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"Интеграция DHCP сервера под управлением FreeBSD"

Отправлено azze , 26-Апр-07 20:55 
Проблема по поводу статьи "Интеграция DHCP сервера под управлением FreeBSD" (http://www.opennet.me/openforum/vsluhforumID3/36102.html#1) Как и отметился в комментах, нет в пакете shell файла isc-dhcpd.sh. Может дадите его содержимое или сам файл? Спс. за внимание!


Сообщения в этом обсуждении
"Интеграция DHCP сервера под управлением FreeBSD"
Отправлено Ka3aK , 27-Апр-07 09:31 
>Проблема по поводу статьи "Интеграция DHCP сервера под управлением FreeBSD" (http://www.opennet.me/openforum/vsluhforumID3/36102.html#1) Как
>и отметился в комментах, нет в пакете shell файла isc-dhcpd.sh. Может
>дадите его содержимое или сам файл? Спс. за внимание!

#! /bin/sh
# $FreeBSD: ports/net/isc-dhcp3-server/files/isc-dhcpd.sh.sample,v 1.15 2006/02/20 20:47:25 dougb Exp $
# PROVIDE: dhcpd
# KEYWORD: shutdown
# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable dhcpd:
# dhcpd_enable="YES"

. /etc/rc.subr

paranoia=YES                            # compiled in paranoia?
jail=YES                                # compiled in jail?

load_rc_config $name

# override these variables in /etc/rc.conf
dhcpd_flags=${dhcpd_flags:-} # -q -early_chroot         # command option(s)
dhcpd_conf=${dhcpd_conf:-/usr/local/etc/${name}.conf}   # configuration file
dhcpd_ifaces=${dhcpd_ifaces:-}                          # ethernet interface(s)
dhcpd_withumask=${dhcpd_withumask:-022}                 # file creation mask

dhcpd_chuser_enable=${dhcpd_chuser_enable:-"YES"}       # runs w/o privileges?
dhcpd_withuser=${dhcpd_withuser:-${name}}               # user name to run as
dhcpd_withgroup=${dhcpd_withgroup:-${name}}             # group name to run as

dhcpd_chroot_enable=${dhcpd_chroot_enable:-"NO"}        # runs chrooted?
dhcpd_devfs_enable=${dhcpd_devfs_enable:-"YES"}         # devfs if available?
dhcpd_makedev_enable=${dhcpd_makedev_enable:-"NO"}      # MAKEDEV instead of devfs?
dhcpd_rootdir=${dhcpd_rootdir:-/var/db/${name}}         # directory to run in
dhcpd_includedir=${dhcpd_includedir:-}                  # directory for included config files

# untested
dhcpd_jail_enable=${dhcpd_jail_enable:-"NO"}            # runs imprisoned?
dhcpd_hostname=${dhcpd_hostname:-}                      # jail hostname
dhcpd_ipaddress=${dhcpd_ipaddress:-}                    # jail ip address

safe_run ()     # rc command [args...]
        local _rc


        if [ "${_rc}" -eq 0 ]; then
                debug safe_run: "$@"
                "$@" || _rc=1
                warn safe_run: "$@"
        return ${_rc}
precious ()     # entry...
        local _entry _rc

        for _entry; do
                # do nothing if /dev, /var/run or /var/db
                echo ${_entry} | egrep -q '^//*(dev|var//*(run|db))?/*$' || _rc=1
        debug precious: "$@" rc=${_rc}
        return ${_rc}

lsmod ()        # user group file...
        local _entry _user _group _rc

        _user=$1 _group=$2
        shift 2

        for _entry; do
                ls -ld ${_entry} 2> /dev/null |
                awk -v u=${_user} -v g=${_group} '{
                    exit ((u && $3 != u) || (g && $4 != g))
                }' || _rc=1
        debug lsmod: "$@" rc=${_rc}
        return ${_rc}

safe_chmog ()   # entry...
        local _entry _user _group _usergroup _rc


        if [ -n "${_user}" -o -n "${_group}" ]; then
                for _entry; do
                        if [ -d ${_entry} ] && mounted ${_entry}; then
                        if [ -e ${_entry} ] &&
                           ! precious ${_entry} &&
                           ! lsmod ${_user} ${_group} ${_entry} &&
                           ! safe_run ${_rc} chown ${_usergroup} ${_entry}; then
                                warn "unable to change permissions of ${_entry}"
        return ${_rc}
safe_mkdir ()   # dir...
        local _dir _rc

        for _dir; do
                if [ ! -d ${_dir} ] &&
                   ! precious ${_dir} &&
                   ! safe_run ${_rc} mkdir -p ${_dir}; then
                        err 1 "unable to create directory ${_dir}"
        safe_run ${_rc} safe_chmog "$@" || _rc=1
        return ${_rc}

safe_rmdir ()   # dir...
        local _dir _rc

        for _dir; do
                if [ -d ${_dir} ] &&
                   ! precious ${_dir} &&
                   ! mounted ${_dir}; then
                        if safe_run ${_rc} rmdir ${_dir}; then
                                safe_run ${_rc} safe_rmdir ${_dir%/*} || _rc=1
                                warn "unable to remove directory ${_dir}"
        return ${_rc}

safe_touch ()   # file...
        local _file _rc

        for _file; do
                if [ ! -e ${_file} ] &&
                   ! safe_run ${_rc} touch ${_file}; then
                        err 1 "unable to create file ${_file}"
        safe_run ${_rc} safe_chmog "$@" || _rc=1
        return ${_rc}
safe_remove ()  # entry...
        local _entry _rc

        for _entry; do
                if [ -f ${_entry} ]; then
                        if ! safe_run ${_rc} rm -f ${_entry}; then
                                warn "unable to remove file ${_entry}"
                elif [ -d ${_entry} ] &&
                     ! precious ${_entry} &&
                     ! mounted ${_entry}; then
                        if ! safe_run ${_rc} rm -rf ${_entry}; then
                                warn "unable to remove directory ${_entry}"
        return ${_rc}

safe_copy ()    # src dst
        local _src _dst _rc

        _src=$1 _dst=$2

        if [ -f ${_src} ]; then
                if ! safe_run ${_rc} safe_remove ${_dst} ||
                   ! safe_run ${_rc} cp -p ${_src} ${_dst}; then
                        err 1 "unable to copy file ${_src} to ${_dst}"
                safe_run ${_rc} safe_chmog ${_dst} || _rc=1
        elif [ -d ${_src} ] &&
             ! precious ${_dst} &&
             ! mounted ${_dst}; then
                if ! safe_run ${_rc} pax -rw -pe -ts "|^${_src}||" \
                   ${_src} ${_dst}; then
                        err 1 "unable to copy directory ${_src} to ${_dst}"
                err 1 "unable to copy ${_src} to ${_dst}" \
                      "-- not a file or a directory"
        return ${_rc}
mounted ()      # dir...
        local _rc

        if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable ||
           checkyesno dhcpd_jail_enable; then
                mount -t devfs | awk '
                    BEGIN { n = ARGC; ARGC = 2 }
                    { for (i = 2; i != n; i++) if ($3 == ARGV[i]) exit 1 }
                ' - "$@" || _rc=0
        debug mounted: "$@" rc=${_rc}
        return ${_rc}

safe_mount ()   # dir
        local _dir _rc


        if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable &&
           ! mounted ${_dir} &&
           ! safe_run ${_rc} mount -t devfs devfs ${_dir}; then
                err 1 "unable to mount ${_dir}"
        return ${_rc}

safe_umount ()  # dir
        local _dir _rc


        if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable &&
           mounted ${_dir} &&
           ! safe_run ${_rc} umount ${_dir}; then
                warn "unable to unmount ${_dir}"
        return ${_rc}
safe_useradd ()
        local _user _group _home _shell _gecos

        _user=$1 _group=$2 _gecos=${3:-"& daemon"}
        _home=${4:-/nonexistent} _shell=${5:-/usr/sbin/nologin}

        if [ -n "${_group}" ]; then
                if pw group show ${_group} 2>/dev/null; then
                        echo "You already have a group \"${_group}\"," \
                             "so I will use it."
                elif pw groupadd ${_group} -h -; then
                        echo "Added group \"${_group}\"."
                        echo "Adding group \"${_group}\" failed..."
                        echo "Please create it, and try again."
                        exit 1
        if [ -n "${_user}" ]; then
                if pw user show ${_user} 2>/dev/null; then
                        echo "You already have a user \"${_user}\"," \
                             "so I will use it."
                elif pw useradd ${_user} -g ${_group} -h - \
                        -d ${_home} -s ${_shell} -c "${_gecos}"; then
                        echo "Added user \"${_user}\"."
                        echo "Adding user \"${_user}\" failed..."
                        echo "Please create it, and try again."
                        exit 1

check_chuser ()
        if checkyesno paranoia; then
                if checkyesno dhcpd_chuser_enable &&
                   [ -z "${dhcpd_withuser}" -a -z "${dhcpd_withgroup}" ]; then
                        err 1 "one of dhcpd_withuser and dhcpd_withgroup" \
                              "must be set if dhcpd_chuser_enable is enabled"
                if checkyesno dhcpd_chuser_enable; then
                        warn "dhcpd_chuser_enable disabled -- not compiled in"
check_jail ()
        if checkyesno paranoia && checkyesno jail; then
                if checkyesno dhcpd_jail_enable &&
                   ! checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
                        warn "dhcpd_chroot_enable implied by dhcpd_jail_enable"
                if checkyesno dhcpd_jail_enable &&
                   [ -n "${dhcpd_hostname}" -a -z "${dhcpd_ipaddress}" ] ||
                   [ -z "${dhcpd_hostname}" -a -n "${dhcpd_ipaddress}" ]; then
                        err 1 "both dhcpd_hostname and dhcpd_ipaddress" \
                              "must be set if dhcpd_jail_enable is enabled"
                if checkyesno dhcpd_jail_enable; then
                        warn "dhcpd_jail_enable disabled -- not compiled in"
check_chroot ()
        if checkyesno paranoia; then
                if checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
                        if [ -z "${dhcpd_rootdir}" ]; then
                                err 1 "dhcpd_rootdir must be set" \
                                      "if dhcpd_chroot_enable is enabled"
                        if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable &&
                           checkyesno dhcpd_makedev_enable; then
                                err 1 "dhcpd_devfs_enable and dhcpd_makedev_enable" \
                                      "are mutually exclusive. enable only one!"
                        if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable &&
                           ! ( type mount_devfs ) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
                                warn "dhcpd_devfs_enable disabled" \
                                     "-- not available"
                        if checkyesno dhcpd_makedev_enable &&
                           ! [ -x ${__dhcpd_devdir}/MAKEDEV ]; then
                                warn "dhcpd_makedev_enable disabled" \
                                     "-- not available"
                if checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
                        warn "dhcpd_chroot_enable disabled -- not compiled in"

rcvar_chuser ()
        if checkyesno paranoia && checkyesno dhcpd_chuser_enable; then
                dhcpd_withuser= dhcpd_withgroup=

rcvar_jail ()
        if ! checkyesno paranoia || ! checkyesno jail ||
           ! checkyesno dhcpd_jail_enable; then
                dhcpd_hostname= dhcpd_ipaddress=
rcvar_chroot ()
        if ! checkyesno paranoia || ! checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
        elif checkyesno paranoia && checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then

rcvar_pidnleases ()
        if ! checkyesno dhcpd_chuser_enable; then
        dhcpd_conffile=${dhcpd_conf}    # for convenience only
        dhcpd_confdir=$(dirname ${dhcpd_conffile})

rcvar_rooted ()

setup_compat ()
        local dhcpd_rcconf

        # suck in old configuration file and variables

        if [ -f ${dhcpd_rcconf} ]; then
                warn "${dhcpd_rcconf} is obsolete, use /etc/rc.conf and/or" \
                     "/etc/rc.conf.d/${name} instead."
                . ${dhcpd_rcconf}

                if [ -n "${dhcpd_options}" -a -z "${rc_flags}" ]; then
                        warn "dhcpd_options is obsolete," \
                             "use dhcpd_flags instead."
setup_umask ()
        if [ -n "${dhcpd_withumask}" ]; then
                umask ${dhcpd_withumask}

setup_chroot ()
        local _mdev _hconf _hosts _ltime _rconf


        if checkyesno paranoia && checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
                if ! mounted ${_dhcpd_devdir}; then
                        safe_mkdir ${_dhcpd_devdir}/_
                        # XXX /_ hack! so, .../dev is root owned.
                safe_mkdir ${_dhcpd_rootdir} ${_dhcpd_etcdir}/_ ${_dhcpd_confdir}
                # XXX /_ hack! so, .../etc is root owned.
                if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable; then
                        safe_mount ${_dhcpd_devdir}
                elif checkyesno dhcpd_makedev_enable; then
                        safe_copy ${dhcpd_devdir}/$_mdev ${_dhcpd_devdir}/$_mdev
                        safe_run 0 sh -c "cd ${_dhcpd_devdir} && ./$_mdev jail bpf4"
                        safe_copy ${dhcpd_devdir} ${_dhcpd_devdir}
                safe_copy ${dhcpd_conffile} ${_dhcpd_conffile}
                safe_copy ${dhcpd_etcdir}/$_hconf ${_dhcpd_etcdir}/$_hconf
                safe_copy ${dhcpd_etcdir}/$_hosts ${_dhcpd_etcdir}/$_hosts
                safe_copy ${dhcpd_etcdir}/$_ltime ${_dhcpd_etcdir}/$_ltime
                safe_copy ${dhcpd_etcdir}/$_rconf ${_dhcpd_etcdir}/$_rconf
                # copy dhcpd_includedir if defined and available
                if [ -d "${dhcpd_includedir}" ]; then
                        safe_mkdir ${_dhcpd_includedir}
                        safe_copy ${dhcpd_includedir} ${_dhcpd_includedir}

setup_chuser ()
        if checkyesno paranoia && {
           checkyesno dhcpd_chuser_enable || checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable
        }; then
                safe_mkdir ${_dhcpd_piddir} ${_dhcpd_leasesdir}

setup_leases ()
        safe_touch ${_dhcpd_leasesfile}
setup_flags ()
        if [ -n "${dhcpd_conf}" ]; then
                rc_flags="${rc_flags} -cf ${dhcpd_conf}"
        if [ -n "${dhcpd_leasesfile}" ]; then
                rc_flags="${rc_flags} -lf ${dhcpd_leasesfile}"
        if [ -n "${dhcpd_pidfile}" ]; then
                rc_flags="${rc_flags} -pf ${dhcpd_pidfile}"
        if [ -n "${dhcpd_withuser}" ]; then
                rc_flags="${rc_flags} -user ${dhcpd_withuser}"
        if [ -n "${dhcpd_withgroup}" ]; then
                rc_flags="${rc_flags} -group ${dhcpd_withgroup}"
        if [ -n "${dhcpd_rootdir}" ]; then
                rc_flags="${rc_flags} -chroot ${dhcpd_rootdir}"
        if [ -n "${dhcpd_hostname}" -a -n "${dhcpd_ipaddress}" ]; then
                rc_flags="${rc_flags} -jail ${dhcpd_hostname} ${dhcpd_ipaddress}"
        rc_flags="${rc_flags} ${dhcpd_ifaces}"

cleanup_chroot ()
        if checkyesno paranoia && checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
                safe_umount ${_dhcpd_devdir}

dhcpd_stop ()
        if sh $0 forcestatus; then
                sh $0 forcestop

remove_pid ()
        if [ -e ${_dhcpd_pidfile} ]; then
                warn "${_dhcpd_pidfile} still exists! -- removing anyway"
        safe_remove ${_dhcpd_pidfile}

remove_leases ()
        if [ -s ${_dhcpd_leasesfile} ]; then
                warn "${_dhcpd_leasesfile} not empty -- not removed --" \
                     "futher warning messages expected, don't care."
                safe_remove ${_dhcpd_leasesfile} ${_dhcpd_leasesfile}~

remove_chuser ()
        if checkyesno paranoia && {
           checkyesno dhcpd_chuser_enable || checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable
        }; then
                safe_rmdir ${_dhcpd_piddir} ${_dhcpd_leasesdir}

remove_chroot ()
        if checkyesno paranoia && checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
                safe_remove ${_dhcpd_conffile} ${_dhcpd_includedir} \
                if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable; then
                        safe_umount ${_dhcpd_devdir}
                        safe_rmdir ${_dhcpd_devdir}/_ # XXX /_ hack!
                elif checkyesno dhcpd_jail_enable; then
                        if ! mounted ${_dhcpd_devdir}; then
                                safe_remove ${_dhcpd_devdir}
                        safe_remove ${_dhcpd_devdir}
                safe_rmdir ${_dhcpd_confdir} ${_dhcpd_rootdir} # XXX /_ hack!

dhcpd_check ()

dhcpd_rcvar ()

dhcpd_precmd ()

dhcpd_postcmd ()
dhcpd_install ()
        if checkyesno paranoia; then
                safe_useradd "${dhcpd_withuser}" "${dhcpd_withgroup}" \
                             "DHCP Daemon"

_dhcpd_uninstall ()     # user group root
        local _user _group _root

        _user=$1 _group=$2 _root=$3

        if [ -n "${_user}" -o -n "${_group}" ]; then
        if [ -n "${_root}" ]; then

dhcpd_uninstall ()
        if checkyesno __dhcpd_uninstall; then
                local _user _group _root



                _dhcpd_uninstall "" "" ""

                if checkyesno paranoia; then
                        if [ -n "${_user}" -o -n "${_group}" ]; then
                                _dhcpd_uninstall "${_user}" "${_group}" ""
                        if [ -n "${_root}" ]; then
                                _dhcpd_uninstall "" "" "${_root}"
                        if [ -n "${_user}" -o -n "${_group}" ] &&
                           [ -n "${_root}" ]; then
                                _dhcpd_uninstall "${_user}" "${_group}" "${_root}"

load_rc_config ${name}

__dhcpd_uninstall="NO"                  # internal use only
__dhcpd_devdir=/dev                     # devices directory
__dhcpd_etcdir=/etc                     # etc directory
__dhcpd_piddir=/var/run                 # pid file directory
__dhcpd_leasesdir=/var/db               # leases file directory
#__dhcpd_rootdir=/var/db/${name}        # root directory


extra_commands="install uninstall"

run_rc_command "$1"

"Интеграция DHCP сервера под управлением FreeBSD"
Отправлено Имя , 10-Июл-08 21:54 
ставь сначала порт isc-dhcpd3-relay, потом порт isc-dhcpd3-server - тогда будет