timeout', type=0, flags=1, data=80
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'autobauding', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'ringback', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'ringback-time', type=0, flags=1, data=30
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'ignore-carrier', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'issue-file', type=1, flags=1, data=/etc/issue
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'prompt-waittime', type=0, flags=1, data=500
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'login-prompt', type=1, flags=1, data=@!login:
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'login-time', type=0, flags=1, data=240
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'fido-send-emsi', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'login-conf-file', type=1, flags=1, data=login.config
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'fax-id', type=1, flags=1, data=49 115 xxxxxxxx
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'fax-min-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=0
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'fax-max-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=14400
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'fax-server-file', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'diskspace', type=0, flags=1, data=1024
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'notify', type=1, flags=1, data=faxadm
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'fax-owner', type=1, flags=1, data=root
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'fax-group', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'fax-mode', type=0, flags=1, data=432
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'fax-spool-in', type=1, flags=1, data=/var/spool/fax/incoming:/tmp
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'debug', type=0, flags=2, data=6
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'statistics-chat', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'statistics-file', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'gettydefs', type=1, flags=1, data=n
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   key: 'term', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/22 16:22:14 CF0  check for lockfiles
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   checklock: no active process has lock, will remove
04/22 16:22:14 CF0  locking the line
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   makelock(ttySHCF0) called
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttySHCF0'
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   lock made
04/22 16:22:14 CF0   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR
04/22 16:22:14 CF0  lowering DTR to reset Modem
04/22 16:22:15 CF0   tss: set speed to 57600 (10001)
04/22 16:22:15 CF0   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
04/22 16:22:15 CF0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
04/22 16:22:15 CF0  send: \d\d\d+++\d\d\dAT[0d]
04/22 16:22:18 CF0  waiting for ``OK''
04/22 16:22:18 CF0   got: +++AT[0d]
04/22 16:22:18 CF0    CND: +++AT[0d][0a]OK ** found **
04/22 16:22:18 CF0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: [0d][0a]
04/22 16:22:18 CF0   removing lock file
04/22 16:22:18 CF0  waiting...
04/22 16:22:34 CF0    select returned 1
04/22 16:22:34 CF0   checking lockfiles, locking the line
04/22 16:22:34 CF0   makelock(ttySHCF0) called
04/22 16:22:34 CF0   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttySHCF0'
04/22 16:22:34 CF0   lock made
04/22 16:22:34 CF0  wfr: waiting for ``RING''
04/22 16:22:34 CF0   got: [0d][0a]RING[0d]
04/22 16:22:34 CF0    CND: RING
04/22 16:22:34 CF0   wfr: rc=0, drn=0
04/22 16:22:34 CF0  send: ATA[0d]
04/22 16:22:34 CF0  waiting for ``CONNECT''
04/22 16:22:34 CF0   got: ATA[0d]
04/22 16:22:35 CF0    CND: OKATA[0d][0a]NO CARRIER
04/22 16:22:51 CF0  found action string: ``NO CARRIER''
04/22 16:22:51 ##### failed A_FAIL dev=ttySHCF0, pid=1957, caller='none', conn='', name=''

04/22 16:22:51 CF0   removing lock file

Apr 22 16:22:08 matek pppd[1901]: pppd 2.4.1 started by a_ppp, uid 0
Apr 22 16:22:08 matek pppd[1901]: Perms of /dev/ttySHCF0 are ok, no 'mesg n' neccesary.
Apr 22 16:22:08 matek pppd[1901]: speed 8 not supported
Apr 22 16:22:08 matek pppd[1901]: using channel 2
Apr 22 16:22:08 matek pppd[1901]: Using interface ppp0
Apr 22 16:22:08 matek pppd[1901]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttySHCF0
Apr 22 16:22:08 matek pppd[1901]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <auth pap> <magic 0xb8e7ebb0> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Apr 22 16:22:09 matek pppd[1901]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <auth pap> <magic 0xb8e7ebb0> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Apr 22 16:22:10 matek pppd[1901]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <auth pap> <magic 0xb8e7ebb0> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Apr 22 16:22:11 matek pppd[1901]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <auth pap> <magic 0xb8e7ebb0> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Apr 22 16:22:11 matek pppd[1901]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x43f017f8> <pcomp> <accomp> <callback CBCP>]
Apr 22 16:22:11 matek pppd[1901]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x43f017f8> <pcomp> <accomp> <callback CBCP>]
Apr 22 16:22:11 matek pppd[1901]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xb8e7ebb0]
Apr 22 16:22:11 matek pppd[1901]: cbcp_lowerup
Apr 22 16:22:11 matek pppd[1901]: want: 2
Apr 22 16:22:12 matek pppd[1901]: rcvd [LCP code=0xc id=0x3 43 f0 17 f8 4d 53 52 41 53 56 35 2e 31 30]
Apr 22 16:22:12 matek pppd[1901]: sent [LCP CodeRej id=0x2 0c 03 00 12 43 f0 17 f8 4d 53 52 41 53 56 35 2e 31 30]
Apr 22 16:22:12 matek pppd[1901]: rcvd [LCP code=0xc id=0x4 43 f0 17 f8 4d 53 52 41 53 2d 31 2d 43 48 55 56 41 4b]
Apr 22 16:22:12 matek pppd[1901]: sent [LCP CodeRej id=0x3 0c 04 00 16 43 f0 17 f8 4d 53 52 41 53 2d 31 2d 43 48 55 56 41 4b]
Apr 22 16:22:12 matek pppd[1901]: rcvd [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="alex" password=<hidden>]
Apr 22 16:22:12 matek pppd[1901]: user alex logged in
Apr 22 16:22:12 matek pppd[1901]: Script /etc/ppp/auth-up finished (pid 1948), status = 0x0
Apr 22 16:22:12 matek pppd[1901]: LCP terminated by peer (CM-p^WM-x^@<M-Mt^@^@^@^@)
Apr 22 16:22:12 matek pppd[1901]: Script /etc/ppp/auth-down finished (pid 1952), status = 0x0
Apr 22 16:22:14 matek pppd[1901]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Apr 22 16:22:14 matek pppd[1901]: Modem hangup
Apr 22 16:22:14 matek pppd[1901]: Connection terminated.
Apr 22 16:22:14 matek pppd[1901]: Connect time 0.1 minutes.
Apr 22 16:22:14 matek pppd[1901]: Sent 85 bytes, received 129 bytes.
Apr 22 16:22:14 matek pppd[1901]: Exit.

"новые логи mgetty и message"
Отправлено maxs , 22-Апр-05 16:35 
Уже лучше! С модемом в роде все нормально. А что у тебя в /etc/ppp/options
и login.config? Запость!

Отправлено SAVer , 22-Апр-05 16:55 

# login.config
# This is a sample "login dispatcher" configuration file for mgetty
# Format:
#    username userid utmp_entry login_program [arguments]
# Meaning:
#       for a "username" entered at mgettys login: prompt, call
#    "login_program" with [arguments], with the uid set to "userid",
#    and a USER_PROCESS utmp entry with ut_user = "utmp_entry"
# username may be prefixed / suffixed by "*" (wildcard)
# userid is a valid user name from /etc/passwd, or "-" to not set
#  a login user id and keep the uid/euid root (needed for /bin/login)
# utmp_entry is what will appear in the "who" listing. Use "-" to not
#  set an utmp entry (a must for /bin/login), use "@" to set it to the
#  username entered. Maximum length is 8 characters.
# login_program is the program that will be exec()ed, with the arguments
#  passed in [arguments]. A "@" in the arguments will be replaced with the
#  username entered. Warning: if no "@" is given, the login_program has
#  no way to know what user name the user entered.
# Use this one with my Taylor-UUCP and Taylor-UUCP passwd files.
#  (Big advantage: tuucp can use the same passwd file for serial dial-in
#   and tcp dial-in [uucico running as in.uucpd]). Works from 1.05 up.
#U*    uucp    @    /usr/sbin/uucico -l -u @

# Use this one for fido calls (login name /FIDO/ is handled specially)
# You need Eugene Crosser's "ifmail" package for this to work.
#  mgetty has to be compiled with "-DFIDO", otherwise a fido call won't
#  be detected.
#/FIDO/    uucp    fido    /usr/local/lib/fnet/ifcico @

# Automatic PPP startup on receipt of LCP configure request (AutoPPP).
#  mgetty has to be compiled with "-DAUTO_PPP" for this to work.
#  Warning: Case is significant, AUTOPPP or autoppp won't work!
#  Consult the "pppd" man page to find pppd options that work for you.
#  NOTE: for *some* users, the "-detach" option has been necessary, for
#        others, not at all. If your pppd doesn't die after hangup, try it.
#  NOTE2: "debug" creates lots of debugging info.  LOOK AT IT if things
#         do not work out of the box, most likely it's a ppp problem!
#  NOTE3: "man pppd" is your friend!
#  NOTE4: max. 9 arguments allowed.
/AutoPPP/ -    a_ppp    /usr/sbin/pppd auth refuse-chap require-pap login debug
#/AutoPPP/ -    a_ppp    /usr/sbin/pppd auth require-chap login debug
# An example where no login name in the argument list is desired:
#  automatically telnetting to machine "smarty" for a given login name
#telnet-smarty    gast    telnet    /usr/bin/telnet -8 smarty
# This is the "standard" behaviour - *dont* set a userid or utmp
#  entry here, otherwise /bin/login will fail!
#  This entry isn't really necessary: if it's missing, the built-in
#  default will do exactly this.
*    -    -    /bin/login @
два файла options и options.ttySHCF0

# /etc/ppp/options
# Not every option is listed here, see man pppd for more details.
# This file is read by the pppd,
# it is an error when it is not present.
# use the following command to see the active options:
# grep -v ^# /etc/ppp/options | grep -v ^$

# ---<Start of File>---
# The name of this server. Often, the FQDN is used here.
#name matek

# Enforce the use of the hostname as the name of the local system for
# authentication purposes (overrides the name option).

# If no local IP address is given, pppd will use the first IP address
# that belongs to the local hostname. If "noipdefault" is given, this
# is disabled and the peer will have to supply an IP address.

# With this option, pppd will accept the peer's idea of our local IP
# address, even if the local IP address was specified in an option.

# With this option, pppd will accept the peer's idea of its (remote) IP
# address, even if the remote IP address was specified in an option.

# Run the executable or shell command specified after pppd has terminated
# the link.  This script could, for example, issue commands to the modem
# to cause it to hang up if hardware modem control signals were not
# available.
# If mgetty is running, it will reset the modem anyway. So there is no need
# to do it here.
#disconnect "chat -- \d+++\d\c OK ath0 OK"

# Increase debugging level (same as -d). The debug output is written
# to syslog LOG_LOCAL2.

# Enable debugging code in the kernel-level PPP driver.  The argument n
# is a number which is the sum of the following values: 1 to enable
# general debug messages, 2 to request that the contents of received
# packets be printed, and 4 to request that the contents of transmitted
# packets be printed.
#kdebug n

# noauth means do not require the peer to authenticate itself, this must
# be set if you want to use pppd to connect to the internet. In this case
# *you* must authenicate yourself to the peer(internet provider), so do
# not disable this setting unless you are the dial-in server which where
# the peer has to autenticate to.

# Use hardware flow control (i.e. RTS/CTS) to control the flow of data
# on the serial port.

# Specifies that pppd should use a UUCP-style lock on the serial device
# to ensure exclusive access to the device.

# Use the modem control lines.(is default)
# The opposite: local
# Description:
# Don't use  the  modem  control  lines.   With  this
# option,  pppd will ignore the state of the CD (Car­
# rier Detect) signal from the  modem  and  will  not
# change  the  state of the DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
# signal.
# You need to disable modem and enable local if you want to connect
# to anoter system without using a modem:

# async character map -- 32-bit hex; each bit is a character
# that needs to be escaped for pppd to receive it.  0x00000001
# represents '\x01', and 0x80000000 represents '\x1f'.
# To allow pppd to work over a rlogin/telnet connection, ou should escape
# XON (^Q), XOFF  (^S) and ^]: (The peer should use "escape ff".)
#asyncmap  200a0000
asyncmap 0

# needed for some ISDN Terminaladaters, namely ELSA, those seem to have
# problems with asyncmap negotiation, so you can turn off this procedure
# in case your ISDN box has trouble with it, by enabling this option.
# You have to disable the asyncmap <x> option to be sure to have it
# active. If you use wvdial, set the ISDN parameter in /etc/wvdial.conf
# instead.

# Set the MRU [Maximum Receive Unit] value to <n> for negotiation.  pppd
# will ask the peer to send packets of no more than <n> bytes. The
# minimum MRU value is 128.  The default MRU value is 1500.  A value of
# 296 is recommended for slow links (40 bytes for TCP/IP header + 256
# bytes of data). The value 1492 is for DSL connections (PPP Default -
# PPPoE Header: 1500 - 8 = 1492)
# mru 1492

# Set the MTU [Maximum Transmit Unit] value to <n>. Unless the peer
# requests a smaller value via MRU negotiation, pppd will request that
# the kernel networking code send data packets of no more than n bytes
# through the PPP network interface. The value 1492 is for DSL connections
# (PPP Default - PPPoE Header: 1500 - 8 = 1492)
# mtu 1492

# Set the interface netmask to <n>, a 32 bit netmask in "decimal dot"
# notation (e.g.

# Don't fork to become a background process (otherwise pppd will do so
# if a serial device is specified).

# If this option is given, pppd will send an LCP echo-request frame to
# the peer every n seconds. Under Linux, the echo-request is sent when
# no packets have been received from the peer for n seconds. Normally
# the peer should respond to the echo-request by sending an echo-reply.
# This option can be used with the lcp-echo-failure option to detect
# that the peer is no longer connected.
lcp-echo-interval 30

# If this option is given, pppd will presume the peer to be dead if n
# LCP echo-requests are sent without receiving a valid LCP echo-reply.
# If this happens, pppd will terminate the connection.  Use of this
# option requires a non-zero value for the lcp-echo-interval parameter.
# This option can be used to enable pppd to terminate after the physical
# connection has been broken (e.g., the modem has hung up) in
# situations where no hardware modem control lines are available.
lcp-echo-failure 4

# Send up to 60 LCP configure-request during negotiation. With a value
# of 2 for lcp-restart below, this might take up to 2 minutes.
lcp-max-configure 60

# Resend unanswered LCP requests after 2 seconds.
lcp-restart 2

# Specifies that pppd should disconnect if the link is idle for n seconds.
idle 600

# Specifies the maximal number of attempts to connect to the server. This
# is useful for dial on demand. Default value is 10.
#maxfail 3

# Disable the IPXCP and IPX protocols.

# The next two options are only interesting for you if you are admin of
# a system with other users that use ppp, and those users are normally
# never allowed to add default route, or you do not want users to
# replace the default route.

# enable this to prevent users from attempting to add a default route.
# Use this option with caution: If the user needs to use a program like
# wvdial, he will not be able to connect because wvdial forces defaulroute
# but this is rejected by this option and the user will not be able to
# connect to the internet.

# enable this to prevent users from replacing an existing default route.

# All options below only make sense if you configure pppd to be a dial-in
# server, so don't touch these if you want dial into your provider with
# PPP!

# Set the assumed name of the remote system for authentication purposes
# to <n>.
remotename <alex>

# Add an entry to this system's ARP [Address Resolution Protocol]
# table with the IP address of the peer and the Ethernet address of this
# system. {proxyarp,noproxyarp}

# Use the system password database for authenticating the peer using
# PAP. Note: mgetty already provides this option. If this is specified
# then dialin from users using a script under Linux to fire up ppp wont work.

# Specify which DNS Servers the incoming Win95 or WinNT Connection should use
# Two Servers can be remotely configured
ms-dns 195.112.x.x

# Specify which WINS Servers the incoming connection Win95 or WinNT should use

# ---<End of File>---
# Not every option was listed here, see man pppd for more details.
# This file is read by the pppd,
# it IS an error when it is NOT present.
# use the following command to see the active options:
# grep -v ^# /etc/ppp/options | grep -v ^$

debug 8

debug 8
mtu 576
mru 576
ms-dns 195.112.x.x

Отправлено maxs , 22-Апр-05 17:14 
а шо клиент пишет? все вроде должно работать. IP в pap-secrets назначил?
Мож с клиентом шо? Бывают глюки.

"Помогите пож-ста расшифровать логи mgetty"
Отправлено Feanoro , 24-Май-06 18:13 
>Возникли проблемы с dial-in модемы не хотят соединятся
Примерно Происходит следующее система пытается обратится к модему и тот не отвечает. Вот и все. Либо модем неверно подключен либо неверно запускается.