Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 19:21:52 +0200
From: Andrea Barisani <>
To: [email protected]Subject: project announcement - oCERT - Open Source CERT
Message-ID: <20080412172152.GE835@lcars.>
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Hi everyone,
we are pleased to announce a new project called oCERT, the Open Source
Computer Emergency Response Team.
The oCERT project is a public effort providing security handling support to
Open Source projects affected by security incidents or vulnerabilities, just
like national CERTs offer services for their respective countries.
If you are a small project lacking security handling resources we can aid you
in tracking down the extent and nature of potential compromises and security
vulnerabilities and co-ordinate with all affected parties (like projects that
ship your code).
If you are a big project and/or Open Source vendor we can promptly communicate
with you reports and vulnerabilities that might affect your codebase and
infrastructure and help you out with your security requirements.
You can read all about the project at
Any feedback is appreciated.
The oCERT Team
Andrea Barisani | Founder & Project Coordinator
oCERT | Open Source Computer Emergency Response Team
0x864C9B9E 0A76 074A 02CD E989 CE7F AC3F DA47 578E 864C 9B9E
"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate"