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LessTifInternals (3)
  • >> LessTifInternals (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         LessTif Internal Functions
         When the LessTif project began some  discussion  was  under-
         taken  about the use of the previously undocumented internal
         _Xm.. functions in Motif 1.2.   Apparently  these  functions
         have  been  transformed to Xme.. functions in OSF/MotifO 2.0
         and are also documented.  As many people use these functions
         in their code (especially widget writers) the implementation
         of the _Xm.. functions is important to the LessTif project.
         Below is a  list  of  functions  currently  taken  from  the
         LessTif header files.
         void _XmCalcLabelDimensions(Widget w);
         Sets the core width and height values to the  values  needed
         to  display  the  current  label  contents.   It  takes into
         account the  label  type  as  well  as  all  of  the  margin
         Boolean _XmGetInDragMode(Widget w);
         returns True, if the widget (e.g. push button,...)   resides
         in  a menu and the user is currently dragging the mouse with
         button 1 pressed over the menu items.  This way a widget can
         figure out, whether it must redraw itself in the armed state
         if the widget gets a PrimitiveEnter action.
         Boolean _XmIsEventUnique(XEvent *event);
         Unknown Function
         Widget _XmGetRC_PopupPosted(Widget w);
         Returns the widget id of the parent  of  the  menu  that  is
         currently  posted  by  any  of  the children of w.  In other
         words the id of the shell that is cascaded from menu w.
         void _XmRecordEvent(XEvent *event);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmSetInDragMode(Widget w, Boolean flag);
         this is used to enter or leave the dragging mode within  the
         menu system.
         XmFontListEntry _XmFontListEntryFromTag(XmFontList fontlist,
         char *tag);
         Unknown Function
         Boolean   _XmCreateVisibilityRect(Widget    w,    XRectangle
         Unknown Function
         Boolean _XmCvtStringToXmNavigation(Display  *,  XrmValue  *,
         Cardinal *, XrmValue *, XrmValue *, XtPointer *);
         Unknown Function
         Boolean _XmCvtStringToXmString(Display *, XrmValue *, Cardi-
         nal *, XrmValue *, XrmValue *, XtPointer *);
         Unknown Function
         Boolean _XmFocusIsHere(Widget w);
         Unknown Function
         Boolean _XmFocusIsInShell(Widget wid);
         Unknown Function
         Boolean _XmGrabTheFocus(Widget w, XEvent *event);
         Unknown Function
         Boolean _XmIsNavigable(Widget wid);
         Unknown Function
         Boolean _XmNavigSetValues(Widget  current,  Widget  request,
         Widget new_wid, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args);
         Unknown Function
         Boolean _XmSearchColorCache(unsigned int which,  XmColorData
         *values, XmColorData **ret);
         Unknown Function
         Boolean _XmShellIsExclusive(Widget wid);
         Unknown Function
         Boolean _XmStringsAreEqual()
         Unknown Function
         Pixel  _XmAccessColorData(XmColorData  *cd,  unsigned   char
         Unknown Function
         Pixel  _XmBlackPixel(Screen  *screen,   Colormap   colormap,
         XColor blackcolor);
         Unknown Function
         Pixel  _XmWhitePixel(Screen  *screen,   Colormap   colormap,
         XColor whitecolor);
         Unknown Function
         Pixmap _XmGetPixmap();
         Unknown Function
         String _XmGetDefaultBackgroundColorSpec(Screen *screen);
         Unknown Function
         Time __XmGetDefaultTime(Widget w, XEvent *event);
         Unknown Function
         Widget _XmFindNextTabGroup(Widget wid);
         Unknown Function
         Widget _XmFindPrevTabGroup(Widget wid);
         Unknown Function
         Widget _XmFindTopMostShell(Widget w);
         Unknown Function
         Widget _XmGetActiveItem(Widget w);
         Unknown Function
         Widget _XmGetFirstFocus(Widget wid);
         Unknown Function
         Widget _XmNavigate(Widget wid,  XmTraversalDirection  direc-
         Unknown Function
         XmColorData *_XmAddToColorCache(XmColorData *new_rec);
         Unknown Function
         XmColorData    *_XmGetColors(Screen    *screen,     Colormap
         color_map, Pixel background);
         Unknown Function
         XmColorData  *_XmGetDefaultColors(Screen  *screen,  Colormap
         Unknown Function
         XmFocusData _XmCreateFocusData();
         Unknown Function
         XmFocusData _XmGetFocusData(Widget wid);
         Unknown Function
         XmFontList  _XmGetDefaultFontList(Widget  w,  unsigned  char
         Unknown Function
         XmGadget _XmInputForGadget(Widget cw, int x, int y);
         Unknown Function
         XmGadget _XmInputInGadget(Widget cw, int x, int y);
         Unknown Function
         char * _XmGetBGPixmapName();
         Unknown Function
         char *_XmConvertCSToString(XmString cs);
         Unknown Function
         int _XmEmptyRect(XRectangle *r);
         Unknown Function
         int _XmIntersectRect(XRectangle  *srcRectA,  Widget  widget,
         XRectangle *dstRect);
         Unknown Function
         unsigned char _XmGetFocusPolicy(Widget w);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmBackgroundColorDefault(Widget  widget,  int  offset,
         XrmValue *value);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmBottomShadowColorDefault(Widget widget, int  offset,
         XrmValue *value);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmCallFocusMoved(Widget old,  Widget  new_wid,  XEvent
         Unknown Function
         void _XmClearBGPixmap();
         Unknown Function
         void _XmClearFocusPath(Widget wid);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmClearRect(XRectangle *r);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmConfigureObject(Widget g, Position  x,  Position  y,
         Dimension width, Dimension height, Dimension border_width);
         _XmConfigureObject is a wrapper around  XtConfigureWidget(3)
         which  insulates a widget writer from the burden of checking
         whether an object is a widget or a gadget.  The  way  for  a
         manager  widget (any subclass of XmManager; they're supposed
         to do geometry management for their  children)  to  set  the
         layout of a child is to use this function.  In the case of a
         widget, XtConfigureWidget is  called.   For  a  gadget,  the
         geometry fields are manipulated directly.
         void _XmDestroyFocusData(XmFocusData focusData);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmDispatchGadgetInput(Widget g,  XEvent  *event,  Mask
         Unknown Function
         void _XmFocusModelChanged(Widget wid, XtPointer client_data,
         XtPointer call_data);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmForegroundColorDefault(Widget  widget,  int  offset,
         XrmValue *value);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmGetDefaultThresholdsForScreen(Widget  widget,   int
         offset, XrmValue *value);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmHighlightColorDefault(Widget  widget,  int  offset,
         XrmValue *value);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmManagerHighlightPixmapDefault(Widget  widget,   int
         offset, XrmValue *value);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmManagerTopShadowPixmapDefault(Widget  widget,   int
         offset, XrmValue *value);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmMgrTraversal(Widget wid, XmTraversalDirection direc-
         Unknown Function
         void _XmMoveObject(Widget g, Position x, Position y);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmNavigChangeManaged(Widget wid);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmNavigDestroy(Widget wid);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmNavigInitialize(Widget  request,  Widget   new_wid,
         ArgList args, Cardinal num_args);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmNavigResize(Widget wid);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmPrimitiveEnter(Widget  w,  XEvent  *event,   String
         *params, Cardinal num_params);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmPrimitiveHighlightPixmapDefault(Widget  widget,  int
         offset, XrmValue *value);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmPrimitiveLeave(Widget  w,  XEvent  *event,   String
         *params, Cardinal num_params);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmPrimitiveTopShadowPixmapDefault(Widget  widget,  int
         offset, XrmValue *value);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmProcessTraversal(Widget w, XmTraversalDirection dir,
         Boolean check);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmRedisplayGadgets(Widget  w,  XEvent  *event,  Region
         Unknown Function
         void _XmRegisterConverters();
         Unknown Function
         void _XmRegisterPixmapConverters();
         Unknown Function
         void _XmResetTravGraph(Widget wid);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmResizeObject(Widget g,  Dimension  width,  Dimension
         height, Dimension border_width);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmSetActiveTabGroup(XmFocusData focusData, Widget tab-
         Unknown Function
         void _XmSetDefaultBackgroundColorSpec(Screen *screen, String
         Unknown Function
         void   _XmSetInitialOfTabGroup(Widget   tab_group,    Widget
         Unknown Function
         void _XmSetRect(XRectangle *rect, Widget w);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmTopShadowColorDefault(Widget  widget,  int  offset,
         XrmValue *value);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmValidateFocus(Widget wid);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmWarning(Widget w, char *message);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmWidgetFocusChange(Widget wid, XmFocusChange change);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmCascadePixmapDefault(Widget w, int offset,  XrmValue
         Unknown Function
         void _XmClearBorder(Display *display, Window win, int x, int
         y,    Dimension    width,    Dimension   height,   Dimension
         Unknown Function
         void _XmDefaultButtonShadowThickness(Widget w,  int  offset,
         XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmDefaultMultiClick(Widget  w,  int  offset,  XrmValue
         Unknown Function
         void _XmDrawArrow(Display *display, Window win, GC bottomGC,
         GC  topGC,  GC  fillGC,  Position  x,  Position y, Dimension
         width,   Dimension   height,   Dimension   shadow_thickness,
         unsigned char direction
         Unknown Function
         void _XmDrawDiamond(Display *display, Window  win,  GC  bot-
         tomGC, GC topGC, GC selectGC, Position x, Position y, Dimen-
         sion width,  Dimension  height,  Dimension  shadowThickness,
         Dimension fill);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmDrawSeparator(Display  *display,  Window  win,   GC
         top_gc,  GC  bottom_gc,  separator_GC, Position wx, Position
         wy, Dimension wwidth, Dimension wheight, Dimension shadowTh-
         ickness, Dimension m
         Unknown Function
         void _XmDrawShadowDisplay *display, Drawable d,  GC  top_gc,
         GC  bottom_gc, Dimension shad_thick, Position x, Position y,
         Dimension width, Dimension height);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmDrawShadows(Display *display, Window win, GC topSha-
         dowGC,  GC bottomShadowGC, Position x, Position y, Dimension
         width, Dimension height, Dimension shadowThickness, unsigned
         int shadowTy
         Unknown Function
         void     _XmFontListGetDefaultFont(XmFontList      fontlist,
         XFontStruct **font_struct);
         Unknown Function
         void   _XmFrameHorizSpaceDefault(Widget   w,   int   offset,
         XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmFrameShadowThicknessDefault(Widget  w,  int  offset,
         XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void   _XmFrameShadowTypeDefault(Widget   w,   int   offset,
         XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmInitializeWidgetSet();
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmRowColumnEntryClassDefault(Widget  w,  int  offset,
         XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmRowColumnIsHomogeneousDefault(Widget w, int  offset,
         XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void   _XmRowColumnMarginDefault(Widget   w,   int   offset,
         XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void   _XmRowColumnMenuAcceleratorDefault(Widget   w,    int
         offset, XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmRowColumnPackingDefault(Widget   w,   int   offset,
         XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmRowColumnSpacingDefault(Widget   w,   int   offset,
         XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmScrollBarMaximumDefault(Widget   w,   int   offset,
         XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmScrollBarProcessingDirectionDefault(Widget  w,  int
         offset, XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmScrollBarSliderSizeDefault(Widget  w,  int  offset,
         XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmScrollBarTroughColorDefault(Widget  w,  int  offset,
         XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void _XmScrollBarValueDefault(Widget w, int offset, XrmValue
         Unknown Function
         void _XmSelectColorDefault(Widget w,  int  offset,  XrmValue
         Unknown Function
         void   _XmToggleButtonIndicatorTypeDefault(Widget   w,   int
         offset, XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmVendorShellVirtualBindingsDefault(Widget   w,   int
         offset, XrmValue *val);
         Unknown Function
         String _XmOSGetHomeDirName(void);
         Unknown Function
         XmString _XmOSGetLocalizedString(char *reserved,
         Unknown Function
         int _XmMicroSleep(long secs);
         Unknown Function
         void  _XmInternAtomAndName(Display  *display,   Atom   atom,
         String name);
         Associates an atom name with an atom  id  (and  vice  versa)
         without  the  need  to query the X server first for the atom
         id.  This way any name to id mapping (as well as the  id  to
         name mapping) can be set on a given display.
         void _XmVirtualToActualKeysym(Display  *Dsp,  KeySym  Virtu-
         alKeysym,      KeySym      *RealKeysymReturn,      Modifiers
         For the given virtual keysym (which must be  one  of  the  =
         osfXK_xxx  keysyms)  returns  the real keysym as well as the
         modifiers which make up that particular virtual keysym.   If
         asked  for  an  invalid  virtual  keysym,  _XmVirtualToActu-
         alKeysym returns NoSymbol for the real keysym.
         int  _XmVirtKeysLoadFallbackBindings(Display  *Dsp,   String
         Installs the default key bindings for a specific display. If
         th=  ere are any vendor specific default bindings available,
         then the appropiate one= will be installed  instead  of  the
         fallback  key bindings. Additionally, the bindings installed
         are returned in Bindings.  The  caller  is  responsible  for
         freeing  the  space occupied by this key binding description
         string. The return code seems to be always  zero.  At  least
         LessTif will always retur= n a zero...
         Boolean _XmVirtKeysLoadFileBindings(String filename,  String
         *binding= );
         Reads in a file containing a description of the virtual  key
         bindings.  If  succesful,  returns  True and the description
         string. The caller= is responsible for  freeing  the  memory
         void _XmVirtKeysInitialize(Widget w);
         Sets up the virtual key bindings for a display.  The  widget
         specified  must be a XmDisplay widget, otherwise _XmVirtKey-
         sInitialize will deny the attempt to set up  the  key  bind-
         ings.  The  function first checks several places in order to
         catch up key binding description.  If  all  fails,  it  will
         install  fallback  key  bindings.  This internal function is
         called during when initializing a XmDisplay widget.
         void _XmVirtKeysDestroy(Widget w);
         Cleanup any leftovers from  the  virtual  binding  mechanism
         when destroying a XmDisplay widget.
         void _XmVirtKeysHandler(Widget  w,  XtPointer  Data,  XEvent
         *Event, Boolean *ContDispatch);
         This handler is installed on every widget. It  just  records
         the  current  key  press  event  in an widget instance field
         private to a XmDisplay widget.

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