The OpenNET Project

[UNIX] OpenBSD Kernel Panic While Processing IPSec Link2 Option

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Date: 2 Sep 2004 14:05:57 +0200
From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Subject: [UNIX] OpenBSD Kernel Panic While Processing IPSec Link2 Option

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  OpenBSD Kernel Panic While Processing IPSec Link2 Option


A bug in the way the OpenBSD kernel handles ICMP packets while the link2 
option is set for IPSec processing leaves the system vulnerable to a 
single ICMP packet attack able to crash the kernel.


Vulnerable Systems:
 * OpenBSD version 3.5

An OpenBSD system configured as a gateway between two networks might be 
vulnerable to a specific attack that can crash the kernel if bridging is 
enabled and the link2 option is given for IPSec processing. In an event 
that a malformed ICMP echo request packet arrives from a host on network A 
with a destination of a host on network B, the OpenBSD kernel will crash 
and cause a kernel panic.

No core file is generated. If the DDB_PANIC option is set, the machine 
reboots upon receipt of the ICMP echo request. The commands that lead to 
the vulnerable situations are as follows:
# ifconfig bridge0 create
# brconfig bridge0 add fxp0 add fxp1 up
# brconfig bridge0 link2

Naturally, in order to configure the system in such a manner, a user would 
have to have root access on the system.

The problem was observed on a test network and was reproduced as well on a 
VMWare network.

Patch Availability:
The OpenBSD team was contacted and a patch was introduced to the CVS 
within 12 hours, an errata is available at:  
<>; The patch code is listed below and 
is also available from  
Index: sys/net/if_bridge.c  

RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/net/if_bridge.c,v retrieving revision 1.136 diff -u -r1.136 if_bridge.c --- sys/net/if_bridge.c 21 Jun 2004 23:50:36 -0000 1.136 + sys/net/if_bridge.c 18 Aug 2004 09:29:04 -0000 @@ -2275,9 +2275,9 @@ splx(s); return (1); } else { + splx(s); skiplookup: /* XXX do an input policy lookup */ - splx(s); return (0); } } else { /* Outgoing from the bridge. */ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The information has been provided by <> Vafa Izadinia.
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