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"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"

Отправлено kant76 , 23-Май-06 13:52 
Доброго денечка!

Кто сталкивался с такой проблемой подскажите плз как решить. или может все не так страшно.

Поставил Spamassassin 3.0.5(хотя ставил и 3.0.3 и 3.0.4 проблема таже) вываливаються тьакие вот ошибки
May 23 13:44:55 ns spamd[19723]: spamd starting
May 23 13:44:55 ns spamd[19725]: Failed to run __ENV_AND_HDR_FROM_MATCH SpamAssassin test, skipping:__(Can't locate object method "check_for_matching_env_and_hdr_from" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm line 2341._)
May 23 13:44:55 ns spamd[19725]: Failed to run USER_IN_DEF_SPF_WL SpamAssassin test, skipping:__(Can't locate object method "check_for_def_spf_whitelist_from" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm line 2341._)
May 23 13:44:55 ns spamd[19725]: Failed to run USER_IN_SPF_WHITELIST SpamAssassin test, skipping:__(Can't locate object method "check_for_spf_whitelist_from" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm line 2341._)
May 23 13:44:55 ns spamd[19725]: server started on port 783/tcp (running version 3.0.5)

Это както лечиться?


Сообщения в этом обсуждении
"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено Tigran Parsadanian , 23-Май-06 16:39 
Мне кажется что у тебя обновился perl, и ты не сделал use.perl port.
попробуй переставь/поставь perl 5.8.8.
Если не ошибаюсь проблеммы связанны с версией perl-а.

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено kant76 , 23-Май-06 16:48 
>Мне кажется что у тебя обновился perl, и ты не сделал use.perl
>попробуй переставь/поставь perl 5.8.8.
>Если не ошибаюсь проблеммы связанны с версией perl-а.

У меня Perl 5.8.6 FedoraCore4. На другой машине такая же версия  и работает без проблем.
Правда я перд тем как 3.0.5 поставить из rpm пытался поставить через perl Spamassassin3.1.1
Но не все модули захотелись компилироваться. В частности не удалось поставить Net::Ident и IO::Socket::INET6.

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено Tigran Parsadanian , 23-Май-06 16:55 
И почему Spamassassin 3.0.5?
Мне кажется лучше Perl 5.8.8 и Spamassassin 3.1.1

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено kant76 , 23-Май-06 16:58 
>И почему Spamassassin 3.0.5?
>Мне кажется лучше Perl 5.8.8 и Spamassassin 3.1.1

я перд тем как 3.0.5 поставить из rpm пытался поставить через perl Spamassassin3.1.1
Но не все модули захотелись компилироваться. В частности не удалось поставить Net::Ident и IO::Socket::INET6

Это может быть связано с версией perl

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено Tigran Parsadanian , 23-Май-06 17:00 
А что выдает
spamassasin --lint

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено kant76 , 23-Май-06 17:06 
>А что выдает
>spamassasin --lint

config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@nytimes.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@amazon.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@*.amazon.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@amazon.co.uk
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@*.amazon.co.uk
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@ora.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@*.ora.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@bn.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@mypoints.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@*.mypoints.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@paypal.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@ebay.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@foolsubs.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@match.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@walmart.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@securityfocus.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@mediaunspun.imakenews.net
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@bdcimail.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@silicon.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@newsletter.online.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@enews.buy.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@palm.m0.net
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@handspring.4at1.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping:
warning: score set for non-existent rule PENIS_ENLARGE2
warning: score set for non-existent rule HTML_COMMENT_8BITS
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_9
warning: score set for non-existent rule MLM
warning: score set for non-existent rule LINES_OF_YELLING_2
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_8
warning: score set for non-existent rule HEADER_8BITS
warning: score set for non-existent rule HTML_WITH_BGCOLOR
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_13
warning: score set for non-existent rule MONEY_MAKING
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_3
warning: score set for non-existent rule MAILTO_LINK
warning: score set for non-existent rule CHARSET_FARAWAY_HEADERS
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_4
warning: score set for non-existent rule SUBJ_HASUNIQ_ID
warning: score set for non-existent rule BIG_FONT
warning: score set for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_DUL
warning: score set for non-existent rule REFERENCES
warning: score set for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_NJABL
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_1
warning: score set for non-existent rule MAILTO_WITH_SUBJ
warning: score set for non-existent rule CLICK_BELOW
warning: score set for non-existent rule LINES_OF_YELLING_3
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_11
warning: score set for non-existent rule MICROSOFT_EXECUTABLE
warning: score set for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_OSIRUSOFT_COM
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_6
warning: score set for non-existent rule SUBJ_HAS_Q_MARK
warning: score set for non-existent rule IN_REP_TO
warning: score set for non-existent rule INVALID_DATE_ODD_MONTH
warning: score set for non-existent rule SUBJ_FULL_OF_8BITS
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_10
warning: score set for non-existent rule MAILTO_WITHSUBJ_REMOVE
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_7
warning: score set for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_RFCI
warning: score set for non-existent rule CTYPE_JUST_HTML
warning: score set for non-existent rule SUBG_ALL_CAPS
warning: score set for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_DUL_FH
warning: score set for non-existent rule LINES_OF_YELLING
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_12
warning: score set for non-existent rule SUBJ_EBDS_IN_Q_MARK
warning: score set for non-existent rule REMOVE_FROM_LIST
warning: score set for non-existent rule SUPERLONG_LINE
warning: score set for non-existent rule CHARSET_FARAWAY_BODY
warning: score set for non-existent rule PENIS_ENLARGE1
warning: score set for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_RBL
Failed to run __ENV_AND_HDR_FROM_MATCH SpamAssassin test, skipping:
        (Can't locate object method "check_for_matching_env_and_hdr_from" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm line 2341.
Failed to run USER_IN_DEF_SPF_WL SpamAssassin test, skipping:
        (Can't locate object method "check_for_def_spf_whitelist_from" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm line 2341.
Failed to run USER_IN_SPF_WHITELIST SpamAssassin test, skipping:
        (Can't locate object method "check_for_spf_whitelist_from" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm line 2341.
lint: 73 issues detected.  please rerun with debug enabled for more information.

короче полный аут....
Че делать?

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено Tigran Parsadanian , 23-Май-06 17:10 
и еще
spamassasin -D

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено kant76 , 23-Май-06 17:11 
>и еще
>spamassasin -D

debug: SpamAssassin version 3.0.5
debug: Score set 0 chosen.
debug: running in taint mode? yes
debug: Running in taint mode, removing unsafe env vars, and resetting PATH
debug: PATH included '/usr/kerberos/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/kerberos/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/local/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/local/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/X11R6/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/root/bin', which doesn't exist, dropping.
debug: Final PATH set to: /usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено Tigran Parsadanian , 23-Май-06 17:13 
А что было дальше???
Ты наверное сделал Ctrl+C ???

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено Tigran Parsadanian , 23-Май-06 17:14 
А лучше
spamassasin --lint -D

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено kant76 , 23-Май-06 17:16 
>А лучше
>spamassasin --lint -D

debug: Score set 0 chosen.
debug: running in taint mode? yes
debug: Running in taint mode, removing unsafe env vars, and resetting PATH
debug: PATH included '/usr/kerberos/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/kerberos/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/local/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/local/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/X11R6/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/root/bin', which doesn't exist, dropping.
debug: Final PATH set to: /usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
debug: diag: module installed: DBI, version 1.48
debug: diag: module installed: DB_File, version 1.810
debug: diag: module installed: Digest::SHA1, version 2.10
debug: diag: module installed: IO::Socket::UNIX, version 1.21
debug: diag: module installed: MIME::Base64, version 3.05
debug: diag: module installed: Net::DNS, version 0.49
debug: diag: module installed: Net::LDAP, version 0.33
debug: diag: module not installed: Razor2::Client::Agent ('require' failed)
debug: diag: module installed: Storable, version 2.13
debug: diag: module installed: URI, version 1.35
debug: ignore: using a test message to lint rules
debug: using "/etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre" for site rules init.pre
debug: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre
debug: using "/usr/share/spamassassin" for default rules dir
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/10_misc.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_anti_ratware.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_body_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_compensate.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_dnsbl_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_drugs.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_fake_helo_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_head_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_html_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_meta_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_phrases.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_porn.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_ratware.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_uri_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/23_bayes.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_accessdb.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_antivirus.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_body_tests_es.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_body_tests_pl.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_dcc.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_domainkeys.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_hashcash.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_pyzor.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_razor2.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_replace.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_spf.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_textcat.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_uribl.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_de.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_fr.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_it.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_nl.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_pl.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_pt_br.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/50_scores.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/60_awl.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/60_whitelist.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/60_whitelist_spf.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/60_whitelist_subject.cf
debug: using "/etc/mail/spamassassin" for site rules dir
debug: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf
debug: using "/root/.spamassassin" for user state dir
debug: using "/root/.spamassassin/user_prefs" for user prefs file
debug: config: read file /root/.spamassassin/user_prefs
debug: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL from @INC
debug: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x9443bb4)
debug: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash from @INC
debug: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash=HASH(0x9da9ca8)
debug: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF from @INC
debug: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x9d832ac)
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x9443bb4) implements 'parse_config'
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash=HASH(0x9da9ca8) implements 'parse_config'
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@nytimes.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@amazon.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@*.amazon.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@amazon.co.uk
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@*.amazon.co.uk
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@ora.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@*.ora.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@bn.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@mypoints.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@*.mypoints.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@paypal.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@ebay.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@foolsubs.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@match.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@walmart.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@securityfocus.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@mediaunspun.imakenews.net
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@bdcimail.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@silicon.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@newsletter.online.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@enews.buy.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@palm.m0.net
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: def_whitelist_from_spf   *@handspring.4at1.com
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping:
warning: score set for non-existent rule PENIS_ENLARGE2
warning: score set for non-existent rule HTML_COMMENT_8BITS
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_9
warning: score set for non-existent rule MLM
warning: score set for non-existent rule LINES_OF_YELLING_2
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_8
warning: score set for non-existent rule HEADER_8BITS
warning: score set for non-existent rule HTML_WITH_BGCOLOR
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_13
warning: score set for non-existent rule MONEY_MAKING
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_3
warning: score set for non-existent rule MAILTO_LINK
warning: score set for non-existent rule CHARSET_FARAWAY_HEADERS
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_4
warning: score set for non-existent rule SUBJ_HASUNIQ_ID
warning: score set for non-existent rule BIG_FONT
warning: score set for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_DUL
warning: score set for non-existent rule REFERENCES
warning: score set for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_NJABL
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_1
warning: score set for non-existent rule MAILTO_WITH_SUBJ
warning: score set for non-existent rule CLICK_BELOW
warning: score set for non-existent rule LINES_OF_YELLING_3
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_11
warning: score set for non-existent rule MICROSOFT_EXECUTABLE
warning: score set for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_OSIRUSOFT_COM
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_6
warning: score set for non-existent rule SUBJ_HAS_Q_MARK
warning: score set for non-existent rule IN_REP_TO
warning: score set for non-existent rule INVALID_DATE_ODD_MONTH
warning: score set for non-existent rule SUBJ_FULL_OF_8BITS
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_10
warning: score set for non-existent rule MAILTO_WITHSUBJ_REMOVE
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_7
warning: score set for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_RFCI
warning: score set for non-existent rule CTYPE_JUST_HTML
warning: score set for non-existent rule SUBG_ALL_CAPS
warning: score set for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_DUL_FH
warning: score set for non-existent rule LINES_OF_YELLING
warning: score set for non-existent rule PORN_12
warning: score set for non-existent rule SUBJ_EBDS_IN_Q_MARK
warning: score set for non-existent rule REMOVE_FROM_LIST
warning: score set for non-existent rule SUPERLONG_LINE
warning: score set for non-existent rule CHARSET_FARAWAY_BODY
warning: score set for non-existent rule PENIS_ENLARGE1
warning: score set for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_RBL
debug: bayes: 4375 tie-ing to DB file R/O /etc/mail/spamassassin/bayes_toks
debug: bayes: 4375 tie-ing to DB file R/O /etc/mail/spamassassin/bayes_seen
debug: bayes: found bayes db version 3
debug: Score set 3 chosen.
debug: ---- MIME PARSER START ----
debug: main message type: text/plain
debug: parsing normal part
debug: added part, type: text/plain
debug: ---- MIME PARSER END ----
debug: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Trusted:
debug: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted:
debug: decoding: no encoding detected
debug: Loading languages file...
debug: Language possibly: en,sco
debug: metadata: X-Languages: en sco
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x9443bb4) implements 'parsed_metadata'
debug: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes
debug: Net::DNS version: 0.49
debug: trying (3) akamai.com...
debug: looking up NS for 'akamai.com'
debug: NS lookup of akamai.com succeeded => Dns available (set dns_available to hardcode)
debug: is DNS available? 1
debug: URIDNSBL: domains to query:
debug: all '*From' addrs: ignore@compiling.spamassassin.taint.org
debug: Running tests for priority: 0
debug: running header regexp tests; score so far=0
debug: registering glue method for check_hashcash_double_spend (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash=HASH(0x9da9ca8))
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_helo_pass (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x9d832ac))
debug: SPF: message was delivered entirely via trusted relays, not required
debug: registering glue method for check_hashcash_value (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash=HASH(0x9da9ca8))
debug: all '*To' addrs:
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_softfail (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x9d832ac))
debug: SPF: message was delivered entirely via trusted relays, not required
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_pass (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x9d832ac))
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_helo_softfail (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x9d832ac))
debug: no method found for eval test check_for_matching_env_and_hdr_from
Failed to run __ENV_AND_HDR_FROM_MATCH SpamAssassin test, skipping:
        (Can't locate object method "check_for_matching_env_and_hdr_from" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm line 2341.
debug: no method found for eval test check_for_def_spf_whitelist_from
Failed to run USER_IN_DEF_SPF_WL SpamAssassin test, skipping:
        (Can't locate object method "check_for_def_spf_whitelist_from" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm line 2341.
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_fail (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x9d832ac))
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_helo_fail (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x9d832ac))
debug: no method found for eval test check_for_spf_whitelist_from
Failed to run USER_IN_SPF_WHITELIST SpamAssassin test, skipping:
        (Can't locate object method "check_for_spf_whitelist_from" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm line 2341.
debug: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=1.718
debug: running uri tests; score so far=1.718
debug: bayes corpus size: nspam = 378, nham = 200
debug: tokenize: header tokens for *F = "U*ignore D*compiling.spamassassin.taint.org D*spamassassin.taint.org D*taint.org D*org"
debug: tokenize: header tokens for *m = "  1148390265 lint_rules "
debug: tokenize: header tokens for X-Languages = " en sco"
debug: tokenize: header tokens for *RT = " "
debug: tokenize: header tokens for *RU = " "
debug: bayes token 'HX-Languages:sco' => 0.997298245614035
debug: bayes token 'H*F:D*org' => 0.990941176470588
debug: bayes token 'body' => 0.926222396458531
debug: bayes: score = 0.945040006493693
debug: bayes: 4375 untie-ing
debug: bayes: 4375 untie-ing db_toks
debug: bayes: 4375 untie-ing db_seen
debug: registering glue method for check_uridnsbl (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x9443bb4))
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x9443bb4) implements 'check_tick'
debug: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=3.718
debug: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=3.718
debug: DCCifd is not available: no r/w dccifd socket found.
debug: Running tests for priority: 500
debug: RBL: success for 1 of 1 queries
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x9443bb4) implements 'check_post_dnsbl'
debug: running meta tests; score so far=3.718
debug: running header regexp tests; score so far=4.943
debug: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=4.943
debug: running uri tests; score so far=4.943
debug: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=4.943
debug: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=4.943
debug: Running tests for priority: 1000
debug: running meta tests; score so far=4.943
debug: running header regexp tests; score so far=4.943
debug: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=4.943
debug: running uri tests; score so far=4.943
debug: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=4.943
debug: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=4.943
debug: is spam? score=4.943 required=5
lint: 73 issues detected.  please rerun with debug enabled for more information.

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено Tigran Parsadanian , 23-Май-06 17:20 
А пробовал переустановить спамассасин?

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено kant76 , 23-Май-06 17:24 
>А пробовал переустановить спамассасин?

Пробовал 3.0.3 когда увидел что результат тотже поставил снова 3.0.5

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено kant76 , 23-Май-06 17:38 
В общем сдается мне что никто мне не поможет :((.
Как переустановить Perl так чтобы не навредить...???

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено Tigran Parsadanian , 24-Май-06 10:00 
Честно говоря я не силен в Fedora :( , если freebsd, то это другое дело.
И еще надо решить вопросы с Net::Ident и IO::Socket::INET6.

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено kant76 , 24-Май-06 11:40 
>Честно говоря я не силен в Fedora :( , если freebsd, то
>это другое дело.
>И еще надо решить вопросы с Net::Ident и IO::Socket::INET6.

Да уж попробовал сегодня переставит perl и все писец... ассейш ваще стартовать не хочет...

Starting spamd: Can't locate Digest/SHA1.pm in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.4/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.3/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.3 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6) at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin/EvalTests.pm line 33.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin/EvalTests.pm line 33.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm line 56.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm line 56.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin.pm line 74.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/Mail/SpamAssassin.pm line 74.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/bin/spamd line 42.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/spamd line 42.

Че теперь? как этот перл совсем переустановить так чтоб без последствий...?

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено Vladimir , 24-Май-06 12:42 
может по тупому?
rpm -e perl
а затем
yum install perl

или сразу
yum update perl

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено ALex_hha , 26-Май-06 13:54 
>может по тупому?
>rpm -e perl
на него пол системы завязано. Тогда уж
# rpm -e --nodeps perl

но это не лучший вариант.

>или сразу
>yum update perl
так будет правильнее. А вообще обновление перла очень проблемный момент.

Найди src.rpm spamassassin и собери со своей версией перла. Имхо так будет легче всего

"Помогите с установкой Spamassassin"
Отправлено kant76 , 24-Май-06 12:42 
Переустановил все перловые пакеты вмсте с перлом... Спамассин запустился, но ошибки все теже