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xglinfo (1)
  • >> xglinfo (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         xglinfo - display & visual information  utility  for  OpenGL
         with the X Window System
         xglinfo    [-display    displayname]    [+-printDisplayInfo]
         [+-printScreenInfo]    [+-printVisualInfo]   [+-printCooked-
         VisualInfo] [+-printRawVisualInfo]
         Xglinfo is a utility for displaying information about  an  X
         server  supporting  the  OpenGL  extension,  especially with
         regards to visuals.  It is used to examine the  capabilities
         of  a  server,  the predefined values for various parameters
         used in communicating between clients and  the  server,  and
         the  different  types of screens and visuals that are avail-
         able. It includes the same set of information  as  xdpyinfo,
         but  is extended to display information about OpenGL visuals
         as well. In contrast to xdpyinfo  the  amount  and  form  of
         information  displayed is controllable by command line argu-
         The amount of information displayed is controllable  by  the
         command  line switches. Many of these switches take either a
         '+' or a '-'. If the argument  is  preceded  by  a  '+'  the
         option  is  turned  on. If the argument is preceded by a '-'
         the option is turned off.
         The visual information can be printed  in  either  'raw'  or
         'cooked' form. The cooked form is the default. In the cooked
         form the visual information is analyzed and is presented  in
         user friendly form. At the same time some basic error checks
         are performed on the combinations of visual  data.  The  raw
         form just dumps the values returned for the visual.
         Credit is due to Jim Fulton who wrote the original  xdpyinfo
         while at MIT from which xglinfo is derived.
         The following shows a sample produced by xglinfo  when  con-
         nected to display that supports an 24 plane screen. Note the
         error reporting for the  OpenGL  visuals.  The  inconsistent
         OpenGL  visuals  were  deliberately set up to illustrate the
         error checking feature.
    ================================= Display :0.0 =================================
    name of display:        :0.0
    version number:         11.0
    vendor string:          DECWINDOWS Digital Equipment Corporation DEC OSF/1 V1.2
    vendor release:         1
    max request size:       262140 bytes
    motion buffer size:     100
    bitmap:                 unit = 32, bit order = LSBFirst, padding = 32
    image byte order:       LSBFirst
    keycode range:          minimum 86, maximum 255
    focus:                  PointerRoot
    default screen num:     0
    number of screens:      1
    pixmap formats:         4 total
                            depth  1, bits_per_pixel  1, scanline_pad 32
                            depth  8, bits_per_pixel  8, scanline_pad 32
                            depth 12, bits_per_pixel 16, scanline_pad 32
                            depth 24, bits_per_pixel 32, scanline_pad 32
    Server Extensions:      14 total
                            X3D-PEX, GLX, DEC-GLX, SHAPE, MIT-SHM,
                            Multi-Buffering, MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD,
                            Shared-Memory Transport, DEC-XTRAP, XVideo, Xie,
                            Adobe-DPS-Extension, DPSExtension,
    GLX Extension:          error base = 142, event base = 64, Version 1.0
    =================================== Screen 0 ===================================
    screen:                 0
    dimensions:             1280x1024 pixels (342x273 millimeters)
    resolution:             95x95 dots per inch
    depths:                 (3 total):       1, 8, 24
    root window id:         0x2a
    depth of root window:   24 planes
    number colormaps:       minimum 1, maximum 1
    default colormap:       0x28, number colormap cells 256
    preallocated pixels:    black 0x0, white 0xffffff
    options:                backing-store YES, save-unders YES
    input event mask:       0x70003c
                            ButtonPress          ButtonRelease        EnterWindow
                            LeaveWindow          SubstructureRedirect FocusChange
    =================== 7 Visuals for Screen 0 (default = 0x26) ===================
    StaticGray visual: ID = 0x21 (hex) 33 (decimal) screen = 0
      Core X: depth=8, colormapSize=256
    GrayScale visual: ID = 0x22 (hex) 34 (decimal) screen = 0
      Core X: depth=8, colormapSize=256
    StaticColor visual: ID = 0x23 (hex) 35 (decimal) screen = 0
      DOUBLE buffered MONO COLOR INDEX visual with (Z Stencil)
      GL Sizes: ColorIndex=8, Z=24, Stencil=8
      ERROR: CI visual, but Alpha has non-zero size = 8
      Core X: depth=8, colormapSize=256
    PseudoColor visual: ID = 0x24 (hex) 36 (decimal) screen = 0
      DOUBLE buffered MONO COLOR INDEX visual with (Z Stencil)
      GL Sizes: ColorIndex=8, Z=24, Stencil=8
      ERROR: CI visual, but Alpha has non-zero size = 8
      Core X: depth=8, colormapSize=256
    TrueColor visual: ID = 0x25 (hex) 37 (decimal) screen = 0
      DOUBLE buffered MONO RGB visual with (Alpha Z Stencil Accum)
      GL Sizes: RGBA=(3,3,2,8), Z=24, Stencil=8, Accum=(16,16,16,16)
      Core X: depth=8, colormapSize=8 RGB: masks=(0xe0,0x1c,0x3) bits=8
    TrueColor visual: ID = 0x26 (hex) 38 (decimal) screen = 0
      DOUBLE buffered MONO RGB visual with (Alpha Z Stencil Accum)
      GL Sizes: RGBA=(8,8,8,8), Z=24, Stencil=8, Accum=(16,16,16,16)
      Core X: depth=24, colormapSize=256 RGB: masks=(0xff0000,0xff00,0xff) bits=8
    DirectColor visual: ID = 0x27 (hex) 39 (decimal) screen = 0
      DOUBLE buffered MONO RGB visual with (Alpha Z Stencil Accum)
      GL Sizes: RGBA=(8,8,8,8), Z=24, Stencil=8, Accum=(16,16,16,16)
      Core X: depth=24, colormapSize=256 RGB: masks=(0xff0000,0xff00,0xff) bits=8
         DISPLAY To get the default host, display number, and screen.
         X(1), xdpyinfo(1), xwininfo(1), xprop(1), xrdb(1)
         Copyright 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation
         John Dennis
         Digital Equipment Corporation
         [email protected]

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