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FreeBSD Security Advisory: FreeBSD-SA-98:08.fragment

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Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 14:39:56 -0600
From: Aleph One <aleph1@DFW.NET.>
To: [email protected]
Subject: FreeBSD Security Advisory: FreeBSD-SA-98:08.fragment

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Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 20:37:28 +0100 (MET)
From: FreeBSD Security Officer <security-officer@FreeBSD.ORG.>
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: FreeBSD Security Advisory: FreeBSD-SA-98:08.fragment


FreeBSD-SA-98:08 Security Advisory FreeBSD, Inc. Topic: IP fragmentation denial of service Category: core Module: kernel Announced: 1998-11-04 Affects: FreeBSD 3.0 and FreeBSD-current before the correction date. Corrected: FreeBSD-3.0 and FreeBSD-current as of 1998/10/27 FreeBSD only: Yes Patches: I. Background IP connections are controlled through a series of packets that are received by the two computers involved in the connection. When packets are too large to be sent in a single IP packet (due to interface hardware limitations for example), they can be fragmented (unless prohibited by the Don't Fragment flag). The final destination will reassemble all the fragments of an IP packet and pass it to higher protocol layers (like TCP or UDP). II. Problem Description There is a bug in the IP fragment reassembly code that might lead to a kernel panic. An attacker can create and send a pair of malformed IP packets which are then reassembled into an invalid UDP datagram. Such an UDP datagram would then cause a server to panic and crash. III. Impact When this bug is exploited the operating system will panic. This results in a reboot of the system. This vulnerability has been discussed in public security forums and exploit programs are circulating to take advantage of this bug. IV. Workaround None. V. Solution Index: ip_input.c
RCS file: /home/cvsup/freebsd/CVS/src/sys/netinet/ip_input.c,v retrieving revision 1.102 retrieving revision 1.103 diff -u -u -r1.102 -r1.103 --- ip_input.c 1998/10/16 03:55:01 1.102 + ip_input.c 1998/10/27 09:11:41 1.103 @@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ * if they are completely covered, dequeue them. */ for (; q != NULL && ip->ip_off + ip->ip_len > GETIP(q)->ip_off; - p = q, q = nq) { + q = nq) { i = (ip->ip_off + ip->ip_len) - GETIP(q)->ip_off; if (i < GETIP(q)->ip_len) {

FreeBSD, Inc. Web Site: Confidential contacts: [email protected] Security notifications: [email protected] Security public discussion: [email protected] PGP Key: Notice: Any patches in this document may not apply cleanly due to modifications caused by digital signature or mailer software. Please reference the URL listed at the top of this document for original copies of all patches if necessary.
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