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"Не поднмается VPN между Cisco ASA 5550 и Allied Telesyn AR77..."

Отправлено jeka64 , 24-Июн-09 09:02 

   У меня такая проблема. Есть Allied Telesyn AR770S и Cisco ASA 5550. Между ними необходимо построить VPN.
   VPN между ASA5550 и Cisco851 с аналогичными настройками работает замечательно, а вот между ASA5550 и AR770S ни в какую. Пожалуйста, помогите разобраться.

   Конфиг ASA 5550:
access-list VLAN604_cryptomap_1 extended permit ip zzz.zzz.0.0 yyy.yyy.16.0

crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-DES-MD5 esp-des esp-md5-hmac

crypto map VLAN604_map 1 match address VLAN604_cryptomap_1
crypto map VLAN604_map 1 set peer xxx.xxx.xxx.9
crypto map VLAN604_map 1 set transform-set ESP-DES-MD5
crypto map VLAN604_map 1 set security-association lifetime seconds 600
crypto map VLAN604_map 1 set nat-t-disable
crypto map VLAN604_map interface VLAN604

crypto isakmp identity key-id 12
crypto isakmp enable VLAN604

crypto isakmp policy 5
authentication pre-share
encryption des
hash md5
group 1
lifetime 600
no crypto isakmp nat-traversal

   Конфиг AR770S:

# IPSEC configuration
create ipsec sas=1 key=isakmp prot=esp enc=des hasha=md5
create ipsec bund=1 key=isakmp string="1"
create ipsec pol="OZC" int=eth0 ac=ipsec key=isakmp bund=1 peer=xxx.xxx.xxx.40
set ipsec pol="OZC" lad=yyy.yyy.16.0 lma= rad=zzz.zzz.0.0 rma=
create ipsec pol="INTERNET" int=eth0 ac=permit
enable ipsec

# ISAKMP configuration
create isakmp pol="OZC" pe=xxx.xxx.xxx.40 key=3
set isakmp pol="OZC" expirys=600
enable isakmp

>sh enco key=3

IP Address:

   debug на ASA 5550:

Jun 24 08:47:28 [IKEv1]: Group = DefaultL2LGroup, IP = xxx.xxx.xxx.9, Removing peer from peer table failed, no match!
Jun 24 08:47:28 [IKEv1]: Group = DefaultL2LGroup, IP = xxx.xxx.xxx.9, Error: Unable to remove PeerTblEntry

   debug на AR770S:

24 08:45:47 3 ISAK IKMP XCHG Exchange 12593: MAIN Phase 1 [init] started with
peer xxx.xxx.xxx.40 local xxx.xxx.xxx.9 Cookie_I
c957d0e70f4e1b89 Cookie_R 0000000000000000
24 08:45:47 3 ISAK IKMP XCHG Exchange 12593: Invalid id information
24 08:45:47 3 ISAK IKMP XCHG Exchange 12593: Failed.


Сообщения в этом обсуждении
"Не поднмается VPN между Cisco ASA 5550 и Allied Telesyn AR77..."
Отправлено jeka64 , 24-Июн-09 12:56 
Сейчас настроил VPN между Cisco 2811 и Allied Telesyn. Все работает. Где же ошибка в конфиге Cisco ASA?

Судя по логам они немогут пройти 1 фазу.

sh isakmp sa detail

SA Id ................................. 2
  Initiator Cookie .................... 54dbfd5ff9e4ae22
  Responder Cookie .................... 0000000000000000
  DOI ................................. IPSEC
  Policy name ......................... OZC
  State ............................... DOING_PHASE1
  Local address ....................... xxx.xxx.xxx.9
  Remote Address ...................... xxx.xxx.xxx.40
  Remote Port ......................... 500
  Time of establishment ............... **-***-****:**:**:**
  Commit bit set ...................... FALSE
  Send notifies ....................... FALSE
  Send deletes ........................ FALSE
  Always send ID ...................... FALSE
  Message Retry Limit ................. 8
  Initial Message Retry Timeout (s) ... 4
  Message Back-off .................... Incremental
  Exchange Delete Delay (s) ........... 30
  Do Xauth ............................ FALSE
    Xauth Finished .................... TRUE
  Expiry Limit (bytes) ................ 0
  Soft Expiry Limit (bytes) ........... 0
  Bytes seen .......................... 0
  Expiry Limit (seconds) .............. 0
  Soft Expiry Limit (seconds) ......... 0
  Seconds since creation .............. 0
  Number of Phase 2 exchanges allowed . 4294967294
  Number of acquires queued ........... 1

Sa Definition Information:
  Authentication Type ................. INVALID
  Encryption Algorithm ................ INVALID
  Hash Algorithm ...................... INVALID
  group Type .......................... INVALID
  group Description ................... MODP512
  DH Private Exponent Bits ............ 160
  expiry seconds ...................... 0
  expiry kilobytes .................... 0

XAuth Information:
  Id .................................. 0
  Next Message ........................ UNKNOWN
  Status .............................. FAIL
  Type ................................ Generic
  Max Failed Attempts.................. 0
  Failed Attempts...................... 0

NAT-Traversal Information:
  NAT-T enabled ....................... NO
  Peer NAT-T capable .................. NO
  NAT discovered ...................... UNKNOWN

Heartbeat Information:
  Send Heartbeats ..................... NO
  Next sequence number tx ............. 1
  Receive Heartbeats .................. NO
  Last sequence number rx ............. 0

"Не поднмается VPN между Cisco ASA 5550 и Allied Telesyn AR77..."
Отправлено jeka64 , 25-Июн-09 09:25 
А еще не понятно вот что.

sh crypto isakmp sa detail

   Active SA: 1
   Rekey SA: 0 (A tunnel will report 1 Active and 1 Rekey SA during rekey)
Total IKE SA: 1

1   IKE Peer:
    Type    : user            Role    : initiator
    Rekey   : no              State   : MM_WAIT_MSG2
    Encrypt : aes-256         Hash    : SHA
    Auth    : preshared       Lifetime: 0

Почему aes-256? Ведь в конфиге прописано des.