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read-palmpix (1)
>> read-palmpix (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
read-palmpix - Convert all pictures in the files given or found via
connecting to a Palm handheld if no files are given. The default output type is
Portable Pixmap (.ppm).
read-palmpix -p <port> -n <pixname> -t <type>
read-palmpix allows a Kodak PalmPix camera user to extract the images
from their Palm handheld and convert them to Portable Network Graphic (.png)
or Portable Pixmap (.ppm) files on their system.
-p, --port <port>
Use device file <port> to communicate with the Palm handheld.
If this is not specified, will look for the $PILOTPORT environment
variable. If both are not found or supplied, install-expenses will
fall back to /dev/pilot.
-h, --help
Display the help synopsis for read-palmpix.
-v, --version
Display version of read-palmpix.
-l, --list
List picture information found on the Palm handheld instead of converting
the entries found to image files.
-n, --name <pixname>
Convert only pixname to an image file, and output to a .ppm or .png.
-t, --type <type>
Specify the output picture type. Can be either "png" or "ppm".
The program will connect to the target Palm handheld, and read the images
found in the Kodak PalmPix image database (ArchImage.pdb), and allow
the user to view the list of images and image details, or to select one or
all of them, and convert them to Portable Network Graphic (.png) or Portable
Pixmap (.ppm) files to be viewed or printed at the desktop. If no options
are specified, all of the images on the device will be converted to ppm
files by default.
read-palmpix's colour correction is not yet as good as Kodak's own,
but Kodak has deprecated the PalmPix device, so it is not likely that there
will be any updates to their software in the future, so this may be as good
as it gets.
read-palmpix was originally written by Angus Ainslie <[email protected]>, and updated by John Marshall <[email protected]> to include core pilot-link functionality.