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"Back-UPS CS 350"

Отправлено rm , 21-Ноя-05 18:30 
посоветуйте плз софт для упса, чтоб тот мог шатдуанить freebsd 5.3, когда свет отрубят! :)


Сообщения в этом обсуждении
"Back-UPS CS 350"
Отправлено byte , 22-Ноя-05 09:04 
>посоветуйте плз софт для упса...

"Back-UPS CS 350"
Отправлено rm , 24-Ноя-05 19:24 
>>посоветуйте плз софт для упса...

помогите плз. пробовал софт apcupsd, но никак не могу определить какой /dev писать в конфиге. Подключено все к com порту (шнурокот упса rj45->com)
В ядре порты включены.

"Back-UPS CS 350"
Отправлено rm , 24-Ноя-05 21:05 
кабель смарт, упс backups

2005-11-24 20:58:04 apctest 3.10.18 (21 July 2005) freebsd
Checking configuration ...
Attached to driver: dumb
sharenet.type = DISABLE
cable.type = CUSTOM_SMART

You are using a SMART cable type, so I'm entering SMART test mode
Unknown mode.type: 1
Setting up the port ...
Creating the device lock file ...
Hello, this is the apcupsd Cable Test program.
This part of apctest is for testing Smart UPSes.
Please select the function you want to perform.

1) Query the UPS for all known values
2) Perform a Battery Runtime Calibration
3) Abort Battery Calibration
4) Monitor Battery Calibration progress
5) Program EEPROM
6) Enter TTY mode communicating with UPS
7) Quit

Select function number:

после выбора 1

I am going to run through the series of queries of the UPS
that are used in initializing apcupsd.

Simulating UPSlinkCheck ...
Wrote: Y Got: ≤
getline failed. Apparently the link is not up.
Giving up.

если выбрать другие параметры - упс smartups на apctest вылезает

Checking configuration ...
Attached to driver: apcsmart
sharenet.type = DISABLE
cable.type = CUSTOM_SMART

You are using a SMART cable type, so I'm entering SMART test mode
Unknown mode.type: 11
Setting up the port ...
apctest FATAL ERROR in smartsetup.c at line 177
PANIC! Cannot communicate with UPS via serial port.
Please make sure the port specified on the DEVICE directive is correct,
and that your cable specification on the UPSCABLE directive is correct.
apctest FATAL ERROR in smartsetup.c at line 177
PANIC! Cannot communicate with UPS via serial port.
Please make sure the port specified on the DEVICE directive is correct,
and that your cable specification on the UPSCABLE directive is correct.
apctest error termination completed

Если же упс dump и кабель simple то

Attached to driver: dumb
sharenet.type = DISABLE
cable.type = CUSTOM_SIMPLE
Unknown mode.type: 1
Setting up the port ...
Creating the device lock file ...
Doing prep_device() ...
Hello, this is the apcupsd Cable Test program.

We are beginning testing for dumb UPSes, which
use signaling rather than commands.
Most tests enter a loop polling every second for 10 seconds.

1) Test 1 - normal mode
2) Test 2 - no cable
3) Test 3 - no power
4) Test 4 - low battery (requires test 3 first)
5) Test 5 - battery exhausted
6) Test 6 - kill UPS power
7) Test 7 - run tests 1 through 5
8) Guess which is the appropriate cable
9) Quit

причем тесты 1-3 работают неправильно!!! что делать? уже замучался

"Back-UPS CS 350"
Отправлено rm , 24-Ноя-05 21:13 
# apcupsd -c

вообще ничего не выдает
потом в процессах висит просто..

root@stanton# ps -ax|grep apc
  335  ??  Ss     0:00,00 apcupsd -c