Привет!Нельзя ли настроить, чтобы почтовые рассылки выглядели также, как у icewalkers.com? Говоря другими словами - сначала печать всех заголовков новостей одной строкой, а ниже раскрытие каждой новости в несколько строк!
* Last Announcements [ Summary ] *
*** Zope 3 3.4.0
*** Duplicity 0.5.07
*** NoScript 1.9
*** SNES9x 1.51
*** Youtube-dl 2009.01.31
*** HomeBank 4.0.2
*** FileZilla 3.2.1 rc1[ 07 Announcements - See below for details. ]
* Last Announcements [ Details ] *
----------------------------------------------------------------------ZOPE 3 3.4.0 [ Not Rated ] [ Stable ]
Zope3 is a redesign of Zope 2 and improves the Zope development
experience through the use of a component architecture. (You can't run
Zope 2 applications in Zope 3.) Zope is a leading open source
application server, specializing in content management, portals, and
custom applications. Zope enables [...]
See: http://www.icewalkers.com/NFTW/526840/Zope-3.html---
DUPLICITY 0.5.07 [ ***** ] [ Devel ]
Duplicity is an incremental backup tool that backs up files and
directories by encrypting tar format volumes with GnuPG and uploading
them to a file server. It supports local, ssh/scp, and ftp back-ends.
Because it uses librsync, archives only record the parts of files that
have changed since the [...]
See: http://www.icewalkers.com/NFTW/517120/duplicity.html---
NOSCRIPT 1.9 [ ***** ] [ Stable ]
NoScript Firefox extension provides extra protection for Firefox,
Flock, Seamonkey and others mozilla-based browsers: this free, open
source add-on allows JavaScript, Java, Flash and other plugins to be
executed only by trusted web sites of your choice (e.g. your online
bank), and provides the most [...]
See: http://www.icewalkers.com/NFTW/532360/NoScript.html---
SNES9X 1.51 [ **** ] [ Stable ]
Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System
(SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed
for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your PC or
Workstation; which includes some real gems that were only ever
released in Japan.
See: http://www.icewalkers.com/NFTW/53780/SNES9x.html---
YOUTUBE-DL 2009.01.31 [ ***** ] [ Stable ]
Youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from
YouTube.com. It requires the Python interpreter, version 2.4 or later,
and it's not platform specific. It should work in your Unix box, in
Windows or in Mac OS X.
See: http://www.icewalkers.com/NFTW/529230/youtube-dl.html---
HOMEBANK 4.0.2 [ Not Rated ] [ Stable ]
HomeBank is the free software you have always wanted to manage your
personal accounts at home. The main concept is to be light, simple and
very easy to use. It brings you many features that allows you to
analyze your finances in a detailed way instantly and dynamically with
powerfull report tools [...]
See: http://www.icewalkers.com/NFTW/527220/HomeBank.html---
FILEZILLA 3.2.1 rc1 [ ***** ] [ Devel ]
FileZilla Client is a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS and
SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive interface.
Among others, the features of FileZilla include the following: Easy to
use; Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer
Protocol (SFTP); [...]
See: http://www.icewalkers.com/NFTW/532740/FileZilla.html
Have a nice day !
The IceWalkers Team.
>Нельзя ли настроить, чтобы почтовые рассылки выглядели также, как у icewalkers.com? Говоря
>другими словами - сначала печать всех заголовков новостей одной строкой, а
>ниже раскрытие каждой новости в несколько строк!Добавил список заголовков новостей вначале рассылки. Если есть еще какие-то пожелания - пишите.
>>Нельзя ли настроить, чтобы почтовые рассылки выглядели также, как у icewalkers.com? Говоря
>>другими словами - сначала печать всех заголовков новостей одной строкой, а
>>ниже раскрытие каждой новости в несколько строк!
>Добавил список заголовков новостей вначале рассылки. Если есть еще какие-то пожелания -
>пишите.Огромное спасибо!