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Интерактивная система просмотра системных руководств (man-ов)

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xmkmf (1)
  • >> xmkmf (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • xmkmf (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         xmkmf - create a Makefile from an Imakefile
         xmkmf [ -a ] [ topdir [ curdir ] ]
         The xmkmf command is the normal way  to  create  a  Makefile
         from an Imakefile shipped with third-party software.
         When invoked with no arguments in a directory containing  an
         Imakefile, the imake program is run with arguments appropri-
         ate for your system (configured into xmkmf when X was built)
         and generates a Makefile.
         When invoked with the -a option, xmkmf builds  the  Makefile
         in  the  current  directory, and then automatically executes
         ``make  Makefiles''  (in  case  there  are  subdirectories),
         ``make includes'', and ``make depend'' for you.  This is the
         normal way to configure software that is outside the X  Con-
         sortium build tree.
         If working inside the  X  Consortium  build  tree  (unlikely
         unless  you are an X developer, and even then this option is
         never really used), the topdir argument should be  specified
         as  the  relative pathname from the current directory to the
         top of the build tree.  Optionally, curdir may be  specified
         as a relative pathname from the top of the build tree to the
         current directory.  It is necessary to supply curdir if  the
         current  directory  has subdirectories, or the Makefile will
         not be able to build the subdirectories.   If  a  topdir  is
         given, xmkmf assumes nothing is installed on your system and
         looks for files in the  build  tree  instead  of  using  the
         installed versions.

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