From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 21 Aug 2006 14:08:18 +0200
Subject: [NT] MODPlug Tracker/OpenMPT/Libmodplug Stack And Heap Overflows
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MODPlug Tracker/OpenMPT/Libmodplug Stack And Heap Overflows
MODPlug Tracker, and naturally its more recent open source version
OpenMPT, is one of the coolest music trackers which supports many music
module types too. libmodplug instead is a Linux library created from the
OpenMPT source and mainly used for the ModPlug-XMMS plugin.
Due to lacking of input validation there are exploitable stack and heap
overflows in MODPlug.
Global buffer overflows in ReadITProject:
All the text fields in the ITP files are not sanitized so is possible to
overflow the global variables through this function and possibly executing
malicious code (confirmed in my tests). Note: ITP files are not supported
in libmodplug
>From soundlib/Load_it.cpp:
BOOL CSoundFile::ReadITProject(LPCBYTE lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
// Song name
// name string length
len = id;
streamPos += sizeof(DWORD);
// name string
streamPos += len;
(other overflows)
Heap overflow in ReadSample:
In some modules the ReadSample function can be used to cause a heap
overflow through an invalid nLength value. As visible by the code below,
nLength is incremented of 6 bytes (mem) and in some cases its value is
multiplicated by two, the final value is then used to allocate
pIns->pSample (FYI AllocateSample allocates "(nbytes + 39) & ~7" and
returns the pointer plus 16). An attacker, after having forced the program
to allocate 0 bytes, will be able to overflow the memory through the
memcpy instructions which will copy (depending by nFlags) all the
remaining bytes in the file. The best type of module for exploiting this
vulnerability seems to be AMF.
>From soundlib/Sndfile.cpp:
UINT CSoundFile::ReadSample(MODINSTRUMENT *pIns, UINT nFlags, LPCSTR
lpMemFile, DWORD dwMemLength)
UINT len = 0, mem = pIns->nLength+6;
if ((!pIns) || (pIns->nLength < 4) || (!lpMemFile)) return 0;
if (pIns->nLength > MAX_SAMPLE_LENGTH) pIns->nLength =
if ((pIns->pSample = AllocateSample(mem)) == NULL)
len = pIns->nLength;
if (len > dwMemLength) len = pIns->nLength = dwMemLength;
memcpy(pIns->pSample, lpMemFile, len);
Proof of concept:
A new version will be released soon.
The information has been provided by <> Luigi
The original article can be found at:
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