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NetBSD Security Advisory 2001-013: OpenSSL PRNG weakness (up to 0.9.6a)

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Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 16:10:31 +1000
From: NetBSD Security Officer <>
To: [email protected]
Subject: NetBSD Security Advisory 2001-013: OpenSSL PRNG weakness (up to 0.9.6a)
Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
 [email protected]


                 NetBSD Security Advisory 2001-013

Topic: OpenSSL PRNG weakness (up to 0.9.6a) Version: NetBSD-current: source prior to July 10, 2001 NetBSD 1.5.1: affected NetBSD 1.5: affected pkgsrc: openssl packages prior to 0.9.6b or 0.9.6nb1 Severity: attacker can predict sequence of future PRNG outputs Fixed: NetBSD-current: July 10, 2001 NetBSD-1.5 branch: July 29, 2001 (1.5.2 includes the fix) pkgsrc: openssl-0.9.6b or openssl-0.9.6nb1 Abstract ======== The OpenSSL libcrypto includes a PRNG (pseudo random number generator) implementation. The logic used for PRNG was not strong enough, and allows attackers to guess the internal state of the PRNG. Therefore, attackers can predict future PRNG output. Technical Details ================= Solutions and Workarounds
The problem can be remedied by replacing the libcrypto library, and recompiling all statically-linked binaries on the system that use this library. The following instructions describe how to upgrade your openssl libraries by updating your source tree and rebuilding and installing a new version of telnetd(8). * All NetBSD releases using openssl from pkgsrc: If you are using openssl from pkgsrc, upgrade it to either of the following packages: openssl-0.9.6b or higher openssl-0.9.6nb1 (0.9.6 + specific fix for the issue) Also, make sure that you upgrade any statically-linked binaries in packages and local applications that have been linked with libcrypto. * NetBSD-current: Systems running NetBSD-current dated from before 2001-07-10 should be upgraded to NetBSD-current dated 2001-07-11 or later. The following directories need to be updated from the netbsd-current CVS branch (aka HEAD): src/crypto/dist/openssl src/lib/libcrypto To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install the openssl libraries: # cd src # cvs update -d -P crypto/dist/openssl lib/libcrypto # cd lib/libcrypto # make cleandir dependall # make install You also need to upgrade any statically-linked binaries that use libcrypto. Whilst there are no statically-linked binaries in the default NetBSD installation that use libcrypto, it would be a good idea to run a full build (i.e. "make build"). * NetBSD 1.5, 1.5.1: Systems running NetBSD 1.5 or 1.5.1 sources dated from before 2001-07-29 should be upgraded from NetBSD 1.5.x sources dated 2001-07-30 or later. NetBSD 1.5.2 is not vulnerable. The following source needs to be updated to version 1.2 or later from the netbsd-1-5 CVS branch: crypto/dist/openssl/crypto/rand/md_rand.c To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install the openssl libraries: # cd src # cvs update -d -P crypto/dist/openssl/crypto/rand # cd lib/libcrypto # make cleandir dependall # make install Alternatively, apply the following patch (with potential offset differences): To patch, re-build and re-install the openssl libraries: # cd src/crypto/dist/openssl/crypto/rand # patch < /path/to/SA2001-013-openssl-1.5.patch # cd ../../../../../lib/libcrypto # make cleandir dependall # make install You also need to upgrade any statically-linked binaries that use libcrypto. Whilst there are no statically-linked binaries in the default NetBSD installation that use libcrypto, it would be a good idea to run a full build (i.e. "make build"). Thanks To ========= Jun-ichiro Hagino for the fix to -current and 1.5 Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen for discovering the problem in the PRNG and reporting it to the OpenSSL project. Revision History ================ 2001-08-23 Initial release More Information ================ An up-to-date PGP signed copy of this release will be maintained at Information about NetBSD and NetBSD security can be found at http://www.NetBSD.ORG/ and http://www.NetBSD.ORG/Security/. Copyright 2001, The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. $NetBSD: NetBSD-SA2001-013.txt,v 1.13 2001/08/23 02:03:23 lukem Exp $ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (NetBSD) Comment: For info see iQCVAwUBO4RlGD5Ru2/4N2IFAQHJkAP/Su564Mbn4Hl4+pkMh/fWiwtRIAE8aYex PcfCSW22nPrGpDdMwOPAvQAANCzNIJ2liXn9kzGqjNodOdSKDZ92hw6Yq/hlXhN/ 9R5CY3HR7ETFJtXBe3+8X5yqsrdAebDSh6Cz49HU2YxU+IN9idmy/JstNC6Ie69e U/XVIkv+BGM= =VRtV -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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