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"тарминация AS5350"

Отправлено as5350 , 04-Окт-05 19:46 
Доброе время суток, у меня не работает на AS5350 терминация.
извините, что выкладываю весь дебаг voip ccapi inout, но может он подскажет причину того что не идёт терминация....

c5350#debug voip ccapi inout
voip ccAPI function enter/exit debugging is on
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_supported_data: mode=0x10000
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructTDUsrContainer: ntainer[0x66FF93DC], magic[FACE0FFF]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilAddDataToUsrContainer: FF93D
C, tagID=6, dataSize=16, instID=-1,modifier=2
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x6557C468
], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF] tagID[6], dataLen[16], modif[2]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToContainer: Adding tdObject[0x655
7C468] instID[-1] into container[0x66FF93DC]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilAddDataToUsrContainer: container=0x66FF93D
C, tagID=5, dataSize=244, instID=-1,modifier=4
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x666ADC70
], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF] tagID[5], dataLen[244], modif[4]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToContainer: Adding tdObject[0x666
ADC70] instID[-1] into container[0x66FF93DC]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilAddDataToUsrContainer: container=0x66FF93D
C, tagID=19, dataSize=4, instID=0,modifier=2
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x655D9D00
], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF] tagID[19], dataLen[4], modif[2]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToContainer: Adding tdObject[0x655
D9D00] instID[0] into container[0x66FF93DC]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructMultiInstHolderObject: multiHolder[0x
651F7174], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF], tagID[19], dataLen[0], modif[-1], nu
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtPushInstToMultiInstHolder: Successful in pu
shing instance object[0x655D9D00] into holder[0x651F7174]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilAddDataToUsrContainer: container=0x66FF93D
C, tagID=22, dataSize=12, instID=-1,modifier=4
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x665624E8
], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF] tagID[22], dataLen[12], modif[4]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToContainer: Adding tdObject[0x665
624E8] instID[-1] into container[0x66FF93DC]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields:
4w6d: cc_api_call_setup_ind:
4w6d:  cisco-username=x.x.30.4
4w6d: ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields -----
4w6d:  cisco-ani=83433721336
4w6d:  cisco-anitype=0
4w6d:  cisco-aniplan=0
4w6d:  cisco-anipi=0
4w6d:  cisco-anisi=0
4w6d:  dest=73437092002
4w6d:  cisco-desttype=0
4w6d:  cisco-destplan=0
4w6d:  cisco-rdn=
4w6d:  cisco-rdntype=-1
4w6d:  cisco-rdnplan=-1
4w6d:  cisco-rdnpi=-1
4w6d:  cisco-rdnsi=-1
4w6d:  cisco-redirectreason=-1

4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind: (vdbPtr=0x63CA8E0C, callInf
=3, prog_ind=0,callingIE_present 1, src_route_label=, tgt_route_label= clid_tran
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind:
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind: type 0 , prot 1
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
4w6d: ccCheckClipClir: calling number is: "83433721336", calling oct3a is: 0x0
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
4w6d: Calling Party number is User Provided
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
4w6d: ccCheckClipClir: Setting source address to: 'e164:83433721336'
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
4w6d: Leaving ccCheckClipClir
  calling number is: "83433721336"
  calling oct3 is:  0x80
  calling oct3a is: 0x0
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind: (vdbPtr=0x63CA8E0C, callInf
o={called=73437092002, calling=83433721336, fdest=1 peer_tag=3}, callID=0x650078
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: Increment call volume: 0
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: current call volume: 1
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: entry's incoming TRUE.
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: is_incoming is FALSE
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructHashProfileTab: profileTable[0x655050
74], numBuckets[11], numEntries[0]
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager: Invoking necessa
ry profileTable updaters...
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContainer: Updating pro
fileTable[0x65505074] with objects in container[0x66FF93DC]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContainer: obtained key
[5] for the tag[6]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToProfileBucket: profileTable[0x65
505074], tdObject[0x6557C468]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContainer: obtained key
[0] for the tag[5]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToProfileBucket: profileTable[0x65
505074], tdObject[0x666ADC70]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContainer: obtained key
[6] for the tag[19]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToProfileBucket: profileTable[0x65
505074], tdObject[0x651F7174]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContainer: obtained key
[0] for the tag[22]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToProfileBucket: profileTable[0x65
505074], tdObject[0x665624E8]
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager:
4w6d: ccTDUtilDumpAllElemInProfileTab: profileTable[0x65505074], numBuckets[11],
4w6d: Bucket { 0 } ------>0x666ADC70[0x665624E8,t-5,l-244,d-0x666ADC90,m-4,u-296
4w6d: Bucket { 5 } ------>0x6557C468[0x0,t-6,l-16,d-0x6557C488,m-2,u-2969727,g-F
4w6d: Bucket { 6 } ------>0x651F7174[0x0,t-19,m-2,g-FACE0FFF 0x655D9D00,i-0<t-19
,l-4,d-0x655D9D20,m-2,u-2969727,g-FACE0FFF> ]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructTDUsrContainer: Container[0x66FF93DC]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilSetDataInstance: Setting data for callID[4
51], tagID[32], instID[-1], data[0x65007A6C], dataSize[4]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x6627BF3C
], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF] tagID[32], dataLen[4], modif[2]
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager: Invoking necessa
ry profileTable updaters...
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToProfileBucket: profileTable[0x65
505074], tdObject[0x6627BF3C]
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager:
4w6d: ccTDUtilDumpAllElemInProfileTab: profileTable[0x65505074], numBuckets[11],
4w6d: Bucket { 0 } ------>0x666ADC70[0x665624E8,t-5,l-244,d-0x666ADC90,m-4,u-296
4w6d: Bucket { 3 } ------>0x6627BF3C[0x0,t-32,l-4,d-0x6627BF5C,m-2,u-2969727,g-F
4w6d: Bucket { 5 } ------>0x6557C468[0x0,t-6,l-16,d-0x6557C488,m-2,u-2969727,g-F
4w6d: Bucket { 6 } ------>0x651F7174[0x0,t-19,m-2,g-FACE0FFF 0x655D9D00,i-0<t-19
,l-4,d-0x655D9D20,m-2,u-2969727,g-FACE0FFF> ]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_incr_if_call_volume: remote IP is x.x.30.4
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_incr_if_call_volume: hwidb is FastEthernet0/1
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_incr_if_call_volume: create entry in list: 1
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallGetVoipFlag: ccCallGetVoipFlag: callID=0x1C
3, mask=2
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallSetVoipFlag: ccCallSetVoipFlag: callID=0x1C
3, mask=2 flag=1
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetDataByRef: No tdObject found in profil
eTable for tagID[20] of callID[451]
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallSetVoipFlag: ccCallSetVoipFlag: callID=0x1C
3, mask=1 flag=1
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallGetVoipFlag: ccCallGetVoipFlag: callID=0x1C
3, mask=1
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallGetVoipFlag: ccCallGetVoipFlag: callID=0x1C
3, mask=1
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilSetDataInstance: Setting data for callID[4
51], tagID[33], instID[-1], data[0x650082B8], dataSize[4]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x650E72D8
], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF] tagID[33], dataLen[4], modif[2]
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager: Invoking necessa
ry profileTable updaters...
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToProfileBucket: profileTable[0x65
505074], tdObject[0x650E72D8]
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager:
4w6d: ccTDUtilDumpAllElemInProfileTab: profileTable[0x65505074], numBuckets[11],
4w6d: Bucket { 0 } ------>0x666ADC70[0x665624E8,t-5,l-244,d-0x666ADC90,m-4,u-296
4w6d: Bucket { 3 } ------>0x6627BF3C[0x0,t-32,l-4,d-0x6627BF5C,m-2,u-2969727,g-F
4w6d: Bucket { 5 } ------>0x6557C468[0x0,t-6,l-16,d-0x6557C488,m-2,u-2969727,g-F
4w6d: Bucket { 6 } ------>0x651F7174[0x0,t-19,m-2,g-FACE0FFF 0x655D9D00,i-0<t-19
,l-4,d-0x655D9D20,m-2,u-2969727,g-FACE0FFF> ]
4w6d: Bucket { 8 } ------>0x650E72D8[0x0,t-33,l-4,d-0x650E72F8,m-2,u-2969727,g-F
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind: (event=0x64084B20)
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_registration_lookup: matching paramete
rs - called# [73437092002], calling# [83433721336], consultid []
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_match_search: Searching for node with
called# [73437092002], calling# [83433721336], consultid []
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_setupind_registration_lookup: No matching node
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind: >>>>CCAPI handed cid 4
51 with tag 3 to app "DEFAULT"
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(24=CC_EV_CALL_SETUP_IND), cid
(451), disp(0)
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(SSA_EV_CALL_SETUP_IND), cid(4
51), disp(0)
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/ssaCallSetupInd:
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallSetContext: (callID=0x1C3, context=0x65E332
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaCallSetupInd: cid(451), st(SSA_CS_MAPPING
),oldst(0), ev(24)ev->e.evCallSetupInd.nCallInfo.finalDestFlag = 1
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaCallSetupInd: src route label=, tgt route
label= tg_label_flag 0x0
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaCallSetupInd: finalDest cllng(83433721336
), clled(73437092002) tgt_route_label()tg_label_flag 0x0
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaCallSetupInd: cid(451), st(SSA_CS_CALL_SE
TTING),oldst(0), ev(24)dpMatchPeersMoreArg result= 0
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaDebugPeers: ssaSetupPeer cid(451) peer li
st: tag(4) called number (73437092002)
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaSetupPeer: dialpeer tags in rotary= 4
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaSetupPeer: cid(451), destPat(73437092002)
, matched(6), prefix(), peer(644EC1EC), peer->encapType (1)
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallProceeding: (callID=0x1C3, prog_ind=0x0)
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: (Inbound call = 0x1C3, outbou
nd peer =4, dest=,
            params=0x64097688 mode=0, *callID=0x64097C58, prog_ind = 0callingIE_
present 1)
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest:
4w6d: ccCallSetupRequest numbering_type 0x80
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest:
4w6d: ccCallSetupRequest: calling number is:83433721336

4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: calling oct3a is:0x0

4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
4w6d: ccCheckClipClir: calling number is: "83433721336", calling oct3a is: 0x0
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
4w6d: Calling Party number is User Provided
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructTDUsrContainer: usrContainer[0x64B535
00], magic[FACE0FFF]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/setupAVlist:
4w6d: Binding a new usrContainer [0x64B53500] to SetupInfo
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
4w6d: ccCheckClipClir: Setting source address to: 'e164:83433721336'
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir:
4w6d: Leaving ccCheckClipClir
  calling number is: "83433721336"
  calling oct3 is:  0x80
  calling oct3a is: 0x0
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: after ccCheckClipClir - calli
ng oct3a is:0x0

4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: dest pattern 734370....., cal
led 73437092002, digit_strip 1
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest:
4w6d: callingNumber=83433721336, calledNumber=73437092002, redirectNumber= displ
ay_info= calling_oct3a=0
4w6d: accountNumber=x.x.30.4, finalDestFlag=1,
4w6d: peer_tag=4
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields:
4w6d: ccCallSetupRequest:
4w6d:  cisco-username=x.x.30.4
4w6d: ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields -----
4w6d:  cisco-ani=83433721336
4w6d:  cisco-anitype=0
4w6d:  cisco-aniplan=0
4w6d:  cisco-anipi=0
4w6d:  cisco-anisi=0
4w6d:  dest=73437092002
4w6d:  cisco-desttype=0
4w6d:  cisco-destplan=0
4w6d:  cisco-rdn=
4w6d:  cisco-rdntype=-1
4w6d:  cisco-rdnplan=-1
4w6d:  cisco-rdnpi=-1
4w6d:  cisco-rdnsi=-1
4w6d:  cisco-redirectreason=-1

4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: (vdbPtr=0x64534BFC,
dest=, callParams={called=73437092002,called_oct3=0x80, calling=83433721336,call
ing_oct3=0x80, calling_oct3a= 0x0, calling_xlated=false,  subscriber_type_str=Un
known, fdest=1, voice_peer_tag=4},mode=0x0, appl_call_id=)
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate:
4w6d: ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: src route label  tgt route label tg_label_fla
g 0x0

4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate:  vdbPtr type = 6
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate:
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: (vdbPtr=0x64534BFC,
dest=, callParams={called=73437092002, called_oct3 0x80,  calling=83433721336,ca
lling_oct3 0x80, calling_oct3a 0x0, calling_xlated=false,  fdest=1, voice_peer_t
ag=4}, mode=0x0, xltrc=-5)
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate:
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: not incoming entry
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: entry's incoming FALSE.
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: is_incoming is FALSE
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructHashProfileTab: profileTable[0x64DCEE
A8], numBuckets[11], numEntries[0]
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager: Invoking necessa
ry profileTable updaters...
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContainer: Updating pro
fileTable[0x64DCEEA8] with objects in container[0x64B53500]
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager:
4w6d: ccTDUtilDumpAllElemInProfileTab: profileTable[0x64DCEEA8], numBuckets[11],
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructTDUsrContainer: Container[0x64B53500]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_set_voice_port_value:
4w6d: CC_IF_TELEPHONY: echo =0, playout = 0
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccSaveDialpeerTag: (callID=0x1C3, dialpeer_tag=4)
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallSetContext: (callID=0x1C4, context=0x66572C
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallReportDigits: (callID=0x1C3, enable=0x0)
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructTDUsrContainer: usrContainer[0x64B535
00], magic[FACE0FFF]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilAddDataToUsrContainer: container=0x64B5350
0, tagID=19, dataSize=4, instID=0,modifier=1
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x661F5440
], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF] tagID[19], dataLen[4], modif[1]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToContainer: Adding tdObject[0x661
F5440] instID[0] into container[0x64B53500]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructMultiInstHolderObject: multiHolder[0x
67310EA0], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF], tagID[19], dataLen[0], modif[-1], nu
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtPushInstToMultiInstHolder: Successful in pu
shing instance object[0x661F5440] into holder[0x67310EA0]
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager: Invoking necessa
ry profileTable updaters...
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContainer: Updating pro
fileTable[0x64DCEEA8] with objects in container[0x64B53500]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContainer: obtained key
[6] for the tag[19]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToProfileBucket: profileTable[0x64
DCEEA8], tdObject[0x67310EA0]
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager:
4w6d: ccTDUtilDumpAllElemInProfileTab: profileTable[0x64DCEEA8], numBuckets[11],
4w6d: Bucket { 6 } ------>0x67310EA0[0x0,t-19,m-1,g-FACE0FFF 0x661F5440,i-0<t-19
,l-4,d-0x661F5460,m-1,u-2969727,g-FACE0FFF> ]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructTDUsrContainer: Container[0x64B53500]
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnected: (vdbPtr=0x64534BFC, cal
lID=0x1C4, cause=0x3F, rawmsg=0x0)
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilSetDataInstance: Setting data for callID[4
51], tagID[24], instID[-1], data[0x6408C1BC], dataSize[4]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x64C7550C
], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF] tagID[24], dataLen[4], modif[1]
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager: Invoking necessa
ry profileTable updaters...
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToProfileBucket: profileTable[0x65
505074], tdObject[0x64C7550C]
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager:
4w6d: ccTDUtilDumpAllElemInProfileTab: profileTable[0x65505074], numBuckets[11],
4w6d: Bucket { 0 } ------>0x666ADC70[0x665624E8,t-5,l-244,d-0x666ADC90,m-4,u-296
4w6d: Bucket { 3 } ------>0x6627BF3C[0x0,t-32,l-4,d-0x6627BF5C,m-2,u-2969727,g-F
4w6d: Bucket { 5 } ------>0x6557C468[0x0,t-6,l-16,d-0x6557C488,m-8,u-2969727,g-F
4w6d: Bucket { 6 } ------>0x651F7174[0x0,t-19,m-2,g-FACE0FFF 0x655D9D00,i-0<t-19
,l-4,d-0x655D9D20,m-2,u-2969727,g-FACE0FFF> ]
4w6d: Bucket { 8 } ------>0x650E72D8[0x0,t-33,l-4,d-0x650E72F8,m-2,u-2969727,g-F
4w6d: //452/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(11=CC_EV_CALL_DISCONNECTED),
cid(452), disp(0)
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(452)st(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(451)st2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTI
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaDiscSetting:
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info: (callID=0x1C4)
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaAAA_CheckAccounting: accounting generatio
n enabled
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallSetAAA_Accounting: callID=0x1C4, accounting
4w6d: ssa: Disconnected cid(452) state(1) cause(0x3F)
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: (callID=0x1C4, cause=0x3F tag=0
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: calling accounting start for ca
llID=452 leg_type=0
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: existing_cause = 0x3F, new_caus
e = 0x3F
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: using the existing_cause 0x3F
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info: (callID=0x1C4)
4w6d: //452/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetDataByValue: CallID[452], tagID[24], i
4w6d: //452/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetDataByValue: No tdObject found in prof
ileTable for tagID[24] of callID[452]
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaDebugPeers: ssaFlushPeerTagQueue cid(451)
peer list: (empty)
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: (callID=0x1C3, cause=0x3F tag=0
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: calling accounting start for ca
llID=451 leg_type=1
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: existing_cause = 0x0, new_cause
= 0x3F
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info: (callID=0x1C3)
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetDataByValue: CallID[451], tagID[24], i
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done: (vdbPtr=0x64534BFC,
callID=0x1C4, disp=0, tag=0x0)
4w6d: //452/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetDataByRef: No tdObject found in profil
eTable for tagID[6] of callID[452]
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
4w6d:  cannot find prefix for dp 4 called number 73437092002
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: not incoming entry
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: entry's incoming FALSE.
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: is_incoming is FALSE
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: Deleting profileTable[0x64D
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructTDHashProfileTab: Destructor Profile T
able (0x64DCEEA8)
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructMultiInstHolderObject: MultiInstTDObj[
0x67310EA0] tagID[19] numInst[1]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x661F5440]
4w6d: //452/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(12=CC_EV_CALL_DISCONNECT_DONE
), cid(452), disp(0)
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(452)st(SSA_CS_DISCONNECTING
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(451)st2(SSA_CS_DISCONNECT
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaDisconnectDone:
4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaAAA_CheckAccounting: accounting generatio
n enabled
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetAAA_Accounting: callID=0x1C4, accounting=
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilSetDataInstance: Setting data for callID[4
51], tagID[33], instID[-1], data[0x650082B8], dataSize[4]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x64F63694
], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF] tagID[33], dataLen[4], modif[2]
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager: Invoking necessa
ry profileTable updaters...
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToProfileBucket: profileTable[0x65
505074], tdObject[0x64F63694]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x650E72D8]
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager:
4w6d: ccTDUtilDumpAllElemInProfileTab: profileTable[0x65505074], numBuckets[11],
4w6d: Bucket { 0 } ------>0x666ADC70[0x665624E8,t-5,l-244,d-0x666ADC90,m-4,u-296
4w6d: Bucket { 3 } ------>0x6627BF3C[0x0,t-32,l-4,d-0x6627BF5C,m-2,u-2969727,g-F
4w6d: Bucket { 5 } ------>0x6557C468[0x0,t-6,l-16,d-0x6557C488,m-8,u-2969727,g-F
4w6d: Bucket { 6 } ------>0x651F7174[0x0,t-19,m-2,g-FACE0FFF 0x655D9D00,i-0<t-19
,l-4,d-0x655D9D20,m-2,u-2969727,g-FACE0FFF> ]
4w6d: Bucket { 8 } ------>0x64F63694[0x0,t-33,l-4,d-0x64F636B4,m-2,u-2969727,g-F
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_api_call_report_digits_done: (vdbPtr=0x63CA8E0
C, callID=0x1C3, disp=0)
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(56=CC_EV_CALL_REPORT_DIGITS_D
ONE), cid(451), disp(0)
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(451)st(SSA_CS_DISCONNECTING
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaDebugPeers: ssaReportDigitsDone cid(451)
peer list: (empty)
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaReportDigitsDone: callid=451 Reporting di
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_icpif: expect factor = 10
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallGetVoipFlag: ccCallGetVoipFlag: callID=0x1C
3, mask=1
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallGetVoipFlag: ccCallGetVoipFlag: callID=0x1C
3, mask=1
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetDataByRef: No tdObject found in profil
eTable for tagID[20] of callID[451]
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetDataByRef: No tdObject found in profil
eTable for tagID[23] of callID[451]
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetDataByValue: CallID[451], tagID[7], in
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetDataByValue: No tdObject found in prof
ileTable for tagID[7] of callID[451]
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/ccCallGetVoipFlag: ccCallGetVoipFlag: callID=0x1C
3, mask=2
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: the remote IP is x.x.30
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: hwidb is FastEthernet0/1
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: reduce callnum of entry: 0
, voip: 0, mmoip: 0
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: remove an entry
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done: (vdbPtr=0x0, callID=
0x1C3, disp=0, tag=0x0)
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: ccFreeRawMsgInfo(0x64086E68
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: Decrement call volume count
er 1
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: current call volume: 0
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: entry's incoming TRUE.
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: is_incoming is FALSE
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: Deleting profileTable[0x655
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructTDHashProfileTab: Destructor Profile T
able (0x65505074)
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x666ADC70]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x665624E8]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x64C7550C]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x6627BF3C]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x6557C468]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructMultiInstHolderObject: MultiInstTDObj[
0x651F7174] tagID[19] numInst[1]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x655D9D00]
4w6d: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x64F63694]
4w6d: //451/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(12=CC_EV_CALL_DISCONNECT_DONE
), cid(451), disp(0)
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(451)st(SSA_CS_DISCONNECTING
4w6d: //451/0E96A244ACB3/SSAPP:3:-1/ssaDisconnectDone:

и ещё:

c5350#sh call history voice brief

Telephony call-legs: 0
SIP call-legs: 0
H323 call-legs: 1
MGCP call-legs: 0
Total call-legs: 1
3E8D : -1325240276ms.171 +-1 +60 pid:3 Answer 83433721336
dur 00:00:00 tx:0/0 rx:0/0 3F  (service or option not available, unspecified (63))
IP x.x.x.66:16924 rtt:0ms pl:0/0ms lost:0/0/0 delay:0/0/0ms g729r8 pre-ietf


Сообщения в этом обсуждении
"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено Alex , 04-Окт-05 22:08 
sh run покажите. или хотя бы dial-peer какие у вас написанны?

4w6d: //452/0E96A244ACB3/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done:
4w6d:  cannot find prefix for dp 4 called number 73437092002

"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено as5350 , 05-Окт-05 07:20 

version 12.3
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
service password-encryption
hostname c5350

username tester password

firmware location system:/ucode/mica_port_firmware
resource-pool enable
resource-pool group resource mica
range port 2/0 2/59
range port 3/0 3/50
resource-pool group resource voip
range port 3/51 3/59
resource-pool profile customer silver
limit base-size all
limit overflow-size 0
resource mica speech service 33600
dnis group number_92221
resource-pool profile customer vo
limit base-size all
limit overflow-size 0
resource voip speech  
dnis group number_94785
resource-pool profile customer gold
limit base-size all
limit overflow-size 0
resource mica speech service v90
dnis group number_92222
resource-pool profile service 33600
modem min-speed 300 max-speed 28800 modulation v34
resource-pool profile service v90
modem min-speed 300 max-speed 56000
clock timezone UTC 6
calltracker enable
aaa new-model
aaa session-mib disconnect
aaa group server radius qwerty
server < ....> auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
aaa group server radius voip
server < ....> auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication login telnet line
aaa authentication login white group voip
aaa authentication ppp default group qwerty local
aaa authorization exec telnet none
aaa authorization exec white group voip
aaa authorization network default if-authenticated group qwerty
aaa authorization network white if-authenticated group voip
aaa accounting send stop-record authentication failure
aaa accounting update periodic 1
aaa accounting network default start-stop group qwerty
aaa accounting network white start-stop group voip
aaa accounting connection default start-stop group voip
aaa accounting connection white start-stop group voip
aaa dnis map enable
aaa dnis map 92221 authentication ppp group qwerty
aaa dnis map 92221 authorization network group qwerty
aaa dnis map 92221 accounting network start-stop group qwerty
aaa dnis map 92222 authentication ppp group qwerty
aaa dnis map 92222 authorization network group qwerty
aaa dnis map 92222 accounting network start-stop group qwerty
aaa dnis map 94780 authentication ppp group qwerty
aaa dnis map 94780 authorization network group qwerty
aaa dnis map 94780 accounting network start-stop group qwerty
aaa dnis map 4444 authentication ppp group qwerty
aaa dnis map 4444 authorization network group qwerty
aaa dnis map 4444 accounting network start-stop group qwerty
aaa dnis map 3728538 authentication ppp group qwerty
aaa dnis map 3728538 authorization network group qwerty
aaa dnis map 3728538 accounting network start-stop group qwerty
aaa dnis map 83433452243 authentication ppp group qwerty
aaa dnis map 83433452243 authorization network group qwerty
aaa dnis map 83433452243 accounting network start-stop group qwerty
aaa dnis map 3452243 authentication ppp group qwerty
aaa dnis map 3452243 authorization network group qwerty
aaa dnis map 3452243 accounting network start-stop group qwerty
aaa dnis map 3433452243 authentication ppp group qwerty
aaa dnis map 3433452243 authorization network group qwerty
aaa dnis map 3433452243 accounting network start-stop group qwerty
aaa dnis map 499003 authentication ppp group qwerty
aaa dnis map 499003 authorization network group qwerty
aaa dnis map 499003 accounting network start-stop group qwerty
aaa dnis map 497123 authentication ppp group qwerty
aaa dnis map 497123 authorization network group qwerty
aaa dnis map 497123 accounting network start-stop group qwerty
aaa session-id common
ip subnet-zero < ....>
ip name-server < ....>
ip name-server < ....>
ip name-server < ....>
ip address-pool local
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn voice-call-failure 0
voice service voip
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g729r8 bytes 40
codec preference 2 g729br8 bytes 40
codec preference 3 g723r53
codec preference 4 g723r63
codec preference 5 g723ar53
codec preference 6 g723ar63
codec preference 7 g711alaw
codec preference 8 g711ulaw
voice class aaa 1
authentication method white
authorization method white
accounting method white
voice class aaa 2
accounting suppress
controller E1 0
clock source line primary
pri-group timeslots 1-31
controller E1 1
framing NO-CRC4
clock source line secondary 1
ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-15,17-31 type r2-digital r2-compelled ani
cas-custom 0
  country easteurope
timer interdigit incoming 3000
controller E1 2
clock source line secondary 2
pri-group timeslots 1-31
controller E1 3
clock source line secondary 3
pri-group timeslots 1-31
gw-accounting aaa
method white
acct-template callhistory-detail
suppress pots
interface Ethernet0
no ip address
interface Serial0
no ip address
clockrate 2015232
no fair-queue
interface Serial1
no ip address
clockrate 2015232
no fair-queue
interface Serial2
no ip address
clockrate 2015232
no fair-queue
interface Serial3
no ip address
clockrate 2015232
no fair-queue
interface Serial1/0:15
ip unnumbered FastEthernet0
encapsulation ppp
ip mroute-cache
dialer-group 1
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice modem
no peer default ip address
no cdp enable
interface Serial1/2:15
ip unnumbered FastEthernet0
encapsulation ppp
ip mroute-cache
dialer-group 1
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice modem
no peer default ip address
no cdp enable
interface Serial1/3:15
no ip address
no logging event link-status
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice modem
isdn map address .* plan isdn type unknown
isdn T310 60000
isdn send-alerting
isdn sending-complete
isdn outgoing-voice info-transfer-capability 3.1kHz-audio
fair-queue 64 256 0
no cdp enable
interface FastEthernet0
ip address < ....>
ip route-cache flow
duplex full
speed 100
interface Group-Async0
ip unnumbered FastEthernet0
encapsulation ppp
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
async mode interactive
peer default ip address pool Nov
ppp authentication ms-chap chap pap
group-range 2/0 3/59
ip local pool Nov < ....> < ....>
ip flow-export destination < ....> 64000
ip classless
ip route < ....>
no ip http server
logging trap debugging
logging < ....>
access-list 2 permit < ....>
access-list 2 permit < ....>
access-list 2 permit < ....>
access-list 2 permit < ....>
access-list 2 permit < ....>
access-list 2 permit < ....>
access-list 2 permit < ....>
access-list 2 permit < ....>
access-list 2 permit < ....>
access-list 2 deny   any
dialer dnis group number_92221
number 497123
number 499003
number 3433452243
number 3452243
number 83433452243
number 3728538
number 92221
dialer dnis group number_94785
number 497124
number 499004
number 3433452244
number 3452244
number 83433452244
number 3728539
number 94785
dialer dnis group number_92222
number 92222
number 94780
number 4444
snmp-server engineID local 00000
snmp-server community public RW 2
snmp-server packetsize 2048
snmp-server enable traps tty
radius-server host < ....> auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key 7 1D
radius-server host < ....> auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key 7 2F
radius-server vsa send accounting
radius-server vsa send authentication

call application voice acme2 http://< ....>/acme2.vxml
voice-port 1/0:D
echo-cancel coverage 16
echo-cancel suppressor 2
cptone RU
timeouts initial 120
timeouts interdigit 7
timeouts ringing infinity
timeouts wait-release 20
bearer-cap Speech
voice-port 1/1:0
compand-type a-law
voice-port 1/2:D
echo-cancel coverage 16
echo-cancel suppressor 2
cptone RU
timeouts initial 120
timeouts interdigit 7
timeouts ringing infinity
timeouts wait-release 20
bearer-cap Speech
voice-port 1/3:D
echo-cancel coverage 16
cptone RU
bearer-cap Speech
dial-peer voice 1 pots
preference 6
application acme2
incoming called-number 94785
voice-class aaa 1
forward-digits 0
dial-peer voice 2 voip
destination-pattern 8.T
voice-class codec 1
session target ipv4:< ....>
no vad
dial-peer voice 3 voip
incoming called-number 734370.....
voice-class aaa 1
voice-class codec 1
no vad
dial-peer voice 4 pots
destination-pattern 734370.....
voice-class aaa 1
port 1/3:D
forward-digits 5
dial-peer voice 5 pots
application acme2
incoming called-number 3728539
voice-class aaa 1
forward-digits 0
dial-peer voice 6 pots
application acme2
incoming called-number 83433452244
voice-class aaa 1
forward-digits 0
dial-peer voice 7 pots
application acme2
incoming called-number 3452244
voice-class aaa 1
forward-digits 0
dial-peer voice 8 pots
application acme2
incoming called-number 3433452244
voice-class aaa 1
forward-digits 0
dial-peer voice 9 pots
application acme7
incoming called-number 94785
answer-address 68442
voice-class aaa 1
forward-digits 0
dial-peer voice 10 pots
application acme2
incoming called-number 499004
voice-class aaa 1
forward-digits 0
dial-peer voice 11 pots
application acme2
incoming called-number 497124
voice-class aaa 1
forward-digits 0
line con 0
line 2/0 3/50
modem InOut
exec-character-bits 8
special-character-bits 8
transport input all
autoselect during-login
autoselect ppp
line 3/51 3/59
modem InOut
exec-character-bits 8
special-character-bits 8
transport input all
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
password 7 12290404011C03162E
authorization exec telnet
login authentication telnet
ntp clock-period 17179788
ntp source FastEthernet0
ntp update-calendar
ntp server < ....>

"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено Дима , 05-Окт-05 13:15 
debug dial-peer во время этого звонка можно показать?

"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено as5350 , 05-Окт-05 15:18 
>debug dial-peer во время этого звонка можно показать?

"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено as5350 , 05-Окт-05 15:23 
>debug dial-peer во время этого звонка можно показать?


5w0d:  Inside dpMatchCore:
5w0d:  destination pattn: 73437092002 expanded string: 73437092002
5w0d: MatchNextPeer: Peer 3 matched
5w0d:  Inside dpMatchCore:
5w0d:  destination pattn: 73437092002 expanded string: 73437092002
5w0d: MatchNextPeer: Peer 3 matched
5w0d:  Inside dpMatchCore:
5w0d:  destination pattn: 73437092002 expanded string: 73437092002
5w0d: MatchNextPeer: Peer 3 matched
5w0d:  Inside dpMatchPeersMoreArg
5w0d: dpMatchPeersMoreArg: Match Dest. pattern; called (73437092002)
5w0d:  Inside dpMatchCore:
5w0d:  destination pattn: 73437092002 expanded string: 73437092002
5w0d: MatchNextPeer: Peer 4 matched
5w0d: dpMatchPeersMoreArg: Result=0 after MATCH_ORIGINATE
5w0d:  dpAssociateIncomingPeer_T null source route label
5w0d:  Inside dpMatchCore:
5w0d:  dpAssociateIncomingPeer_T null source route label

"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено Alex , 05-Окт-05 19:57 
Тогда еще debug isdn Q931

"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено as5350 , 05-Окт-05 20:04 
если включить дебаг isdn q931 то он показывает что 5350 даже не пытается соединиться с АТС (дебаг просто пустой).

(term mon включен)

"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено Alex , 05-Окт-05 20:11 
>Тогда еще debug isdn Q931

А если с 4 dial-peer voice-class aaa 1 убрать?

"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено as5350 , 05-Окт-05 20:16 
>>Тогда еще debug isdn Q931
>А если с 4 dial-peer voice-class aaa 1 убрать?

теже я.ца только в профиль

"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено Дима , 06-Окт-05 12:20 
>>>Тогда еще debug isdn Q931
>>А если с 4 dial-peer voice-class aaa 1 убрать?
>теже я.ца только в профиль

csim start 73437092002

"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено as5350 , 06-Окт-05 13:48 
c5350#csim start 73437092002
csim: called number = 73437092002, loop count = 1 ping count = 0

csim err csimDisconnected recvd DISC cid(617)
csim: loop = 1, failed = 1
csim: call attempted = 1, setup failed = 1, tone failed = 0        

"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено Дима , 06-Окт-05 14:20 
>c5350#csim start 73437092002
>csim: called number = 73437092002, loop count = 1 ping count =
>csim err csimDisconnected recvd DISC cid(617)
>csim: loop = 1, failed = 1
>csim: call attempted = 1, setup failed = 1, tone failed =

А то же самое с debug dial-peer и потом с debug isdn q931

"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено as5350 , 07-Окт-05 15:24 
>>c5350#csim start 73437092002
>>csim: called number = 73437092002, loop count = 1 ping count =
>>csim err csimDisconnected recvd DISC cid(617)
>>csim: loop = 1, failed = 1
>>csim: call attempted = 1, setup failed = 1, tone failed =
>А то же самое с debug dial-peer и потом с debug isdn

мне помогли разобраться
дело в resourse-pool

"тарминация AS5350"
Отправлено magicjohnson , 07-Фев-08 15:41 
>[оверквотинг удален]
>>>csim: loop = 1, failed = 1
>>>csim: call attempted = 1, setup failed = 1, tone failed =
>>А то же самое с debug dial-peer и потом с debug isdn
>мне помогли разобраться
>дело в resourse-pool

у меня такая же проблема, подскажите решение
только не уговаривайте выключить resource-pool
спасибо заранее!