всем привет!настроил bacula - заработало, решил поставить webacula, все поставилось,
только ни как не могу туда попасть, говорит неверный логин или пароль.в MySQL имеются пользователи; webacula, bacula, все они могут управлять базой bacula
в apache делал в htpasswd пользователей; webacula, bacula и admin.
у всех один и тот же пароль!файлы;
; config.ini
; Webacula 5.5
;; supported adapters : PDO_MYSQL, PDO_PGSQL, PDO_SQLITE
db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL
db.config.host = localhost
db.config.username = bacula
db.config.password = 1111
db.config.dbname = bacula
;; for Sqlite db.config.dbname = "/full patch/bacula.db";; see http://www.php.net/timezones
; def.timezone = "UTC"
def.timezone = "Europe/Moscow";; if locale undefined, webacula use autodetect
;; avaliable locales : en, cs, de, fr, pt_BR, ru, it, es
locale = "ru";; see INSTALL file for details
;;;;bacula.sudo = "/usr/bin/sudo"
bacula.bconsole = "/sbin/bconsole"
bacula.bconsolecmd = "-n -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf";; time to live data (session and temporary data tables) for restore files (sec)
; default = 1h
; ttl_restore_session = 3600;; the text, which will be placed in the header of the page
; head_title = "webacula :: domain.tld";; They're animated, so they move up and down as you scroll the browser window up or d$
; mainmenu_floating = 1;; Main menu floating (default = 0)
;; A floating menu stays visible even if you scroll down a web page.;; As many days to show those Jobs that are completed with errors (default = 7)
;; Jobs with errors (last NN day(s)
; days_to_show_jobs_with_errors = 7; Normally, you will specify only one Restore job in bacula-dir.conf.
; However, if it is not so, if you have multiple (exact - more than one) Restore Job r$
; put Restore Job names from bacula-dir.conf here.
; IMPORTANT!!! Restore Job names should be specified in the same order as in bacula-di$
; bacula_restore_job[] = "restore"
; bacula_restore_job[] = "Restore_Files_1"
; bacula_restore_job[] = "Restore_Files_2"
; and so on.[timeline]
;; will be used when the system font by default
; gdfontpath = "/usr/share/fonts/dejavu"
; fontname = "DejaVuLGCSansMono"
fontsize = 10[webacula]
db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL
db.config.host = localhost
db.config.username = bacula
db.config.password = 1111
db.config.dbname = bacula
email.to_admin = root@localhost
email.from = webacula@localhost[feed]
feed_title = "My Bacula backup server #1"
feed_desc = "Description feed here"[layout]
;; available values : "default"
path = "default"======/var/www/webacula/install/db.conf=====
# See also application/config.ini
# bacula settings
# for Sqlite only
db_user="bacula"# CHANGE_THIS
db_pwd="1111"# Webacula web interface settings
# Built-in superuser login is 'root'
webacula_root_pwd="1111"куда копать?
INSERT INTO webacula_users (id, login, pwd, name, active, create_login, role_id)
VALUES (1000, 'root', MD5('$webacula_root_pwd'), 'root', 1, NOW(), 1);db.conf