filechan - file-writing backend for InterNetNews
Filechan input is interpreted as a set of lines. Each line contains a fixed number of initial fields, followed by a variable number of filename fields. All fields in a line are separated by whitespace. The default number of initial fields is one.
For each line of input, filechan writes the initial fields, separated by whitespace and followed by a newline, to each of the files named in the filename fields. When writing to a file, filechan opens it in append mode and tries to lock it and change the ownership to the user and group who owns the directory where the file is being written.
If filechan is invoked with ``-f 2'' and given the following input:
news/software/b/132 <[email protected]> foo uunet news/software/b/133 <[email protected]> uunet munnari comp/sources/unix/2002 <[email protected]> foo uunet munnari
Then the file foo will have these lines:
news/software/b/132 <[email protected]> comp/sources/unix/2002 <[email protected]>
the file munnari will have these lines:
news/software/b/133 <[email protected]> comp/sources/unix/2002 <[email protected]>
and the file uunet will have these lines:
news/software/b/132 <[email protected]> news/software/b/133 <[email protected]> comp/sources/unix/2002 <[email protected]>
Because the time window in which a file is open is very small, complicated flushing and locking protocols are not needed; a mv(1) followed by a sleep(1) for a couple of seconds is sufficient.
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