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"VXML скрипт и трансфер"

Отправлено decrups , 14-Сен-11 09:20 
Добрый день!
Тема уже обсуждалась ранее но решение так и не было предложено, время не стоит на месте возможно кто то уже нашел решение данной проблемы.
Вообщем после отработки vxml скрипта не работает трансфер.Объясняютс следущим: "проблема в том, что при использовании vxml, call control всеже остаётся за скриптом, после трансфера звонка на оператора.

поэтому потом не удается сделать трансфер с консультацией.
как временное решение, использовать для оператора blind-transfer" Но у меня и
blind-transfer не работает хотя это и не вариант нужен обязательно трансфер с консультацией.
Есть такой простой скрипт просто трансферит звонок
<form id="call">
    <transfer name="mycall" dest="phone://12345" bridge="false"> </transfer>
в нем параметр bridge объесняют
вот здесь http://www.certification.ru/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?action=thread&...
bridge="true" - это consultunt transfer, циска продолжает интерпертировать vxml до окончания переведенного разговора, она контроллирует call-леги.
bridge="false" - это blind transfer. циска просто редиректит звонок и больше в нем никак не участвует.
Попробывал скрипт с параметром bridge="false" ситуация не изменилась.

дебаг сипа. в sip не очень силен. есть одна зацепка объясните как это победить вообщем при звонок приходит из вне запускается скрипт vxml проигрывает сообщение ничего не набрали переводит зонок на секретаря секретарь нажимает перевод внешний звонок становиться на удержание секретарь набирает номер внутренего абонента затем снова кнопку перевод (соединения не происходит оба звонка остаются на удержании) в этот момент появляется ошибка
Nvkz-auto-cr1#debug ccsip error
SIP Call error tracing is enabled
Sep 14 11:03:55.806 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Error/ccsip_call_transfer: consult_id does not contain SIP call leg information

включил полный дебаг сипа перед строкой с ошибкой сам трансфер на номер 3502
Sep 14 10:47:33.683 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_call_transfer: Destination 3502 consult_id 47
Как посмотреть ччто содержиться в consult_id 47? 3502(ну и соответсвено  разве не является требуемой SIP call leg information?

еще сыпятся ошибки постояно по сипу
при звонках
SIP: (1477) Attribute mid, level 1 instance 1 not found.
Sep 14 12:17:36.700 OMSST: //1477/B17B67688D4A/SIP/Error/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo:
failed to update call entry
Sep 14 12:17:36.720 OMSST: //1477/B17B67688D4A/SIP/Error/sipSPI_ipip_set_history_info_header: Not SIP2SIP mode
SIP: (1477) Group (a= group line) attribute, level 65535 instance 1 not found.
SIP: (1477) Group (a= group line) attribute, level 65535 instance 1 not found.
Sep 14 12:18:08.908 OMSST: //1485/C4AAF4078D56/SIP/Error/sipSPIAddCiscoGcid: Fatal Error in parsing CCB/Msg
Sep 14 12:18:08.908 OMSST: //1485/C4AAF4078D56/SIP/Error/sipSPI_ipip_set_history_info_header: Not SIP2SIP mode
Sep 14 12:18:21.192 OMSST: //1485/C4AAF4078D56/SIP/Error/sipSPI_ipip_set_history_info_header: Not SIP2SIP mode
SIP: (1485) Group (a= group line) attribute, level 65535 instance 1 not found.
SIP: (1487) Attribute mid, level 1 instance 1 not found.


Сообщения в этом обсуждении
"VXML скрипт и трансфер"
Отправлено decrups , 16-Сен-11 13:54 
посоветовали сделать следущее входящий вызов направить сперва на ephon-dn, а от него уже автоматом переводится на пир с vxml скриптом.
вылезли новые грабли.при звонке с внешнего номера call-forward all вообще не работает ни на один внутрений номер ну ето ладно обошел его командой call-forward noan на внутрение номера она работает если на номер котрый матчиться с пиром vxml скрипта то звонок отбивается не могу понять в чем дело?
вот конфига

voice translation-rule 60
  rule 1 /^920163/ /3599/

voice translation-profile Internal_920163
  translate called 60

service aa flash:mymenu.vxml
ephone-template 3
softkeys idle Redial Gpickup Cfwdall Newcall Mobility
softkeys seized Redial Endcall Cfwdall Gpickup
softkeys alerting Endcall
softkeys connected Hold Trnsfer Confrn Endcall Park Mobility
ephone-dn 33 dual-line
number 3303 no-reg both
hold-alert 30 originator
ephone-dn 85 dual-line
number 3599 no-reg both
description Test
name Test
call-forward noan 3354 timeout 3
hold-alert 30 originator
ephone 33
no phone-ui speeddial-fastdial
device-security-mode none
mac-address 6416.8D50.DCF7
ephone-template 3
after-hours exempt
type 7911
button 1:33
ephone 85
device-security-mode none
description Test
mac-address 1CC1.DEFB.A5B6
after-hours exempt
type CIPC
button 1:85
dial-peer voice 256 voip
  tone ringback alert-no-PI
  description For incoming calls_920163
  translation-profile incoming Internal_920163
  no voice-class sip early-offer forced
  session protocol sipv2
  session target ipv4:
  incoming called-number 920163
  dtmf-relay rtp-nte
  dtmf-interworking rtp-nte
  codec g711alaw
  fax rate 9600
  fax protocol pass-through g711alaw
  no vad
dial-peer voice 257 voip
service aa
destination-pattern 3354
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number 3354
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
codec g711alaw
no vad

"VXML скрипт и трансфер"
Отправлено decrups , 16-Сен-11 17:48 
вот дебаг при внешнем звонке на 920163
Nvkz-auto-cr1#debug ccsip all
This may severely impact system performance. Continue? [confirm]yAll SIP Call tracing is enabled
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/HandleUdpIPv4SocketReads: Msg enqueued for SPI with IP addr: []:5060
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_process_sipspi_queue_event: ccsip_spi_get_msg_type returned: 2 for event 1
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Transport/sipTransportProcessNWNewConnMsg: context=0x00000000
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg:
INVITE sip:920163@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK_a3Kr_1316151119X000307DA
To: "920163"<sip:920163@>
From: "9134212511"<sip:9134212511@>;tag=1316151119000585BD
Contact: <sip:9134212511@>
Call-ID: 4E72DF4FAEE780002D0D2_62.231.191.7
CSeq: 100 INVITE
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 287
Supported: 100rel
Category: 10
Privacy: none
P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:9134212511@>

o=protei 1316151119 1316151119 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 31542 RTP/AVP 8 18 101
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15

Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_new_msg_preprocessor: Checking Invite Dialog
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPIAddContextToTable: Added context(0x6A58F8FC) with key=[2489] to table
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Transport/sipSPIUpdateResponseInfo: Dialog Transaction Address,Port 5060, Transport 1, SentBy Port 5060
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/State/sipSPIChangeState: 0x6A58F8FC : State change from (STATE_NONE, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_IDLE, SUBSTATE_NONE)
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Transport/sipSPIUpdateResponseInfo: Dialog Transaction Address,Port 5060, Transport 1, SentBy Port 5060
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPISetDateHeader: Converting TimeZone OMSST to SIP default timezone = GMT
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Transport/sipSPIUpdateResponseInfo: Dialog Transaction Address,Port 5060, Transport 1, SentBy Port 5060
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetContentGTD: No GTD found in inbound container
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUaddCcbToUASReqTable: ****Adding to UAS Request table.
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUaddCcbToTable: Added to table. ccb=0x6A58F8FC key=4E72DF4FAEE780002D0D2_62.231.191.7920163
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIMatchSrcIpGroup: Match not found on carrier id
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIMatchSrcIpGroup: Match not found on Incoming called number: 920163
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIMatchSrcIpGroup: Match not found on destination pattern: 9134212511
Sep 16 12:31:59.719 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsipUpdateIncomingCallParams: ccCallInfo: Calling name 9134212511, number 9134212511, Calling oct3 0x00, oct_3a 0x80, Called number 920163
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetShrlPeer: Try match incoming dialpeer for Calling number: : 9134212511
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetCallConfig: Peer tag 256 matched for incoming call
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetCallConfig: Precondition tag absent in Require/Supported header
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetCallConfig: This call is being treated for E911
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetCallConfig: Precondition tag absent in Require/Supported header
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetCallConfig: voice class SIP Profiles tag is set : 1
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetCallConfig: Not using Voice Class Codec
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetCallConfig: Checking Video Type Rate=-1 video_codec_allowed=1F
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Media/sipSPICopyPeerDataToCCB: Firewall traversal is not enabled
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetCallConfig: xcoder high-density disabled
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetCallConfig: Flow Mode set to FLOW_THROUGH
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetCallConfig: Media forking not supported with srtp.
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIContinueNewMsgInvite: Calling name 9134212511, number 9134212511, Calling oct3 0x00, oct_3a 0x80, ext_priv 0x00, Called number 920163, oct3 0x00
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIContinueNewMsgInvite: Carrier id code , prev_cid NONE, next_cid NONE, prev_tgrp NONE, next_tgrp NONE
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIRscmsmAvail: Value returned by check is = 0
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIProcessHistoryInfoHeader: No HI headers recvd from app container
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIProcessDiversionHeader: No diversion headers recvd from app container
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIProcessReplacesHeader: No replaces hdr found
SIP: Warning: Unrecognized attribute (X-itc)
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIDoMediaNegotiation: Number of m-lines = 1
SIP: (10420) Attribute mid, level 1 instance 1 not found.
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Media/sipSPISetMediaSrcAddr: Media src addr for stream 1 =
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIDoAudioNegotiation: Codec (g711alaw) Negotiation Successful on Static Payload for m-line 1
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIDoPtimeNegotiation: One ptime attribute found - value:20
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/convert_ptime_to_codec_bytes: Values :Codec: g711alaw ptime :20, codecbytes: 160
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/convert_codec_bytes_to_ptime: Values :Codec: g711alaw codecbytes :160, ptime: 20
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Media/sipSPIDoPtimeNegotiation: Offered ptime:20, Negotiated ptime:20 Negotiated codec bytes: 160 for codec g711alaw
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIDoDTMFRelayNegotiation: m-line index 1
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPICheckDynPayloadUse: Dynamic payload(101) could not be reserved.
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIDoDTMFRelayNegotiation: RTP-NTE DTMF relay option
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIDoDTMFRelayNegotiation: Case of partial named event(NE) match in fmtp list of events.
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sip_sdp_get_modem_relay_cap_params: NSE payload from X-cap = 0
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sip_select_modem_relay_params: X-tmr not present in SDP. Disable modem relay
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetSDPDirectionAttribute: No direction attribute present or multiple direction attributes that can't be handled for m-line:1 and num-a-lines:0
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIDoAudioNegotiation: Codec negotiation successful for media line 1
                payload_type=8, codec_bytes=160, codec=g711alaw, dtmf_relay=rtp-nte
                stream_type=voice+dtmf (1), dest_ip_address=, dest_port=31542
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/State/sipSPIChangeStreamState: Stream (callid = -1) State changed from (STREAM_DEAD) to (STREAM_ADDING)
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Media/sipSPIUpdCallWithSdpInfo:
                Preferred Codec : g711alaw, bytes :160
                Preferred DTMF relay : rtp-nte
                Preferred NTE payload : 101
                Early Media : No
                Delayed Media : No
                Bridge Done : No
                New Media : No
                DSP DNLD Reqd : No

Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/resolve_media_ip_address_to_bind: Media already bound, use existing source_media_ip_addr
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Media/sipSPISetMediaSrcAddr: Media src addr for stream 1 =
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_report_media_to_peer:
  callId 10420 peer 0 flags 0x201 state STATE_IDLE
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo:
CallID 10420, sdp 0x71570CEC channels 0x6A590B9C
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/copy_channels:
  callId 10420 size 0 ptr 0x749ACE84)
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo:
Hndl ptype 8 mline 1
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo: Selecting codec g711alaw
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/codec_found:
Codec to be matched: 6
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo: ADD AUDIO CODEC 6

Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/convert_codec_bytes_to_ptime: Values :Codec: g711alaw codecbytes :160, ptime: 20
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo: Media negotiation done: stream->negotiated_ptime=20,stream->negotiated_codec_bytes=160, coverted ptime=20 stream->mline_index=1, media_ndx=1
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Error/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo:
failed to update call entry
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo:
Adding codec 6 ptype 8 time 20, bytes 160 as channel 0 mline 1 ss 1
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo:
Hndl ptype 18 mline 1
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Media/sipSPISelectCodecVersion: Codec (g729r8) is not in preferred list
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo: An exact codec match not configured, using interoperable codec g729r8
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo: Selecting codec g729r8
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/codec_found:
Codec to be matched: 16
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo:
Hndl ptype 101 mline 1
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo: setting ipip_caps DTMF to RFC2833: callid = 10420, dtmf = 6
Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo: Copy sdp to channel- AFTER CODEC FILTERING: ccb->pld.ipip_caps.codecInfo[channel_ndx].codec = 6

Sep 16 12:31:59.723 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_copy_sdp_to_channelInfo: Copy sdp to channel- AFTER CODEC FILTERING: ccb->pld.ipip_caps.codecInfo[channel_ndx].codec = -1

Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_report_media_to_peer:
  callId 10420 flags 0x100 state STATE_IDLE
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_report_media_to_peer:
Report initial call media
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_report_media_to_peer: ccb->flags 0xC, ccb->pld.flags_ipip 0x201

Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/copy_channels:
  callId 10420 size 240 ptr 0x67BC6ED4)
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_report_media_to_peer:
CCSIP: Unable to report channel ind
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_update_srtp_caps: 5054: Posting Remote SRTP caps to other callleg.
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_report_media_to_peer: do cc_api_caps_ind()
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Media/sipSPIUpdCallWithSdpInfo:
                    Stream type : voice+dtmf
                    Media line : 1
                    State : STREAM_ADDING (2)
                    Stream address type : 1
                    Callid : -1
                    Negotiated Codec : g711alaw, bytes :160
                    Nego. Codec payload : 8 (tx), 8 (rx)
                    Negotiated DTMF relay : rtp-nte
                    Negotiated NTE payload : 101 (tx), 101 (rx)
                    Negotiated CN payload : 0
                    Media Srce Addr/Port : []:0
                    Media Dest Addr/Port : []:31542

Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIHandleInviteMedia:
Negotiated Codec : g711alaw, bytes :160
Preferred Codec : g711alaw, bytes :160
Preferred DTMF relay 1 : 6
Preferred DTMF relay 2 : 0
Negotiated DTMF relay : 6
Preferred and Negotiated NTE payloads: 101 101
Preferred and Negotiated NSE payloads: 100 0
Preferred and Negotiated Modem Relay: 0 0
Preferred and Negotiated Modem Relay GwXid: 1 0

"VXML скрипт и трансфер"
Отправлено decrups , 16-Сен-11 17:48 
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIDoQoSNegotiationWithMediaLine: Entry
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIDoQoSNegotiationWithMediaLine: QOS negotiation for mline_index 1
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIDoStreamQoSNegotiation: Best effort
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPICanSetFallbackFlag: Local Fallback is not active
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Media/sipSPIReserveRtpPort: reserved port 16654 for stream 1
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUpdateSrcSdpFixedPart: Reserving rtp port for stream 1, src_port=16654
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPISetMediaDirectionForStream: Setting Media direction SENDRECV for stream 1
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUpdateSrcSdpVariablePart: Setting stream 1 portnum to 16654
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUpdateSrcSdpVariablePart:
  SIP update src sdp, negoitated codec 6, payload type 8

Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUpdateSrcSdpVariablePart: Negotiated method of dtmf relayand pyld: 6 101

Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIAddBillingInfoToCcb: sipCallId for billing records = 4E72DF4FAEE780002D0D2_62.231.191.7
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetContentCPA: No CPA found in inbound container
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIProcessCPA: No x-cisco-cpa content found
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_api_call_setup_ind: Headers from INVITE added to callInfo container
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_store_channel_info: Store channelInfo in CallInfo
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_store_channel_info: dtmf negotiation done, storing negotiated dtmf = 6,
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIShrlCall: Check peer: 256 for Shared-Line call, callid: 10420
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_set_bearer_capability:
      Bearer Capability: Speech (0x00)
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetContentQSIG: No QSIG Body found in inbound container
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPIGetContentQ931: No RawMsg Body found in inbound container
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPICreateNewRawMsg: No Data to form The Raw Message

Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIContinueNewMsgInvite: ccsip_api_call_setup_ind returned: SIP_SUCCESS
Sep 16 12:31:59.727 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUaddccCallIdToTable: Adding call id 28B4 to table
Sep 16 12:31:59.731 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Transport/sipSPITransportSendMessage: msg=0x7499DC98, addr=, port=5060, sentBy_port=5060, is_req=0, transport=1, switch=0, callBack=0x00000000
Sep 16 12:31:59.731 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Transport/sipSPITransportSendMessage: Proceedable for sending msg immediately
Sep 16 12:31:59.731 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Transport/sipTransportLogicSendMsg: switch transport is 0
Sep 16 12:31:59.731 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Transport/sipTransportPostSendMessage: Posting send for msg=0x7499DC98, addr=, port=5060, connId=0 for UDP
Sep 16 12:31:59.731 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/State/sipSPIChangeState: 0x6A58F8FC : State change from (STATE_IDLE, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_RECD_INVITE, SUBSTATE_NONE)
Sep 16 12:31:59.731 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIProcessContactInfo: Previous Hop
Sep 16 12:31:59.731 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Event/sipSPIEventInfo: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_CC_CALL_PROCEEDING
Sep 16 12:31:59.735 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_event_handler:
Sep 16 12:31:59.735 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_event_handler: switch(ev.ev_id: 162)
Sep 16 12:31:59.735 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_event_handler:
  ccsip_event_handler: peer ID 10421 chans 0x74B7A920 event 162 flags 0x40001C 0x100 0x601 data 0x74B7A920
Sep 16 12:31:59.735 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_event_handler:
  ccsip_event_handler: CC_EV_H245_SET_MODE: peer ID 10421 chans 0x74B7A920 event 162 flags 0x40001C 0x100 0x601 data 0x74B7A920, type = 1
Sep 16 12:31:59.735 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_gw_set_sipspi_mode: Setting SPI mode to SIP-TDM
Sep 16 12:31:59.735 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_event_handler: CC_R_SUCCESS_WITH_CONFIRMED
Sep 16 12:31:59.739 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_process_sipspi_queue_event: ccsip_spi_get_msg_type returned: 3 for event 3
Sep 16 12:31:59.743 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg:
SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK_a3Kr_1316151119X000307DA
From: "9134212511"<sip:9134212511@>;tag=1316151119000585BD
To: "920163"<sip:920163@>
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 05:31:59 GMT
Call-ID: 4E72DF4FAEE780002D0D2_62.231.191.7
CSeq: 100 INVITE
Allow-Events: telephone-event
Server: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x
Content-Length: 0

Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sip_gw_video_handle_alert: Video caps are not detected in the caps posted by peer leg
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Event/sipSPIEventInfo: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_CC_CALL_ALERTING
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Event/sipSPIEventInfo: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_CC_MEDIA_EVENT
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_process_sipspi_queue_event: ccsip_spi_get_msg_type returned: 3 for event 5
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Error/sipSPIAddCiscoGcid: Fatal Error in parsing CCB/Msg
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Error/sipSPI_ipip_set_history_info_header: Not SIP2SIP mode
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPIStoreTunnelData: Container /RawMessage Absent
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUaddCcbToUASRespTable: ****Adding to UAS Response table.
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUaddCcbToTable: Added to table. ccb=0x6A58F8FC key=4E72DF4FAEE780002D0D2_62.231.191.7D49A0B0-198E
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Event/sipSPICreateRpid: Received Octet3A=0x00 -> Setting ;screen=no ;privacy=off
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Transport/sipSPISendInviteResponse: Sending 180 Response to the Transport Layer
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Transport/sipSPITransportSendMessage: msg=0x7499DC98, addr=, port=5060, sentBy_port=5060, is_req=0, transport=1, switch=0, callBack=0x618553BC
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Transport/sipSPITransportSendMessage: Proceedable for sending msg immediately
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Transport/sipTransportLogicSendMsg: switch transport is 0
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Transport/sipTransportPostSendMessage: Posting send for msg=0x7499DC98, addr=, port=5060, connId=0 for UDP
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sentInviteResponse18x: Sent a 18x Response
Sep 16 12:31:59.747 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/State/sipSPIChangeState: 0x6A58F8FC : State change from (STATE_RECD_INVITE, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_SENT_ALERTING, SUBSTATE_NONE)
Sep 16 12:31:59.751 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg:
SIP/2.0 180 Ringing
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK_a3Kr_1316151119X000307DA
From: "9134212511"<sip:9134212511@>;tag=1316151119000585BD
To: "920163"<sip:920163@>;tag=D49A0B0-198E
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 05:31:59 GMT
Call-ID: 4E72DF4FAEE780002D0D2_62.231.191.7
CSeq: 100 INVITE
Allow-Events: telephone-event
Remote-Party-ID: "Test" <sip:3599@>;party=called;screen=no;privacy=off
Contact: <sip:920163@>
Server: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x
Content-Length: 0

Sep 16 12:31:59.751 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_process_sipspi_queue_event: ccsip_spi_get_msg_type returned: 3 for event 29
Sep 16 12:32:02.751 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_call_forward:


Sep 16 12:32:02.751 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_call_forward: Call forward target num 3354
Sep 16 12:32:02.751 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Event/sipSPIEventInfo: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_CC_CALL_FORWARD
Sep 16 12:32:02.751 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_process_sipspi_queue_event: ccsip_spi_get_msg_type returned: 3 for event 28
Sep 16 12:32:02.751 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Error/sipSPI_ipip_set_history_info_header: Not SIP2SIP mode
Sep 16 12:32:02.751 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_spi_create_call_forward_contact_list: Calling peeridb not found
Sep 16 12:32:02.751 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_spi_create_call_forward_contact_list: Call forward dpeer tag: 257
Sep 16 12:32:02.751 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_spi_add_redirect_contact: found voip peer, using session target as contact
Sep 16 12:32:02.751 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_spi_add_redirect_contact: Calling peeridb not found
Sep 16 12:32:02.751 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_spi_create_call_forward_contact_list: Number of redirect contacts added: 1
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/act_spi_call_forward:
Performing call forward

Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/act_spi_call_forward:
Sending 3xx response
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPISendInviteResponse: Associated container=0x6C2689A0 to Invite Response 302
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Transport/sipSPITransportSendMessage: msg=0x67E28AD8, addr=, port=5060, sentBy_port=5060, is_req=0, transport=1, switch=0, callBack=0x618550E0
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Transport/sipSPITransportSendMessage: Proceedable for sending msg immediately
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Transport/sipTransportLogicSendMsg: switch transport is 0
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Transport/sipTransportPostSendMessage: Posting send for msg=0x67E28AD8, addr=, port=5060, connId=0 for UDP
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sentInviteResponseRedMovedTemp: Sent an 3456XX Error Response
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIInitiateDisconnect: Initiate call disconnect(16) for incoming call
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_set_release_source_for_peer: ownCallId[10420], src[6]
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Error/ccsip_set_release_source_for_peer: Failed AV set
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Error/sipSPIGetContentQSIG: No Inbound Container Created !!!
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Error/sipSPIGetContentQ931: No Inbound Container Created !!!
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/State/sipSPIChangeState: 0x6A58F8FC : State change from (STATE_SENT_ALERTING, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_DISCONNECTING, SUBSTATE_NONE)
Sep 16 12:32:02.755 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg:
SIP/2.0 302 Moved Temporarily
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK_a3Kr_1316151119X000307DA
From: "9134212511"<sip:9134212511@>;tag=1316151119000585BD
To: "920163"<sip:920163@>;tag=D49A0B0-198E
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 05:31:59 GMT
Call-ID: 4E72DF4FAEE780002D0D2_62.231.191.7
CSeq: 100 INVITE
Allow-Events: telephone-event
Server: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x
Diversion: ;reason=no-answer;counter=1
Cisco-Gcid: 08B5C615-DF5C-11E0-A429-EE7859B2A178
Contact: <sip:3354@>
Content-Length: 0

Sep 16 12:32:02.759 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_call_statistics: Stats are not supported for IPIP call.
Sep 16 12:32:02.759 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Event/sipSPIEventInfo: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_CC_CALL_DISCONNECT
Sep 16 12:32:02.759 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_process_sipspi_queue_event: ccsip_spi_get_msg_type returned: 3 for event 7
Sep 16 12:32:02.759 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/HandleUdpIPv4SocketReads: Msg enqueued for SPI with IP addr: []:5060
Sep 16 12:32:02.759 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_process_sipspi_queue_event: ccsip_spi_get_msg_type returned: 2 for event 1
Sep 16 12:32:02.759 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Transport/sipTransportProcessNWNewConnMsg: context=0x00000000
Sep 16 12:32:02.759 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg:
ACK sip:920163@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK_a3Kr_1316151119X000307DA
To: "920163"<sip:920163@>;tag=D49A0B0-198E
From: "9134212511"<sip:9134212511@>;tag=1316151119000585BD
Call-ID: 4E72DF4FAEE780002D0D2_62.231.191.7
CSeq: 100 ACK
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Length: 0

Sep 16 12:32:02.759 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/ccsip_new_msg_preprocessor: Checking Invite Dialog
Sep 16 12:32:02.759 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIFindCcbUASRespTable: *****CCB found in UAS Response table. ccb=0x6A58F8FC
Sep 16 12:32:02.759 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Transport/sipSPIUpdateResponseInfo: Dialog Transaction Address,Port 5060, Transport 1, SentBy Port 5060
Sep 16 12:32:02.759 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPISetDateHeader: Converting TimeZone OMSST to SIP default timezone = GMT
Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Transport/sipSPIUpdateResponseInfo: Dialog Transaction Address,Port 5060, Transport 1, SentBy Port 5060
Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIIcpifUpdate: CallState: 2 Playout: 0 DiscTime:22293208 ConnTime 0
Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/State/sipSPIChangeState: 0x6A58F8FC : State change from (STATE_DISCONNECTING, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_DEAD, SUBSTATE_NONE)
Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Call/sipSPICallInfo:
The Call Setup Information is:
Call Control Block (CCB) : 0x6A58F8FC
State of The Call : STATE_DEAD
TCP Sockets Used : NO
Calling Number : 9134212511
Called Number : 920163
Source IP Address (Sig ):
Destn SIP Req Addr:Port :
Destn SIP Resp Addr:Port :
Destination Name :

Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Call/sipSPIMediaCallInfo:
Number of Media Streams: 1
Media Stream : 1
Negotiated Codec : g711alaw
Negotiated Codec Bytes : 160
Nego. Codec payload : 8 (tx), 8 (rx)
Negotiated Dtmf-relay : 6
Dtmf-relay Payload : 101 (tx), 101 (rx)
Source IP Address (Media):
Source IP Port (Media): 16654
Destn IP Address (Media):
Destn IP Port (Media): 31542
Orig Destn IP Address:Port (Media): [ - ]:0

Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Call/sipSPICallInfo:
Disconnect Cause (CC) : 16
Disconnect Cause (SIP) : 302

Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUdeleteccCallIdFromTable: Removing call id 28B4
Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPIDeleteContextFromTable: Context for key=[2489] removed.
Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUdeleteCcbFromUASReqTable: ****Deleting from UAS Request table.
Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUdeleteCcbFromTable: Deleting from table. ccb=0x6A58F8FC key=4E72DF4FAEE780002D0D2_62.231.191.7920163
Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUdeleteCcbFromUASRespTable: ****Deleting from UAS Response table.
Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUdeleteCcbFromTable: Deleting from table. ccb=0x6A58F8FC key=4E72DF4FAEE780002D0D2_62.231.191.7D49A0B0-198E
Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIFlushEventBufferQueue: There are 0 events on the internal queue that are going to be free'd
Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/ccsip_qos_cleanup: Entry
Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPI_ipip_free_codec_profile: Codec Profiles Freed
Sep 16 12:32:02.763 OMSST: //10420/08B529EDA426/SIP/Info/sipSPIUfreeOneCCB: Freeing ccb 6A58F8FC
Почему звонок отбивается?