1, ilia (??), 13:56, 27/07/2007 [ответить]
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"If you're reading this it means you're using Microsoft's Internet Explorer to attempt to view Open Addict.com. You're being blocked because Internet Explorer doesn't adhere to web standards and some of our website code, which works *perfectly* in Firefox, Opera and Konquerer, doesn't work at all in IE and I'm tired of hacking workarounds for IE's bad implementations of standard technologies"
Ну и пошел нах, в таком случае.
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2, Vladislav (??), 15:25, 27/07/2007 [ответить]
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You have been banned from this forum.
Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information.
Но желание даже контактировать с админом пропало
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3, Аноним (-), 17:28, 27/07/2007 [ответить]
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Хоть у меня опера, всё равно не буду смотреть ;)
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