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пpямое пpогpаммиpование поpтов вода-вывода в FreeBSD (io raw example device)

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Ключевые слова: io, raw, example, device,  (найти похожие документы)
From : Valentin Davydov 2:5020/400 03 Mar 01 18:56:14 Subj : пpямое пpогpаммиpование поpтов вода-вывода в FreeBSD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Forwarded from area 'RU.UNIX.BSD' >Столкнyлся с пpоблемой пpямого пpогpаммиpования поpтов вода-вывода в FreeBSD. >Почитав этy эхy нашел что юто делается чеpе /dev/io, но ни написааное в эхе, >ни написанное в man, ничего pезyльтатов непpинесло. Максимyм сего добился, так >это чтобы пpогpамма не выпадала в коpy. Покажите на конкpетном пpимеpе как это >делается. Hе дайте погибнyть. Вот что у меня сейчас работает на лаптопе: /* T P D U A L S C A N . C Author: Michael Steiner <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Ported to FreeBSD: Valentin Davydov <[email protected]> This program allows you to set videoram for IBM ThinkPads with dualscan LCD screen (at least for the 750Cs and 5538-VWD but probably also for others) to allow running XFree86 without patching it (normally you got all twice if the upper 512K of videoram are not disabled). Usage: a) you run on the built-in monitor: (1) run 'tpdualscan -d' as root (2) start X (e.g with startx) b) you run on an external monitor: (1) run 'tpdualscan -e' as root (2) start X (e.g with startx) */ #define PROGNAME "tpdualscan" #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <machine/cpufunc.h> #include <fcntl.h> char usage[] = "usage: "PROGNAME"(-d(isable) | -e(nable) | -s(tatus))"; void main (int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned long vgaIOBase; int colorEmulation, dualScan, devIOHandle; enum {enable, disable, status} mode = status; unsigned char registr; /* parse command line */ if ((argc > 2) || ((argc == 2) && (argv[1][0] != '-'))){ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", usage); exit(1); } if (argc == 2) { switch (argv[1][1]) { case 'h': printf("%s\ndisable/enable upper 512K of VRAM for dual-scan thinkpads\n", usage); exit(0); case 'd': /* disable */ mode = disable; break; case 'e': /* enable */ mode = enable; break; case 's': /* status */ mode = status; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "invalid option %c\n%s\n", argv[1][1], usage); exit(1); } } /* enable direct ports I/O */ devIOHandle = open("/dev/io", O_RDONLY); if (devIOHandle == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can not get IO permission (%s)", PROGNAME, strerror(errno)); exit(1);}; /* set vga IO base depend from color mode */ colorEmulation = inb(0x3CC) & 0x01; if (!colorEmulation) { fprintf(stderr, "you are not running a dual scan thinkpad \n"); exit(1); } vgaIOBase = (colorEmulation) ? 0x3D0 : 0x3B0; /* unlock flat panel registers PR18, PR19, PR!a, PR36-PR41 and PR44 */ outb(vgaIOBase + 4, 0x34); /* PR1B */ registr = inb(vgaIOBase + 5); outb(vgaIOBase + 5, ((registr & 0x1F) | 0xA0)); /* set bits 5-7 to 101 */ /* check if we have a dual-scan LCD */ outb(vgaIOBase + 4, 0x31); dualScan = ((inb(vgaIOBase + 5) & 0xB) == 0); /* dual scan == (PR18[bit:3,1,0] = 0) */ if (!dualScan) { fprintf(stderr, "you are not running a dual scan thinkpad \n"); exit(1); } /* clear bit 6 to disable upper 512k The remaining 512Kbytes of video memory are not disabled by clearing the bit, but it is actually used as a shadow of first 512Kbyte */ outb(0x3CE, 0x0B); registr = inb(0x3CF); /* PR1 */ if (mode == disable) { printf("setting vramsize to 512K\n"); outb(0x3CE, 0x0B); outb(0x3CF, registr & 0xBF); /* enable 512 */ } else if (mode == enable) { printf("setting vramsize to 1024K\n"); outb(0x3CE, 0x0B); outb(0x3CF, registr | 0xC0); /* enable 1024 */ } else { printf("current vramsize is %dK\n", ( (registr & 0x40) ? 1024 : 512)); } /* cleanup */ /* lock flat panel registers PR18, PR19, PR!a, PR36-PR41 and PR44 */ outb(vgaIOBase + 4, 0x34); /* PR1B */ registr = inb(vgaIOBase + 5); outb(vgaIOBase + 5, (registr & 0x1F)); /* set bits 5-7 to other than 101 */ /* disable direct ports I/O */ close(devIOHandle); } --- ifmail v.2.15dev5 * Origin: Demos online service (2:5020/400)

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