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"не работает samba + ad"

Отправлено lola158 , 13-Ноя-13 11:00 
Добрый день.
Мне нужно сделать авторизацию squid через AD. Возникла проблема - не могу войти в домен, время тоже не сихронизируется. Подскажите, пожалуйста, в чем может быть дело.

    net join ads -U djoin
    djoin's password:
    [2013/11/13 10:29:17, 0] utils/net_ads.c:ads_startup(289)
      ads_connect: Server not found in Kerberos database
    ADS join did not work, falling back to RPC...
    Unable to find a suitable server
    Unable to find a suitable server
    angel2# net time set
    Could not locate a time server.  Try specifying a target host.

Версия FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE, samba-3.0.24,1


    angel2# testparm
    Load smb config files from /usr/local/etc/smb.conf
    Loaded services file OK.
    Server role: ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER
    Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

            dos charset = cp866
            unix charset = koi8-r
            display charset = koi8-r
            workgroup = TL5
            realm = TL5.AD
            server string = angel2.tl5.ad
            security = ADS
            password server =
            passdb backend = tdbsam
            log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
            max log size = 500
            load printers = No
            os level = 0
            preferred master = No
            local master = No
            domain master = No
            idmap uid = 10000-20000
            idmap gid = 10000-20000
            winbind enum users = Yes
            winbind enum groups = Yes
            hosts allow = 192.168.1., 192.168.2., 127.,

    angel2# more /etc/nsswitch.conf
    group: files winbind
    group_compat: nis
    hosts: files dns
    networks: files
    passwd: files winbind
    passwd_compat: nis
    shells: files

    angel2# more /etc/rc.conf | grep wi
    winbindd_flags="-d 9"

Kerberos причем работает, хотя как я понял его использование не обязательно.

    angel2# klist
    Credentials cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
            Principal: djoin@TL5.AD

      Issued           Expires          Principal
    Nov 13 10:04:25  Nov 13 20:04:25  krbtgt/TL5.AD@TL5.AD

И вообще winbind не запущен и когда перезапускаешь самбу вот что пишет, так и должно быть?

    angel2# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/samba.sh restart
    Performing sanity check on Samba configuration: OK
    winbindd not running? (check /var/run/winbindd.pid).
    Removing stale Samba tdb files: .. done
    Starting winbindd.
    angel2# ps ax | grep winb
    28397  p1  RL+    0:00.00 grep winb


    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/debug.c:debug_dump_status(391)
      INFO: Current debug levels:
        all: True/9
        tdb: False/0
        printdrivers: False/0
        lanman: False/0
        smb: False/0
        rpc_parse: False/0
        rpc_srv: False/0
        rpc_cli: False/0
        passdb: False/0
        sam: False/0
        auth: False/0
        winbind: False/0
        vfs: False/0
        idmap: False/0
        quota: False/0
        acls: False/0
        locking: False/0
        msdfs: False/0
        dmapi: False/0
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 1] nsswitch/winbindd.c:main(953)
      winbindd version 3.0.24 started.
      Copyright The Samba Team 2000-2004
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 3] param/loadparm.c:lp_load(4950)
      lp_load: refreshing parameters
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 3] param/loadparm.c:init_globals(1410)
      Initialising global parameters
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 3] param/params.c:pm_process(572)
      params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file "/usr/local/etc/smb.conf"
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 3] param/loadparm.c:do_section(3687)
      Processing section "[global]"
      doing parameter netbios name = angel2
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 4] param/loadparm.c:handle_netbios_name(3045)
      handle_netbios_name: set global_myname to: ANGEL2
      doing parameter workgroup = TL5
      doing parameter server string = angel2.tl5.ad
      doing parameter security = ads
      doing parameter hosts allow = 192.168.1. 192.168.2. 127.
      doing parameter load printers = no
      doing parameter log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
      doing parameter max log size = 500
      doing parameter password server =
      doing parameter realm = TL5.AD
      doing parameter passdb backend = tdbsam
      doing parameter socket options = TCP_NODELAY
      doing parameter local master = no
      doing parameter os level = 0
      doing parameter domain master = no
      doing parameter preferred master = no
      doing parameter domain logons = no
      doing parameter display charset = koi8-r
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(105)
      Attempting to register new charset UCS-2LE
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(113)
      Registered charset UCS-2LE
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(105)
      Attempting to register new charset UTF-16LE
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(113)
      Registered charset UTF-16LE
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(105)
      Attempting to register new charset UCS-2BE
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(113)
      Registered charset UCS-2BE
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(105)
      Attempting to register new charset UTF-16BE
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(113)
      Registered charset UTF-16BE
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(105)
      Attempting to register new charset UTF8
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(113)
      Registered charset UTF8
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(105)
      Attempting to register new charset UTF-8
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(113)
      Registered charset UTF-8
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(105)
      Attempting to register new charset ASCII
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(113)
      Registered charset ASCII
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(105)
      Attempting to register new charset 646
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(113)
      Registered charset 646
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(105)
      Attempting to register new charset ISO-8859-1
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(113)
      Registered charset ISO-8859-1
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(105)
      Attempting to register new charset UCS2-HEX
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(113)
      Registered charset UCS2-HEX
      doing parameter unix charset = koi8-r
      doing parameter dos charset = cp866
      doing parameter winbind use default domain = no
      doing parameter winbind uid = 10000-20000
      doing parameter winbind gid = 10000-20000
      doing parameter winbind enum users = yes
      doing parameter winbind enum groups = yes
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 4] param/loadparm.c:lp_load(4981)
      pm_process() returned Yes
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 7] param/loadparm.c:lp_servicenumber(5117)
      lp_servicenumber: couldn't find homes
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 8] param/loadparm.c:add_a_service(2495)
      add_a_service: Creating snum = 0 for IPC$
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 3] param/loadparm.c:lp_add_ipc(2629)
      adding IPC service
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 2] lib/interface.c:add_interface(81)
      added interface ip=
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/util.c:init_names(286)
      Netbios name list:-
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 2] lib/interface.c:add_interface(81)
      added interface ip=
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] lib/gencache.c:gencache_init(61)
      Opening cache file at /var/db/samba/gencache.tdb
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] libsmb/namecache.c:namecache_enable(58)
      namecache_enable: enabling netbios namecache, timeout 660 seconds
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] sam/idmap.c:smb_register_idmap(93)
      smb_register_idmap: Successfully added idmap backend 'ldap'
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 5] sam/idmap.c:smb_register_idmap(93)
      smb_register_idmap: Successfully added idmap backend 'tdb'
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 8] lib/util.c:fcntl_lock(1959)
      fcntl_lock fd=8 op=8 offset=0 count=1 type=3
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 8] lib/util.c:fcntl_lock(1978)
      fcntl_lock: Lock call successful
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 4] lib/time.c:TimeInit(136)
      TimeInit: Serverzone is -14400
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 2] lib/tallocmsg.c:register_msg_pool_usage(61)
      Registered MSG_REQ_POOL_USAGE
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 2] lib/dmallocmsg.c:register_dmalloc_msgs(71)
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 0] nsswitch/winbindd_util.c:init_domain_list(518)
      Could not fetch our SID - did we join?
    [2013/11/13 10:29:04, 0] nsswitch/winbindd.c:main(1051)
      unable to initalize domain list


Сообщения в этом обсуждении
"не работает samba + ad"
Отправлено lola158 , 13-Ноя-13 11:42 
Толи я чего сделал, толи админинистратор КД.
winbind запустился, только почему то в двух экземплярах запускается

angel2# ps ax | grep winb
28752  ??  Ss     0:00.06 /usr/local/sbin/winbindd -d 9 -s /usr/local/etc/smb.conf
28753  ??  I      0:00.07 /usr/local/sbin/winbindd -d 9 -s /usr/local/etc/smb.conf

В логах написано что зашел
fcntl_lock: Lock call successful
[2013/11/13 11:36:03, 4] lib/time.c:TimeInit(136)
  TimeInit: Serverzone is -14400
[2013/11/13 11:36:03, 2] lib/tallocmsg.c:register_msg_pool_usage(61)
[2013/11/13 11:36:03, 2] lib/dmallocmsg.c:register_dmalloc_msgs(71)
[2013/11/13 11:36:03, 2] nsswitch/winbindd_util.c:add_trusted_domain(175)
  Added domain TL5 TL5.AD S-1-5-21-1335328686-3722870911-1389011291
[2013/11/13 11:36:03, 2] nsswitch/winbindd_util.c:add_trusted_domain(175)
  Added domain ANGEL2  S-1-5-21-3461308923-3814976255-1297993263
[2013/11/13 11:36:03, 2] nsswitch/winbindd_util.c:add_trusted_domain(175)
  Added domain BUILTIN  S-1-5-32
[2013/11/13 11:36:03, 5] nsswitch/winbindd_util.c:init_child_recv(420)
  Received child initialization response for domain TL5
[2013/11/13 11:36:11, 6] nsswitch/winbindd.c:new_connection(601)
  accepted socket 17
[2013/11/13 11:36:11, 3] nsswitch/winbindd_misc.c:winbindd_interface_version(483)
  [    0]: request interface version
[2013/11/13 11:36:11, 3] nsswitch/winbindd_misc.c:winbindd_priv_pipe_dir(516)
  [    0]: request location of privileged pipe
[2013/11/13 11:36:11, 6] nsswitch/winbindd.c:new_connection(601)
  accepted socket 18
[2013/11/13 11:36:11, 3] nsswitch/winbindd_user.c:winbindd_setpwent_internal(450)
  [    0]: setpwent
[2013/11/13 11:36:29, 6] nsswitch/winbindd.c:new_connection(601)

Но все равно вот так

angel2#  wbinfo -p
Ping to winbindd succeeded on fd 4
angel2# wbinfo -u
Error looking up domain users
angel2# wbinfo -g
Error looking up domain groups