Podskazhite pls. kak zapretit clamav otsilat' opoveshenija o soderzhanii virusa.
>Podskazhite pls. kak zapretit clamav otsilat' opoveshenija o soderzhanii virusa.VirusEvent parametr v conf faile.
# Execute a command when virus is found. In the command string %v will
# be replaced by a virus name.
# Default: disabled
#VirusEvent /usr/local/bin/send_sms 123456789 "VIRUS ALERT: %v"a reporti vse ravno prixodjat
>>Podskazhite pls. kak zapretit clamav otsilat' opoveshenija o soderzhanii virusa.
>VirusEvent parametr v conf faile.
># Execute a command when virus is found. In the command string
>%v will
># be replaced by a virus name.
># Default: disabled
>#VirusEvent /usr/local/bin/send_sms 123456789 "VIRUS ALERT: %v"
>a reporti vse ravno prixodjat
>>>Podskazhite pls. kak zapretit clamav otsilat' opoveshenija o soderzhanii virusa.
>>VirusEvent parametr v conf faile.1. servis perezapu6en jesli eto clamd ?
2. vozmozno 4to 4to-to drugoje prisilajet ot4eti ?
Servis perezapushen.
A chto mozhet eshe peresilat?
>># Execute a command when virus is found. In the command string
>>%v will
>># be replaced by a virus name.
>># Default: disabled
>>#VirusEvent /usr/local/bin/send_sms 123456789 "VIRUS ALERT: %v"
>>a reporti vse ravno prixodjat
>>>>Podskazhite pls. kak zapretit clamav otsilat' opoveshenija o soderzhanii virusa.
>>>VirusEvent parametr v conf faile.
>1. servis perezapu6en jesli eto clamd ?
>2. vozmozno 4to 4to-to drugoje prisilajet ot4eti ?
>Servis perezapushen.
>A chto mozhet eshe peresilat?
>>># Execute a command when virus is found. In the command string
>>>%v will
>>># be replaced by a virus name.
>>># Default: disabled
>>>#VirusEvent /usr/local/bin/send_sms 123456789 "VIRUS ALERT: %v"
>>>a reporti vse ravno prixodjat
>>>>>Podskazhite pls. kak zapretit clamav otsilat' opoveshenija o soderzhanii virusa.
>>>>VirusEvent parametr v conf faile.
>>1. servis perezapu6en jesli eto clamd ?
>>2. vozmozno 4to 4to-to drugoje prisilajet ot4eti ?Ja ne znaju dla 4ego i s 4em v svazke vi ispolzujete clam.
sendmail + clamav
>>Servis perezapushen.
>>A chto mozhet eshe peresilat?
>>>># Execute a command when virus is found. In the command string
>>>>%v will
>>>># be replaced by a virus name.
>>>># Default: disabled
>>>>#VirusEvent /usr/local/bin/send_sms 123456789 "VIRUS ALERT: %v"
>>>>a reporti vse ravno prixodjat
>>>>>>Podskazhite pls. kak zapretit clamav otsilat' opoveshenija o soderzhanii virusa.
>>>>>VirusEvent parametr v conf faile.
>>>1. servis perezapu6en jesli eto clamd ?
>>>2. vozmozno 4to 4to-to drugoje prisilajet ot4eti ?
>Ja ne znaju dla 4ego i s 4em v svazke vi ispolzujete
>sendmail + clamav
>>>Servis perezapushen.
>>>A chto mozhet eshe peresilat?
>>>>># Execute a command when virus is found. In the command string
>>>>>%v will
>>>>># be replaced by a virus name.
>>>>># Default: disabled
>>>>>#VirusEvent /usr/local/bin/send_sms 123456789 "VIRUS ALERT: %v"
>>>>>a reporti vse ravno prixodjat
>>>>>>>Podskazhite pls. kak zapretit clamav otsilat' opoveshenija o soderzhanii virusa.
>>>>>>VirusEvent parametr v conf faile.
>>>>1. servis perezapu6en jesli eto clamd ?
>>>>2. vozmozno 4to 4to-to drugoje prisilajet ot4eti ?
>>Ja ne znaju dla 4ego i s 4em v svazke vi ispolzujete
>>clam.1. Jesli clamav-milter, togda i etot servis nado perezapustit.
2. Opjat zhe, jesli clamav-milter ispolzujet svoi conf fail, togda
nado pravitj tam.
ALL OK. Spasibo,
Problema bila v kluche -b prizapuske clamav-milter
--bounce -b Send a failure message to the sender.
dlja chego nuzhen paket ClamavSMTP?>>sendmail + clamav
>>>>Servis perezapushen.
>>>>A chto mozhet eshe peresilat?
>>>>>># Execute a command when virus is found. In the command string
>>>>>>%v will
>>>>>># be replaced by a virus name.
>>>>>># Default: disabled
>>>>>>#VirusEvent /usr/local/bin/send_sms 123456789 "VIRUS ALERT: %v"
>>>>>>a reporti vse ravno prixodjat
>>>>>>>>Podskazhite pls. kak zapretit clamav otsilat' opoveshenija o soderzhanii virusa.
>>>>>>>VirusEvent parametr v conf faile.
>>>>>1. servis perezapu6en jesli eto clamd ?
>>>>>2. vozmozno 4to 4to-to drugoje prisilajet ot4eti ?
>>>Ja ne znaju dla 4ego i s 4em v svazke vi ispolzujete
>1. Jesli clamav-milter, togda i etot servis nado perezapustit.
>2. Opjat zhe, jesli clamav-milter ispolzujet svoi conf fail, togda
>nado pravitj tam.
>ALL OK. Spasibo,
>Problema bila v kluche -b prizapuske clamav-milter
>--bounce -b Send a failure message to the sender.
>dlja chego nuzhen paket ClamavSMTP?Ponatija ne imeju.
>>>sendmail + clamav
>>>>>Servis perezapushen.
>>>>>A chto mozhet eshe peresilat?
>>>>>>># Execute a command when virus is found. In the command string
>>>>>>>%v will
>>>>>>># be replaced by a virus name.
>>>>>>># Default: disabled
>>>>>>>#VirusEvent /usr/local/bin/send_sms 123456789 "VIRUS ALERT: %v"
>>>>>>>a reporti vse ravno prixodjat
>>>>>>>>>Podskazhite pls. kak zapretit clamav otsilat' opoveshenija o soderzhanii virusa.
>>>>>>>>VirusEvent parametr v conf faile.
>>>>>>1. servis perezapu6en jesli eto clamd ?
>>>>>>2. vozmozno 4to 4to-to drugoje prisilajet ot4eti ?
>>>>Ja ne znaju dla 4ego i s 4em v svazke vi ispolzujete
>>1. Jesli clamav-milter, togda i etot servis nado perezapustit.
>>2. Opjat zhe, jesli clamav-milter ispolzujet svoi conf fail, togda
>>nado pravitj tam.