Выпуск Solaris 11, основанный на кодовой базе Solaris Express Community Edition (SXCE или Nevada), ожидается в середине 2010 года.
Кроме того, выпущена очередная, 113 cборка, SXCE.
"Sun is quietly telling customers that Solaris 11 is targeted for launch sometime around the middle of 2010. ... Sun hasn't said much publicly about Solaris 11's launch date. But as we reported back in October when the Solaris 10 10/08 update was put out, Dan Roberts, director of marketing for Solaris, said that after a few releases of the OpenSolaris Project Indiana distro were out and the feature set was expanded, Sun would take a snapshot of OpenSolaris and harden it into the commercial release - which people will call Solaris 11 even if Sun calls it something else."
вобщем как-то ничего определенного и человек пишущий это: "Timothy Prickett Morgan is President of Guild Companies Inc and Editor in Chief of its IT Jungle publications.", - какбы нам говорит что "мало ле чо там оналитики мурзилок понапридумывали и понаписале" :(
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