Эндрю Воз (Andrew Vos) провел (http://andrewvos.com/2011/02/21/amount-of-profanity-in-git-c.../) интересное исследование, заключающееся в анализе (https://github.com/AndrewVos/github-statistics) частоты использования ненормативной лексики, грубых выражений и ругательств в текстах примечаний к Git-коммитам на GitHub, в привязке к различным языкам программирования. Всего было проанализировано около миллиона коммитов, в которых было выявлено 210 ругательных слов (https://github.com/AndrewVos/github-statistics/blob/master/p...). Лидируют по числу ругательств C++, JavaScript и Ruby.<center><img src="http://www.opennet.me/opennews/pics_base/29685_1298444656.jp... style="border-style: solid; border-color: #e9ead6; border-width: 15px;" title="" border=0></center>
URL: http://andrewvos.com/2011/02/21/amount-of-profanity-in-git-c.../
Новость: http://www.opennet.me/opennews/art.shtml?num=29685
А где брейнфак?((
там нет комментариев
> fuck it. let's release:)))
Что? Python не быдлоязык? Не согласен. Надо считать в процентном соотношении кода/проектов, а не по количеству ругательств.
"Note that I ripped an equal amount of commit messages per language so the results aren't based on how many projects there are per language."Полезно читать оригинал статьи.
Получается, выборка нерепрезентативна! Фуфло, а не статистика.А ещё хорошо бы распределение самих слов в пределах языка. Например, зашкаливающее WTF говорит о низком качестве языка.
>... зашкаливающее WTF говорит о низком качестве языка.или кодера
Интересно, а они подсчитывали количество слов на единицу объёма кода или вообще только то что было доступно на гитхабе. Там может на пхп и питоне совсем мало сорцов. Тогда это исследование будет совсем необъективным...
Прикольное исследование, полезное :):)Но как прально кто-то заметил "phuck it, let's release it" не совсем относится
к ругательству по поводу языка.Из личного опыта - ругался как сапожник в коментариях, и только лишь потому,
что заказанный функционал был тотальный космос, понятный только инопланетному
Статью можна было назвать "Оценка уровня культуры программистов для различных языков программирования".
> Статью можна было назвать "Оценка уровня культуры программистов для различных языков программирования".:) Программирование, как и ношение грузов или ремонт авто, не оставляет шансов нормальному человеку на вежливое общение - чем больше ты углубляешься в ИТ, тем шире набор нехороших слов, которыми ты хотел бы назвать девелоперов. И это правда - 90% прогеров должны честно себе признаться, что они чмошники и должны лучше изучать программинг.
Хотелось бы услышать мнение мегаэкспертов, рассказывающих про "в английском языке мата нет!"
> Хотелось бы услышать мнение мегаэкспертов, рассказывающих про "в английском языке мата
> нет!"Он есть, но американцы - трусы и сутяжники, поэтому им выгоднее лицемерить.
это заблуждение... такие же люди. или ты хочешь сказать, что ты на работе со всеми исключительно матом разговариваешь? есть рамки приличия, как у всех, и они их соблюдают.
> это заблуждение... такие же люди. или ты хочешь сказать, что ты на
> работе со всеми исключительно матом разговариваешь? есть рамки приличия, как у
> всех, и они их соблюдают.Наоборот, то что у нас скажут в лицо (совсем не обязательно матом), там промолчат и будут втихую делать по-своему или начальству жаловаться пойдут. Работаю с американским отделением программистов, менталитет действительно очень сильно отличается. "ссыкуны и сутяжники" - очень точно сказано.
не могу сказать тоже самое о своих. с точностью до наоборот всё.
Возможно, вас обманули и вы работаете с индусами.
> Возможно, вас обманули и вы работаете с индусами.:)) Как вариант, но мерикосы ещё хуже.
> это заблуждение... такие же люди.Чушь. АБСОЛЮТНО другие. Были бы они как мы, у нас бы не было НАСТОЛЬКО разных культур. Те "американцы", которые "как вы", скорее всего и есть выходцы из европ. Коренные (или адаптировавшиеся) америкосы следуют своим понятиям - улыбаться, лицемерить, толерастить бабушку, но ВНУТРИ себя они тоже хотят быть свободными как русские. Им тоже надоело повсеместное враньё, но они сами поддерживают это болото.
>>> Чушь. АБСОЛЮТНО другие.Все ты переубедил меня!!!
>>> Были бы они как мы, у нас бы не было НАСТОЛЬКО разных культур.
Если бы у бабушки был мужской половой орган -- она была бы дедушкой. Никакие различия в культуре не дают права коллегам разговаривать друг с другом матом. Есть рамки приличия. Они одинаковы для всех. Так, что не надо применять сослогательное наклонение там, где ему не место.
>>> Те "американцы", которые "как вы", скорее всего и есть выходцы из европ.
Тебе из погреба виднее, с какими американцами я работаю.
>>> Коренные (или адаптировавшиеся) америкосы следуют своим понятиям - улыбаться, лицемерить, толерастить бабушку, но ВНУТРИ себя они тоже хотят быть свободными как русские. Им тоже надоело повсеместное враньё, но они сами поддерживают это болото.
Оглянись вокруг. И про "внутреннюю свободу" не надо... это все херня для малолетних дебилов :)
> Хотелось бы услышать мнение мегаэкспертов, рассказывающих про "в английском языке мата нет!"Так Вы сами откройте файл и посмотрите, там всего три слова: кака, попа и совокупление, какой же это мат? :)
Таки его там дофига.
А.Ю. Кудрявцев, Г.Д. Куропаткин Англо-русский словарь-справочник табуизированной лексики и эвфемизмов ("ABC of Dirty English") М., Комт, 1993, 303 с.
> там всего три слова: кака, попа и совокуплениеВспомните анекдот про басиста, который "уже нашёл" :)
А что они за 100% взяли для одного языка? Суммарное количество коммитов на всех языках? Этож не верно... а если процент от всего коммитов _на этом языке_, тогда как они уместили все проценты на одной диаграмме не перекрываясь?
>А что они за 100% взяли для одного языка?210
А где же perl?
Вряд ли диаграмма, показывающая количество ЛЮБЫХ комментариев в текстах на этих языках, будет сильно отличаться от представленной.
Не думаю, что много PHP разработчиков использует git. Думаю, если брать в процентном соотношении мат/коммит для каждого языка, диаграмма получится совершенно иной.
> Не думаю, что много PHP разработчиков использует git. Думаю, если брать в
> процентном соотношении мат/коммит для каждого языка, диаграмма получится совершенно иной.Так и сделано.
В новости написано, что "лидируют [u]по числу ругательств[/u]", а не по пропорции (коммиты с матом)/(все коммиты).
Если в Питоне вставить комментарий, то можно нарушить логику программы. :)
> Если в Питоне вставить комментарий, то можно нарушить логику программы. :)Вставить куда, извините? :)
>> Если в Питоне вставить комментарий, то можно нарушить логику программы. :)
> Вставить куда, извините? :)Берешь питона и вставляешь ему.
# cd /usr/src/kernel/linux-2.6
# git pull
# egrep -R "fuck| shit | ass " --color ./
./Documentation/DocBook/kernel-locking.tmpl: If you don't see why, please stay the fuck away from my code.
./arch/arm/mach-lh7a40x/include/mach/hardware.h:/* Let's kick gcc's ass again... */
./arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3ints.h:/* master list of VME vectors -- don't fuck with this */
./arch/mips/kernel/process.c: * get_wchan - a maintenance nightmare^W^Wpain in the ass ...
./arch/mips/pci/ops-bridge.c: * IOC3 is fucked fucked beyond believe ... Don't even give the
./arch/mips/pci/ops-bridge.c: * IOC3 is fucked fucked beyond believe ... Don't even give the
./arch/mips/pci/ops-bridge.c: * IOC3 is fucked fucked beyond believe ... Don't try to access
./arch/mips/pci/ops-bridge.c: * IOC3 is fucked fucked beyond believe ... Don't even give the
./arch/mips/pci/ops-bridge.c: * IOC3 is fucked fucked beyond believe ... Don't even give the
./arch/mips/pci/ops-bridge.c: * IOC3 is fucked fucked beyond believe ... Don't try to access
./arch/mips/pci/ops-bridge.c: * IOC3 is fucked fucked beyond believe ... Don't even give the
./arch/mips/pci/ops-bridge.c: * IOC3 is fucked fucked beyond believe ... Don't even give the
./arch/mips/pci/ops-bridge.c: * IOC3 is fucked fucked beyond believe ... Don't try to access
./arch/mips/pci/ops-bridge.c: * IOC3 is fucked fucked beyond believe ... Don't even give the
./arch/mips/pci/ops-bridge.c: * IOC3 is fucked fucked beyond believe ... Don't even give the
./arch/mips/pci/ops-bridge.c: * IOC3 is fucked fucked beyond believe ... Don't try to access
./arch/mips/sgi-ip22/ip22-setup.c: * fucking with the memory controller because it needs to know the
./arch/sparc/kernel/pcic.c: * to shit into regions like that.
./arch/sparc/mm/srmmu.c: * this shit off... nice job Fujitsu.
./arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/powernow-k7.c: * Some Athlon laptops have really fucked PST tables.
./drivers/ata/sata_sil.c: /* kick HSM in the ass */
./drivers/ata/sata_via.c: * SCR registers on vt6420 are pieces of shit and may hang the
./drivers/ide/cmd640.c: * These chips are basically fucked by design, and getting this driver
./drivers/media/video/bt819.c: BUG? Why does turning the chroma comb on fuck up color?
./drivers/mtd/mtd_blkdevs.c: registered, to prevent the link/init ordering from fucking
./drivers/net/sunhme.c: /* Remember: "Different name, same old buggy as shit hardware." */
./drivers/net/sunhme.c:/* Only Sun can take such nice parts and fuck up the programming interface
./drivers/net/sunhme.c: /* This card is _fucking_ hot... */
./drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl3945-base.c: /* all this shit doesn't belong into sysfs anyway */
./drivers/scsi/qlogicpti.h:/* Am I fucking pedantic or what? */
./drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c: u32 c; /* CRC shit reg */
./drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c: /* FIXME endianness is probably going to bite my ass here. */
./drivers/watchdog/shwdt.c: * brain-damage, it's managed to fuck things up one step further..
./firmware/keyspan_pda/keyspan_pda.S: ;; *that* is a pain in the ass to encode. And they are little-endian
./firmware/keyspan_pda/xircom_pgs.S: ;; *that* is a pain in the ass to encode. And they are little-endian
./fs/notify/inotify/inotify_user.c: * fucked up somewhere.
./fs/xfs/xfs_btree.h: case XFS_BTNUM_MAX: ASSERT(0); /* fucking gcc */ ; break; \
./fs/xfs/xfs_btree.h: case XFS_BTNUM_MAX: ASSERT(0); /* fucking gcc */ ; break; \
./lib/vsprintf.c: * Wirzenius wrote this portably, Torvalds fucked it up :-)
./net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_snmp_basic.c: * (And this is the fucking 'basic' method).
./net/ipv4/tcp_input.c: * all the algo is pure shit and should be replaced
./net/irda/irnet/irnet_irda.c: /* Give a kick in the ass of ppp_generic so that he sends us some data */
./sound/oss/opl3.c: * What the fuck is going on here? We leave junk in the beginning
./sound/oss/uart6850.c: * Status: Testing required (no shit -jgarzik)
./sound/pci/ac97/ac97_patch.c: * shit may happen.
./sound/pci/hda/patch_realtek.c: spec->cdefine.port_connectivity = ass >> 30;
./sound/pci/hda/patch_realtek.c: spec->cdefine.customization = ass >> 8;
./sound/pci/hda/patch_realtek.c: spec->cdefine.override = ass & 0x1;
./sound/pci/hda/patch_realtek.c: ass & 0xffff, codec->vendor_id);
> # cd /usr/src/kernel/linux-2.6
> # git pull
> # egrep -R "fuck| shit | ass " --color ./по-моему надо было egrep -Ri ...
я также попытался поискать в утекших исходниках KIS 2008, но там только слово GPL :(
Вот для фри 8.2-RELEASE:> uname -sr
> cd /usr/src/
> egrep -R "fuck| shit | ass " --color ././tools/regression/file/dup/dup.c: * fuckups take out each other and make the end-result the way
./tools/tools/net80211/w00t/ap/ap.c: /* filter my own shit */
./tools/tools/net80211/w00t/redir/redir.c: /* my own shit */
./tools/tools/net80211/w00t/expand/expand.c: /* my own shit */
./tools/tools/net80211/w00t/expand/expand.c: /* the data we sent is too fucking short */
./tools/tools/net80211/w00t/assoc/assoc.c: /* ignore my own shit */
./crypto/openssl/CHANGES: *) Deal with irritating shit to do with dependencies, in YAAHW (Yet Another
./sys/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/uts/common/dtrace/dtrace.c: * have this cmn_err() "Holy shit -- we executed this code!")
./sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clstate.c: * wild ass guess.
./sys/dev/ral/rt2661.c: /* kick 8051's ass */
./contrib/tcpdump/print-isoclns.c: max_area = 3; /* silly shit */
./contrib/tcpdump/print-isoclns.c: id_length = 6; /* silly shit again */
./contrib/libstdc++/ChangeLog-1999: fuck it, move data members _M_buf, and _M_buf_size into
./contrib/libreadline/aclocal.m4:# What a pain in the ass this is.
./contrib/libreadline/support/shobj-conf: # the ass -- they require changing {/usr/lib,etc}/shlib.map on
./contrib/libreadline/support/shobj-conf: # the ass -- they require changing {/usr/lib,etc}/shlib.map on
./contrib/gdb/gdb/config/i386/i386gnu.mh:# case the program is fucked, or we guess the wrong signal thread.
./contrib/binutils/bfd/coffcode.h: /* We will NOT put a fucking timestamp in the header here. Every time you
./contrib/binutils/bfd/ecoff.c: /* We will NOT put a fucking timestamp in the header here. Every
./contrib/binutils/bfd/sco5-core.c: abort (); /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up */
./contrib/binutils/bfd/osf-core.c: abort(); /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up */
./contrib/binutils/bfd/netbsd-core.c: abort (); /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up */
./contrib/binutils/bfd/ptrace-core.c: abort (); /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up */
./contrib/binutils/bfd/trad-core.c: abort (); /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up */
./contrib/gcc/tree-scalar-evolution.c: ass = build2 (MODIFY_EXPR, void_type_node, rslt, NULL_TREE);
./contrib/gcc/tree-ssa-loop-ivopts.c: ass = build2 (MODIFY_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (tgt), tgt, op);
./contrib/gcc/loop-doloop.c: rtx ass = copy_rtx (desc->noloop_assumptions);
./contrib/gcc/loop-doloop.c: for (; ass; ass = XEXP (ass, 1))
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:over at the rabbit and asks, "Say, does shit ever stick to your fur?"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: So the bear wiped his ass with the rabbit.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:like to, but I don't think my ass can take another hard roll!"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: "Gee, Dad, my ass is getting really sore."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:if you were my wife, I'd beat the shit out of you," came Churchill's
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:got another think coming. You're all a bunch of fucking fascist cocksuckers,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:you can all go to hell, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you..."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Chief: "Me Chief, me fuck-em all, big, small, fat, tall,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: me fuck-em all."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Chief: "Hoss-style, dog-style, wolf-style, any-style, me fuck-em all."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Chief: "No deer, me no fuck deer. Asshole too high and fuckers run
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:you one wish. Do you want a quick fuck or a little head?"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:matter what style of fucking it practiced. He made sex irresistibly
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: "Needless to say, fucking was an immediate smash hit. Everyone
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:though most of them fuck only once in a lifetime -- fucked along
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: "I will profane your fucking remains, E. B."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: "Gabriel's trumpet will produce you from the ass of a pig."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Catholic girls fuck like bunnies."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:way it goes? Try to help someone and you get fucked."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:bored with their daily routines: eat, fuck, sleep, hop around a bush now and
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:limp-wristed motherfucker" in a serious position paper.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:I simply can't fuck any more;
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: "I...I'm <sob, sniffle, sniffle> 21 and I've never been fucked..."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:her over to the shore, and throws her into the water. "Now you're fucked!"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:How 'bout them mother-fuckin' potatoes?"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:your play can go fuck yourselves."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:patron, and said, "Ah'm big, and ah'm bad, and I *loves* to fuck Northern
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:bad and I *loves* to fuck New York women." The guy took one look at him,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:all over him. "Ah'm big and ah'm bad and I *loves* to fuck your sister."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: "It's rough, it's tough, and it doesn't take shit from nobody."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:right and said, "You're all no-good motherfuckers. Anyone have a problem with
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:the woman eyed the MGP carefully and whispered, "Gorilla Prick, fuck me."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: The prostitute snapped back, "What do you want to do, knit or fuck?"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: The mouse's eyes bugged out. "Hey, you wouldn't shit me, would you?"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:club, and the sunset, using the word "fuck" for the first time. His wife
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:you must have told the bitch to go fuck herself!"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:America's two greatest inventions are finger-fucking and carpet-bombing.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:As long as your ass is pointed at the ground, don't fuck with me.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Beat me, bite me, whip me, fuck me, make me write bad checks!
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:client on the witness stand, "and indicate which is your ass and which is
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:And Sunday after supper, I ran me fucker up 'er,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: A woman who sucks and fucks 'til midnight and
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:fuck, and it sincerely hurt him when he discovered evidence to the
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: man who screws near graveyard is fucking near dead.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: woman who ride bicycle peddle ass around town.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: man with head up ass have shitty outlook on life.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: Like making love in a canoe -- fucking close to water.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:She ties Rico to the ground, and fucks that boy half-blind,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:And it's pounding my ass mighty flat!"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Damned if I know. And you can be fuckin' sure I'll never rent no car
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: If she coughs, fuck her.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Do something big -- fuck a giant
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Doing business with the government is like fucking sheep.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Dry fucking: that's man on top of woman, the action is the same as fucking,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Eat shit and die a virgin!
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Found that fucking affected her hue.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: It turns your spine to fucking jell,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:The proper designation is "throw-me-down-and-fuck-me" pumps. Shoes with
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:God is big, so don't fuck with him.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Gravity is an unforgiving motherfucker.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:He: So, what do you say to little fuck?
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:She: I say, "get lost, little fuck."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:He was so gay he'd never lean his ass on a baseball bat --
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:But the smell of his ass makes me sick!"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: How 'bout a brutal face fuck?
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:I came; I saw; I fucked up.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:I don't give a shit what happens. I want you all to stonewall it. Let
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:I love this fucking University, and this University loves fucking me.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:And swore he'd slap my ass in jail -- One netter thought it was a hoax:
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:I wouldn't fuck her with your prick.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:scares the shit out of me.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:If it flies, floats or fucks, rent it, don't buy it.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:If men couldn't fuck there'd be a bounty on their heads.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:If they can't take a joke, then fuck 'em.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:If they can, then fuck 'em.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: Her ass it was fine
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:more time I'm gonna rip her fuckin' lips off. Have a nice day.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:fucking dickheads that need swearing at?
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:classified as "offensive" simply because it contains the word "fuck".
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:They can kiss that shit goodbye.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: "Now," said the husband, "tell that motherfucker you have a headache!"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:It's so fuckin' great to be alive!
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:I could fuck girls like I would not be just a housewife,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:And fuck some more! I would dance and I'd be merry
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:in the pear tree have me up to my ass in birdshit. On top of all this, Mrs.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:have joined gay liberation, and those dumb ass Polacks have scheduled
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:about getting raped in the ass as part of the official C language (maybe
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:That fuckin' whore.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: one problem with this definition: what the fuck are "buckwheat
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Life is a shit sandwich, and every day you get to take another bite.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:hard you get fucked.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Life is like a shit sandwich. The more bread
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:you have, the less shit you have to eat.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:It's a fucking circus.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:"Damn it, doesn't anybody fuck anymore?"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: "You better cut that shit out!"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:And got fucked by a big black dog.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: you can bet your ass it's not $19.95.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Men will fuck mud.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: fuckin' Goofy.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:And one really fucked-up petunia.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Most men would never get laid if it weren't for the pity fuck.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: stays up as long as you don't fuck with it.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:problem: He liked to fuck Mr. Hawkins' chickens. Mrs. Johnson scolded him
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:had been fucking his chickens again. Mrs. Johnson didn't say a word, just
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:chicken-fuckers, up here on the piano with me!"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Never fly under a seagull - they'll shit on your airplane.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:their commanders not allowing them to write "fuck" on their airplanes
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Obscenity is the crutch of inarticulate motherfuckers.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:At frigging and fucking and such.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:to the toilet. I say "you no understand", I wanna shit on the bed. He say
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:you better no shit ona bed, you sonna bitch. I go to check out and the man
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:running towards the house shouting: "Daddy, Daddy, the bull just fucked the
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: Little Johnny replied: "He sure did, he fucked the white one again!"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:jumped up, grabbed her and snarled, "I'm going to fuck you until the sun goes
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:(2) Everyone who gets you out of shit is not necessarily your friend.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: "Because," says the little cub, "I'm fuckin' freezing!"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: "Because he likes to fuck pigs."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:his ass from a hole in the ground!
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Yo mosquito, fuck you.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:People will swim through shit if you put a few bob in it.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Philadelphia flying fuck, n.:
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: can tell me how to do the shit work for him so he can take the
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: once in a while you get a piece of ass that will bring tears to
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: "I don't give a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: cretinous dipshit that pisses me off a 'fucking asshole.'"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: Then get the fuck out."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Reach out and fuck someone.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Rodeo fuck, n.:
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: the worst piece of ass I've ever had!". And then try to stay on
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:And I'll soon tell those fuckers to stow it."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:The shit has hit the fan.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: If my ear were a cunt I could fuck it!
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:So you fucked up... you trusted us!
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:and we'll stick the fucking bat up your ass.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:fucked the buffalo.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Sometimes, you just gotta say "What the fuck."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: desire to choke the living shit out of some asshole who
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Buddhism: If shit happens, it isn't really shit.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Hinduism: This shit has happened before.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Judaism: Why does shit always happen to US?
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:he got back, he was a husky fucker.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:To develop their fucking technique?
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:And the whole fucking thing was covered in shit...
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Its shit is indistinguishable from the food it produces.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:The difference between graffiti and philosophy is the word "fuck".
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Will fuck like an Ottoman Turk.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: He fucked whores in the apse
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:The fucking ain't worth the fighting.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:The King plugged the Queen's ass with mustard
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:To make her fuck hot, but got flustered,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: 7. David slew Goliath, he did not kick the shit out of him.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:The only thing faster than the speed of light is shit flowing downhill.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:The real problem with fucking a sheep is that you have to walk around
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:He fucks her.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Is so fuckingly "winsome" a snot,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Upon my window sill. And smashed his fucking head.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: Get too fucking hot,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:The time has come for kicking ass and taking names.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:There are many ways to say "I love you", but fucking is the fastest.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:There are so many people wanting a piece of my ass that some of them
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Who insists that you fuck his long nose.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:limits people is that they don't have the fucking nerve or imagination to star
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:the shit hit the fan?"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Man: "I want to open a fuckin' savings account."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:M: "Listen, bitch, I want to open a fuckin' savings account."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:M: "LOOK! I just want to open a fuckin' savings account."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:M: "I want to open a fuckin' savings account."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: open a fuckin' savings account!"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: Di-dah di-dah, di-dah di-fuck.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: just go fuck myself?"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:on his shoulder, and said, "You see, I told you you fucked a penguin!"
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:a seagull shit in my eye."
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Water? Never touch the stuff! Fish fuck in it.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:We are born naked, wet, and hungry, and get slapped on our ass ...
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:with a man you don't want to fuck, leave the one you do sitting there alone,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:and then, in a state of great excitement, fuck the one you don't want to
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:fuck while pretending he's the one you do. That's called fidelity. That's
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Everybody, everybody's ass was bare,
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: Eat, bite, fuck, suck, gobble, nibble, chew;
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: Nipple, bosom, hair pie, finger fuck, screw.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Eat shit and die. Strong memo to follow.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:she groaned to me, "Give me nine inches, and make it hurt!" So, I fucked
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:a mule in the ass all you want, and he's still not gonna be a racehorse.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:What the fuck, over?
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real: a fuck
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:This fucking was mighty slow.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:rule of life: if you can't eat it or fuck it, piss on it!
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:When the shit hits the fan, keep your mouth shut!
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:And crushed his fucking skull.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:Because all Jimmy Carter can do is fuck up.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:You can find sympathy, in the dictionary, right near shit and suicide.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:You see that fucking fish?
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:But the way I fuck your mother is an ass-wringing shame!
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes-o.real:But it's OK, Scorpio. A kick in the ass is at least one step forward.
./games/fortune/datfiles/gerrold.limerick:-- but I do wish my ass were clitorised."
./games/fortune/datfiles/gerrold.limerick:and wiggle my ass while you spank it."
./games/fortune/datfiles/gerrold.limerick:She left all her men fucking dizzy.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes:A pain in the ass of major dimensions.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes:otherwise the dove of peace will shit on me.
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes:I don't think they are going to give a shit about the Republican
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes:When you are up to your ass in alligators it is difficult to remind
./games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes:in New York is that the pigeons don't shit on each other.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:But she fucks in the gloaming like forty.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Let's try straight fucking." (loud cheers!)
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: The fuckin' thing broke
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: He said, "No, I can't fuck
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Wrote his thesis on cunts and on fucking'em.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:And part of her ass in Brazil.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Remarked to a lady while fuckener:
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Had an ass of extreme sensitivity
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Would fuck only men over forty.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: "Mam'selle, do you fuck?"
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:After fucking his favorite female,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: Who showed him her ass --
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: The engineer fucked her,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Was four-fifths of five-eighths of fuck-all.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Imagine such fucking devotion!
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:But when fucking -- not even a squeak!
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: He shit in his sox,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: And fucked by an ape,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:A talented fuckstress, Miss Chisholm,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: The result of this fuck
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: 'E's a stunning good fuck,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: He would break off and fuck her
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: He's a stunning good fuck,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Once painted his ass like a Dahlia.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: When asked for a fuck
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Made a synthetic ass for a friend,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:A sailor was fucking a whore.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: And fuck high, wide, and free,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who was busily fucking his mother
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who soon found her fucking the pony.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: A buck for a fuck,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who had such a beautiful ass -
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who said, "As for girls, I hate fucking 'em.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:And then shit into her shoe for a joke.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: And fuck to a frazzle,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:And ended by fucking a pig.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Let's give up this Frenchin' and fuck!"
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:But I must say you fuck like a farmer."
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:'Twas no good for fuckin' -- just showin'.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:The place where my fucker and farter is."
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:While to fuck it took forty-two trips.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:And only liked fucking his wife.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Fuck after fuck after fuck?
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who found himself shit out of luck.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:He found virgins just don't give a fuck.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: When they asked "Do you fuck?"
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who fucked his girl seventeen times
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: He would finger or fuck one,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who fucked his own arse in defiance
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: She didn't mind fucking,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who was fucked by an elderly Finn.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: And fucked her with zest,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: To the shock of the fucker
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who usually fucked with a clown.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: She was fucked at the show
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who at fucking was very adroit:
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Whose fucking was sweet and obscene.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:For I see I must muck it, not fuck it."
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: The passengers fucked her,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:This isn't a fuck -- it's a mockery."
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: That made the men fuck her,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: She never would fuck it--
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: Who fucked her and ran --
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who learned about fucking in France,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who said she thought fucking a bliss,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:I much prefer fucking to feeling."
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: Who got in and fucked her,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who was fucked by a monk in a drain.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:The cheeks of her ass were so fat
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: He fucked his wife's mother
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: All ass and no forehead,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: A large one for fucking,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:And broke his neck trying to fuck it.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:"If my ear was a cunt, I could fuck it."
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who invented a fucking machine.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: To be born of a fuck
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: He said as he fuck-ed
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: Her ass hit the lever
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: He not only fucked her,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who fucked with a terrible fury.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who was fucking a Hottentot gal.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:I like to fuck slow and I shall."
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Whose wife caught him fucking her friend.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: Interrupting our fuck,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: And with this she would fuck him,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: All the way through a fuck,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who got fifty-five fucks for a quid.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Who for fucking professed an abhorrence,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: He fucked with his nose
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: She got fucked so often
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:And whenever we meets 'em we fucks 'em,
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:I fear that I've fucked her unduly.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick: That's best not to fuck, or
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:But the ausgefuckt male merely grunts.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:You can fuck her as much as you want to.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:To fuck in the back of a lorry.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:Once buggered and fucked the same whore.
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:When you fuck little Annie in Anza
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:And the fuck is a sextravaganza!
./games/fortune/datfiles/limerick:And fucks all the girls whilst confirming 'em.
> Вот для фри 8.2-RELEASE:Итого восемь случаев использования слова fuck в коде. все остальное - фортунки и контриб.
в 9-ом релизе будет на одно больше?
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