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Отправлено t17fenics , 12-Авг-07 21:23 
Есть ли аналог в Linuxe, я так понял что енто фряшная утилка ибо у меня в генту "команд нот фаунд"???


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Отправлено ansi , 12-Авг-07 23:00 
# pci-config -u
Usage: pci-config [-aDfSvVW] [-# <device_index>]

  This program shows the contents of PCI configuration space.
  It reads the hardware registers, and thus must be run as 'root'.

  Running this program with no options shows the installed PCI devices.
  Each line is prefixed by its index which may be used with -#<index>
  e.g. "pci-config -#3" to specify the device to operate on.

  Commonly use options are
  -# <device-index>         Operate only on DEVICE-INDEX e.g  -#3

  The operations on the selected device are
  -a  --show-addresses   Show PCI address registers.
  -S --sleep             Put device to sleep (ACPI D3 state)
  -W --wake              Wake a sleeping device (ACPI D0 state)

  Less commonly used options are
  -B <bus>  --bus <bus>      Show only devices on BUS.
  -A <addr> --set-addresses  Set PCI address register 1 to the ADDR.
  -D  --debug                Show details of operations
  -f  --force                Override checks and perform the operation
  -u  --usage                Show this long usage message
  -v  --verbose              Verbose mode
  -V  --version              Display this program's version information

# pcitweak
usage:  pcitweak -l
        pcitweak -r ID [-b | -h] offset
        pcitweak -w ID [-b | -h] offset value

                -l  -- list
                -r  -- read
                -w  -- write
                -b  -- read/write a single byte
                -h  -- read/write a single halfword (16 bit)
                ID  -- PCI ID string in form bus:dev:func (all in hex)