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"дурит nvram CISCO1921"

Отправлено oligarh , 06-Окт-11 12:07 
Здравствуйте, коллеги!

позвонил клиент из удаленного региона и сказал что циска не загружается, подцепили к консоли и увидели, что она абсолютно обнуленная. Залил конфиг, сказал wr и получил в ответ:
Building configuration...
NVRAM Verification Failed

*Oct  6 07:38:15.687: %NVRAM-2-NO_GOOD_SECTORS: No good sectors in Primary region
*Oct  6 07:38:15.687: %NVRAM-3-WRITE_FAILED: Write to Primary region failed
*Oct  6 07:38:15.687: %NVRAM-3-WRITE_FAILED: Write to Backup region failed
*Oct  6 07:38:16.067: %SYS-7-NV_BLOCK_INIT: Initialized the geometry of nvram
после перезагрузки опять обнуленная, подскажите что может быть?неужто железо накрылось?


Сообщения в этом обсуждении
"дурит nvram CISCO1921"
Отправлено Merridius , 06-Окт-11 13:47 
>[оверквотинг удален]
> 1#wr
> Building configuration...
> [OK]
> NVRAM Verification Failed
> 1#
> *Oct  6 07:38:15.687: %NVRAM-2-NO_GOOD_SECTORS: No good sectors in Primary region
> *Oct  6 07:38:15.687: %NVRAM-3-WRITE_FAILED: Write to Primary region failed
> *Oct  6 07:38:15.687: %NVRAM-3-WRITE_FAILED: Write to Backup region failed
> *Oct  6 07:38:16.067: %SYS-7-NV_BLOCK_INIT: Initialized the geometry of nvram
> после перезагрузки опять обнуленная, подскажите что может быть?неужто железо накрылось?


Explanation No good sectors in the region.

Recommended Action Copy the message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at http://www.cisco.com/tac. With some messages, these tools and utilities supply clarifying information. Search for resolved software issues using the Bug Toolkit at http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/Support/Bugtool/launch_bugtool.pl. If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet at http://tools.cisco.com/ServiceRequestTool/create, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the information that you have gathered.

Короче вам в TAC

"дурит nvram CISCO1921"
Отправлено oligarh , 06-Окт-11 15:02 
>[оверквотинг удален]
> Recommended Action Copy the message exactly as it appears on the console
> or in the system log. Research and attempt to resolve the
> issue using the tools and utilities provided at http://www.cisco.com/tac. With some
> messages, these tools and utilities supply clarifying information. Search for resolved
> software issues using the Bug Toolkit at http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/Support/Bugtool/launch_bugtool.pl.
> If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical
> Assistance Center via the Internet at http://tools.cisco.com/ServiceRequestTool/create,
> or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative
> with the information that you have gathered.
> Короче вам в TAC

вобщемто так и сделали...

"дурит nvram CISCO1921"
Отправлено Andrew , 02-Фев-12 17:57 
так в чем проблема то оказалась, а то я cisco lap1142n припопытке сохранить конфиг пишет
Building configuration...
NVRAM Verification Failed