Помогите пожалуйста решить проблему.
Циска стала перегружаться раз 15 - 50 минут.
Посоветуйте пожалуйста что можно сделать?
Может IOS побиться?
Вот наверное в чем проблема
"System returned to ROM by error - a SIGTRAP exception, PC 0x807BC210 at 20:30:53"Вот вывод команды sh ver:
c2610>sh ver.75.181_ECHO
IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-IO3-M), Version 12.0(7)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2):16:19:
0 *HDLC*) -> <address> (3/3), 1 packet4/500) current 1-min rate: liCompiled Tue 07-Dec-99 03:30 by phanguye
Image text-base: 0x80008088, data-base: 0x80814F5CROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.3(2)XA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
c2610 uptime is 49 minutes
System returned to ROM by error - a SIGTRAP exception, PC 0x807BC210 at 20:30:53
MSK Mon Mar 1 1993
System image file is "flash:c2600-io3-mz.120-7.T"cisco 2610 (MPC860) processor (revision 0x203) with 26624K/6144K bytes of memory
Processor board ID JAD04350583 (1803260452)
M860 processor: part number 0, mask 49
Bridging software.
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
1 Serial network interface(s)
32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)Configuration register is 0x2102
Results listed by "show" commands
The following hyperlinks are headings for the supported commands that you
submitted. Each hyperlink takes you to the relevant section within the analysis results.
STACK DECODE AnalysisBack to top
Jump to Section:
CONFIGURATION REGISTER ANALYSISINFO: The loaded IOS image is supported on the Unknown platform.
INFO: The loaded IOS image is running from
WARNING: The configuration register was not found in the submitted output.
TRY THIS: For an analysis and breakdown of the configuration register, ensure
that the entire 'show version' output is submitted to the Output Interpreter.
The line in question may look like:
Configuration register is 0x2102
The hexadecimal number may be different.
Back to contents
REFERENCE: For further information about Cisco IOS Software Releases, see: How
to Choose a Cisco IOS Software Release
REFERENCE: For further information about Troubleshooting Router Crashes see: Troubleshooting
Router Crashes
REFERENCE: See Technical Support for Router-specific issues.
REFERENCE: For further information about this command see: Show Version
ERROR: The 'SIGTRAP Exception' error is usually caused by a software problem,
and is another means of reporting a 'Software-forced Crash'.
TRY THIS: Capture the "show stacks" and "show version" command output from your
device and submit it to the Output Interpreter to display potential issues and
REFERENCE: For more information, see the TAC Case Collection - SIGTRAP exceptions.REFERENCE: For more information, see:
Troubleshooting Router Crashes
Less Common Types of System Crashes
ERROR: Version information was found but no Stack information was found to decode.
TRY THIS: This could mean one of the several things listed here:
1. Only a part of the 'show version' command output was pasted.
If so, submit the entire 'show version' command output again, to the
Output Interpreter, including the Configuration Register.
2. Traceback, Stack Traces, or Alignment Errors were not found.
If this is the case, submit the output again, and ensure that the Stack
information is included. Here is an example:Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) RSP Software (RSP-PV-M), Version 12.0(19)S2, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE
TAC Support: http:www.cisco.comtac
Copyright (c) 1986-2002 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Sat 02-Feb-02 21:27 by dchih
Image text-base: 0x60010968, data-base: 0x60DAE000
Traceback= 0x60251F84 0x60254820 0x60250A58 0x602549F0 0x60257E0C
0x601E6B8C 0x601E6C38 0x6015332C 0x60153500 0x601CC454 0x601CC440NOTE: Stack Trace information or Alignment Data can be substituted for the Traceback
Короче давай еще sh stacks и посмотри есть ли у тебя crash_info какиенибудь во флешке
c2610>sh stacks5 Cwe 802ACF04
Minimum process stacks: 0 5600/6000 0 C
Free/Size Name]
01:12:17: %SEC-
5600/6000 CDP Protocolpermitted icmp 66.193.21.
9932/12000 InitB450 8
5484/6000 PostOfficeNet00 0 Pool Managernet0/0,
5352/6000 RADIUS INITCONFIG (3/3), 1 packet, 1 packet
1 483404 7148/9000 Network interfaces
2 0 9000/9000 Timebase Reference Interrupt
3 0 9000/9000 PA Management Int Handler
6 597 8912/9000 16552 Con/Aux Interrupt
7 227707 8920/9000 MPC860 TIMER INTERRUPTSystem was restarted by error - a SIGTRAP exception, PC 0x802C013C at 20:30:53 M
SK Mon Mar 1 1993
C2600 Software (C2600-IO3-M), Version 12.0(7)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Compiled Tue 07-Dec-99 03:30 by phanguye (current version)
Image text-base: 0x80008088, data-base: 0x80814F5C
Stack trace from system failure:
FP: 0x80D05F98, RA: 0x80D05FB8
FP: 0x80D06020, RA: 0x802B2D10
FP: 0x80D06060, RA: 0x802B05CC
FP: 0x80D06090, RA: 0x802B111C
FP: 0x80D060A8, RA: 0x807BC230
FP: 0x80D060E0, RA: 0x807B5C5C
FP: 0x80D06100, RA: 0x8079767C
FP: 0x80D06398, RA: 0x807967D0c2610>sh flash
System flash directory:
File Length Name/status
1 4519168 c2600-io3-mz.120-7.T
2 4600 conf [deleted]
3 4273 conf
4 3977 bpftp
[4532280 bytes used, 3856328 available, 8388608 total]
8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
а можно вывод без мусора:
01:12:17: %SEC-
и т.п.
>а можно вывод без мусора:
>01:12:17: %SEC-
>и т.п.Извините
c2610>sh stacks
Minimum process stacks:
Free/Size Name
5600/6000 CDP Protocol
9932/12000 Init
5484/6000 PostOfficeNet
7592/9000 DHCP Client
10584/12000 Virtual ExecInterrupt level stacks:
Level Called Unused/Size Name
1 748415 7148/9000 Network interfaces
2 0 9000/9000 Timebase Reference Interrupt
3 0 9000/9000 PA Management Int Handler
6 1017 8912/9000 16552 Con/Aux Interrupt
7 331933 8920/9000 MPC860 TIMER INTERRUPTSystem was restarted by error - a SIGTRAP exception, PC 0x802C013C at 20:30:53 MSK Mon Mar 1 1993
C2600 Software (C2600-IO3-M), Version 12.0(7)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Compiled Tue 07-Dec-99 03:30 by phanguye (current version)
Image text-base: 0x80008088, data-base: 0x80814F5C
Stack trace from system failure:
FP: 0x80D05F98, RA: 0x80D05FB8
FP: 0x80D06020, RA: 0x802B2D10
FP: 0x80D06060, RA: 0x802B05CC
FP: 0x80D06090, RA: 0x802B111C
FP: 0x80D060A8, RA: 0x807BC230
FP: 0x80D060E0, RA: 0x807B5C5C
FP: 0x80D06100, RA: 0x8079767C
FP: 0x80D06398, RA: 0x807967D0c2610>sh flash
System flash directory:
File Length Name/status
1 4519168 c2600-io3-mz.120-7.T
2 4600 conf [deleted]
3 4273 conf
4 3977 bpftp
[4532280 bytes used, 3856328 available, 8388608 total]
8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
Короче вот так
Results listed by "show" commands
The following hyperlinks are headings for the supported commands that you
submitted. Each hyperlink takes you to the relevant section within the analysis results.
STACK DECODE AnalysisBack to top
Jump to Section:
CONFIGURATION REGISTER ANALYSISERROR: This router was last restarted by an error. The reload cause was:
'error - a SIGTRAP exception, PC 0x807BC210 at 20:30:53'
This indicates a software error or less frequently, a hardware problem.
TRY THIS: Paste the output of the 'show stacks' command for further analysis. Use
the Troubleshooting Router Crashes document for additional troubleshooting information.INFO: The loaded IOS image is supported on the 2600 Quake platform.
INFO: For a list and information about the features supported by the loaded image,
click on Software Advisor-IOS Image Name.INFO: For a list of MIBs that are supported by the loaded image, please see: SNMP
Object Navigator.INFO: This device has 26624 K available for main memory.
INFO: This device has 6144 K available for IO memory (shared memory).
INFO: This device has a total of 32 MB of RAM installed.INFO: Consider using Cisco's 2600/3600/3700 Memory Calculator to determine the
required memory for a set of IOS features, or if you plan to add additional hardware
to this device.INFO: The loaded IOS image is running from RAM
INFO: For recent bug reports on IOS version 12.0(7)T see: Bug Toolkit
Current Value (in hexadecimal): 0x2102
Current Value (in binary): 0010 0001 0000 0010
Default Value (in hexadecimal): 0x2102
Default Value (in binary): 0010 0001 0000 0010
General Software Configuration Register Bit Meanings (left to right):
Bit(s) Meaning: Current Status
----- ------------------------------------------- --------------
15 Enables diagnostic messages and ignores NVRAM contents: No
14 IP broadcasts do not have net numbers: No
13 Boots default ROM software if network boot fails: Yes (default)
. Setting this bit causes the system to load the helper image from ROM
without any network retries. Clearing this bit causes the system to load
image from ROM after six unsuccessful attempts to load a boot file from
the network.
11-12 Console Baud Rate in bps: 9600 (default)
10 IP broadcast with all zeros : No
. This causes the following setting based on bits 14 and 10
Net all ones, Host all ones (default)
9 Reserved
8 Break disabled: Yes (default)
. Clearing this bit causes the processor to interpret Break as a command
to force the system into the bootstrap monitor, halting normal operation.
A Break can be sent in the first sixty seconds while the system reboots,
regardless of the configuration settings.
7 Original Equipment Manufacturer(OEM) bit enabled: No
. Enabling the OEM bit disables the boot strap messages at start up.
6 Ignore NVRAM contents: No (default)
. Setting this bit causes the system software to ignore nonvolatile
memory contents during next bootup
5 Not used
4 Reserved
3-0 Current boot field value is 0010 (default)
. This causes the system to boot the image from default boot filename
"cisco2-C2600" if boot from flash fails.
Note: Enabling the boot system command override the default filename
for booting over the network from a TFTP server.
More notes for C2600 devices:
. IOS reads the config-register in littleendian byte order, LSB first
(i.e. 0x21022 becomes 0x1022 or a 1200 baud console).
. Command to change config-reg in ROM mode:
confreg {register value}
. Can xmodem a file into flash from ROMMON using the command
xmodem -c {filename}
Hint: Set console baud to 115200 before doing an xmodem.
. Can tftp a file into flash from ROMMON using
. ROMMON Security requires:
- No boot to ROMMON
- Break disabled
- Can't ignore NVRAM
- No diagnostic mode
. Reset console baud rate to 9600:
- 3620/2600 shunt pins 1-2 on the J3 jumper (DUART_RST)
- 3640 shunt pins 1-2 on J3 jumper (BAUD_RST)
REFERENCE: For more information, see Configuration Register.
INFO: On power-up or reload, this router will load the IOS image stored in flash-RAM
(assuming one exists). If no valid IOS image or flash-RAM exists, this router
will attempt to boot in order of following methods:
- boot system commands
- a TFTP-server (using a default IOS image filename)
INFO: On power-up or reload, this router will load it's configuration from a file
stored in NVRAM.
Back to contents
REFERENCE: For further information about Cisco IOS Software Releases, see: How
to Choose a Cisco IOS Software Release
REFERENCE: For further information about Troubleshooting Router Crashes see: Troubleshooting
Router Crashes
REFERENCE: See Technical Support for Router-specific issues.
REFERENCE: For further information about this command see: Show Version
ERROR: The 'SIGTRAP Exception' error is usually caused by a software problem,
and is another means of reporting a 'Software-forced Crash'.
TRY THIS: Capture the "show stacks" and "show version" command output from your
device and submit it to the Output Interpreter to display potential issues and
REFERENCE: For more information, see the TAC Case Collection - SIGTRAP exceptions.REFERENCE: For more information, see:
Troubleshooting Router Crashes
Less Common Types of System Crashes
Note: Understanding the 'Fixed In Version' field - Sometimes the fixed-in version
specified may not be available for download from the IOS Upgrade Planner. This
is because, bug fixes are incorporated into software versions which have not been
regression tested. These builds are called interim images and will have a "."
in the build number found between the parenthesis, for example 12.3(8.1). The bug
fix will be in the next available image, and all later images. So if a bug is fixed
in 12.3(8.1), the bug fix is present in 12.3(9), 12.3(10), and so on.
REFERENCE: For more information on how IOS images are named, see Cisco IOS White
Paper.The failure was caused by a software defect.
The stack trace decoded symbols are:
insp_inspectionPossible bug matches are listed below. Bugs with a score of .90 or more
are the most likely candidates:Score Bugid Status Fixed In Duplicate Title
0.97 CSCdv04414 R 12.0(27)SV 12.1(9.5)EC1 12.0(19.6)SP 12.0(19.6)ST 12.0(19.6)S 12.1(9.5)E1 CSCdp17063 Turbo ACL problem
0.97 CSCdr29594 R 12.0(10.3)S1 12.1(1)E2 12.1(1.5)E 12.0(10.5)S 12.1(1.5)E1 12.0(10.5)SC 12.1(1.5)EC CSCec05368 Router hangs after configuring smds encapsulation on interface
0.86 CSCeg16629 D 12.0(10)W5(17.48) 12.1(2.3)E1 12.1(2)E1 CSCeg45350 not able to bring up additional PPPoA sessions with high CPU load
0.70 CSCec17971 C 12.2(15)BX 12.2(15)ZN 12.2(15)BZ 12.2(15)BW 12.2(13.3)B 12.2(8)BZ 12.2(12.12)PI6 12.2(12.10)T1 CSCdp17063 show process cpu command output is not correct
0.70 CSCdz23419 D CSCdy68974 Gateway crashes after memory allocation of 1692 bytes failed
0.70 CSCee57357 C 12.1(12.5)E1 CSCec05368 CPU hog in ipaddr_get_next_idb_on_subnet when config 4K FR ints
0.70 CSCed36121 C 12.2(18)SXE CSCdp17063 Voice Quality issues due to High CPU in Access Gateway Module (AGM)
0.70 CSCec04003 V 12.2(14.6)BC2 12.1(19.4)EC 12.2(15)BC1a 12.1(19)EC CSCdp17063 High CPU on process CMTS Mac protocol
0.70 CSCef72129 None auto VC creation and deletion scaling issuesменяйте IOS!
Спасибо огромное!
>Спасибо огромное!
Собственно не мне, а Cisco Output Interpreter:
P.S. а что за фичасет у вас такой -io3- ?
Если это IP/FW/IDS то ставьте 12.2.29 - последний GD релиз, и по вашим показателям он потянет:
File name c2600-io3-mz.122-29.bin
Min. Memory 32
Min. Flash 8
Date Released 12-MAY-2005
Release 12.2
Description IP/FW/IDS
Size 5808484
BSD Checksum 05164
Router Checksum 0xca09
MD5 29e7de8f31cc217990b87d93cff77f78
Date Published: 12-MAY-2005файл будет доступен по адресу: webfile.ru/378170 до 17:41 12.07.2005.
take it use it
И все же спасибо Вам, да и доступа у меня нет на Cisco.
Скачали IOS c2600-io3-mz.122-29.bin , залили, ошибки нет.
За IOS снова спасибо, так как в инете нашел только c2600-io3-mz.121-6.binc2610#sh ver
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-IO3-M), Version 12.2(29), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 11-May-05 17:27 by kellmill
Image text-base: 0x8000808C, data-base: 0x80A6CD88ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.3(2)XA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
ROM: C2600 Software (C2600-IO3-M), Version 12.2(29), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)c2610 uptime is 21 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload
System image file is "flash:c2600_io3_mz.122_29"cisco 2610 (MPC860) processor (revision 0x203) with 28672K/4096K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID JAD04350583 (1803260452)
M860 processor: part number 0, mask 49
Bridging software.
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
1 Serial network interface(s)
32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)Configuration register is 0x2102
PS. Мир не без добрых людей!
Уважаемый Сайко. Может и мне поможите с маршрутизатором. Буквально вчера из-за него не было интернета в течение получаса. Может хакерские атаки.
Вот информация.
gw# show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 11.3(7)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-1998 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 01-Dec-98 12:27 by ccai
Image text-base: 0x80008084, data-base: 0x8055AC44ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.3(2)XA3, PLATFORM SPECIFIC RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
gw uptime is 1 hour, 25 minutes
System restarted by error - a SIGTRAP exception, PC 0x801E6250
System image file is "flash:c2600-i-mz.113-7.T.bin", booted via flashcisco 2610 (MPC860) processor (revision 0x202) with 12288K/4096K bytes of memory
Processor board ID JAB024101NM (4226081662)
M860 processor: part number 0, mask 49
Bridging software.
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
1 Serial network interface(s)
32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
4096K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)Configuration register is 0x2102
gw#sh stacks
Minimum process stacks:
Free/Size Name
5508/6000 BOOTP Server
5640/6000 CDP Protocol
10512/12000 Init
5040/6000 TCP Remote Shell
10208/12000 Virtual ExecInterrupt level stacks:
Level Called Unused/Size Name
1 2277862 7624/9000 Network interfaces
2 0 9000/9000 Timebase Reference Interrupt
3 0 9000/9000 PA Management Int Handler
6 71 8940/9000 16552 Con/Aux Interrupt
7 15889344 8940/9000 MPC860 TIMER INTERRUPTSystem was restarted by error - a SIGTRAP exception, PC 0x801E6250
C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 11.3(7)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Compiled Tue 01-Dec-98 12:27 by ccai (current version)
Image text-base: 0x80008084, data-base: 0x8055AC44
Stack trace from system failure:
FP: 0x8086CA88, RA: 0x801E6244
FP: 0x8086CA98, RA: 0x801F7028
FP: 0x8086CAB0, RA: 0x801FBB5C
FP: 0x8086CAC8, RA: 0x801E8314
FP: 0x807E2910, RA: 0x801F0DE8
FP: 0x807E2920, RA: 0x801F0DE8
FP: 0x807E2950, RA: 0x801E83C4
FP: 0x8086C930, RA: 0x801F4158gw#sh flash
System flash directory:
File Length Name/status
1 3093824 c2600-i-mz.113-7.T.bin
[3093888 bytes used, 1100416 available, 4194304 total]
4096K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)Думаю может добавить памяти и обновить IOS? Старая версия может быть уязвимой?
Спасибо заранее.
ERROR: This router was last restarted by an error. The reload cause was:
'error - a SIGTRAP exception, PC 0x801E6250'
This indicates a software error or less frequently, a hardware problem.
TRY THIS: Paste the output of the 'show stacks' command for further analysis. Use
the Troubleshooting Router Crashes document for additional troubleshooting information.INFO: The loaded IOS image is supported on the 2600 Quake platform.
INFO: For a list and information about the features supported by the loaded image,
click on Software Advisor-IOS Image Name.INFO: For a list of MIBs that are supported by the loaded image, please see: SNMP
Object Navigator.INFO: This device has 12288 K available for main memory.
INFO: This device has 4096 K available for IO memory (shared memory).
INFO: This device has a total of 16 MB of RAM installed.У вас скорее всего проблема с софтом. Однако у вас маловато флешки и памяти даже для 12.0 с фичасетом IP Only - 16М и 4М соответственно.
Для 12.0.28c (GD) нужно минимум 20M памяти и 4М флешки!1. либо ставить ED из ветки 11.3Т, ну Вам, я так понял не впервой
11.3.11bT5 (ED) c2600-i-mz.113-11b.T5.bin 16/4 16-JUN-2004
11.3.9T (ED) c2600-i-mz.113-9.T.bin 16/4 13-APR-19992. либо докупить памяти - говорят что можно довольно дешево купить кингстон или трансценд, я уже не помню - но тут можно поспрашать.
А 11.3.7T действительно уже того:
The failure was caused by a software defect.The stack trace decoded symbols are:
console_putcPossible bug matches are listed below. Bugs with a score of .90 or more
are the most likely candidates:Score Bugid Status Fixed In Duplicate Title
0.93 CSCeb62618 R 12.3(7)XI 12.3(5.12)T 12.2(21.7)S1 12.3(5.12) CSCdj20072 Spurious access on traffic_shape_required_inline causes input wedge
0.87 CSCds19991 D 11.3(2.4)T CSCdr30995 SYS-2-BADSHARE related to X25
0.81 CSCdm40023 R 12.0(6.3) 12.0(6.3)S 12.0(6.3)T 12.0(6.3)PI 12.0(6.3)SC 12.0(6.5)W5(14.0.7) CSCdj20072 BSTUN session hung after PQUICC(0/1), Excessive modem controll chnge
0.81 CSCeb65576 R 12.2(18)SXE 12.2(24.4) 12.2(22.10)SV 12.3(7)XI 12.1(24) 12.2(24.2)S 12.1(22.3)E 12.2(23.13a) 12.2(23.12)S 12.3(4.4)B 12.3(3.4)T 12.3(3.4) CSCdy10995 Router crash in cls, used with llc2, dlsw ect.
0.81 CSCdm79157 R 12.1(1)DC 12.1(1)DB 12.0(8.6) 12.0(8.6)S 12.1(0.8) 12.1(0.8)T 12.0(8.6)SC 12.0(9.5)W5(17.0.5) CSCdw49266 Memory Allocation failure from Processor Pool (Interrupt Level)
0.81 CSCdw47993 R 12.2(15)BX 12.2(15)ZN 12.2(15)BZ 12.2(15)BW 12.1(18.1)E 12.2(13.3)B 12.2(9.4)DA 12.2(8.5)PI5 12.1(14.1) 12.2(8.5)T 12.2(8.4)S 12.2(8.4) CSCdr30995 SegV crash when FRF.9 H/W compression is enabled
0.70 CSCec87513 D 12.0(6.3) 12.0(6.3)S 12.0(6.3)T 12.0(6.3)PI 12.0(6.3)SC 12.0(6.5)W5(14.0.7) CSCdy10995 c2612 returned to ROM due to SegV exception and restarted
0.70 CSCdw89292 D CSCdw49266 crash at llc_input
0.70 CSCed35082 D 12.0(6.3) 12.0(6.3)S 12.0(6.3)T 12.0(6.3)PI 12.0(6.3)SC 12.0(6.5)W5(14.0.7) CSCeb62618 Interface wedged and negative counters on multilink interfaceВ итоге я бы посоветовал прям сейчас поставить 11.3.11bT5.
А на будушее просто уйти от T ветки, тем более с 11.3, я думаю никакие специфические фичи из неё(T) Вам не нужны, добавить памяти и поставить какой нибудь последний GD релиз из 12.2(без буквы). Сейчас это 12.2.29
c2600-i-mz.122-29.bin 32/8.
Также, при наличии этой памяти и флеш поставьте IPPlus фичасет - скорее всего потом может понадобицца:
c2600-is-mz.122-29.bin 48/16
Большое спасибо за ответ, буду докупать память. А c2600-is-mz.122-29.bin не выложите на webfile.ru? Буду премного багодарен.
файл c2600-is-mz.122-29.bin (размер 10071 кбайт)доступен по адресу: webfile.ru/436743 в течение 7 дней до 14:39 09.08.2005.
Спасибо огромное.
Действительно, мир не без добрых людей!