_ RU.LINUX (2:5077/15.22) __________________________________________ RU.LINUX _
From : Alexey Morozov 2:5020/400 29 Dec 99 18:36:00
Subj : Кстати, о почтовых системах :-)
From: Alexey Morozov <[email protected]>
Вот, от Gregory Steuck <[email protected]> упало такое:
I just tried this Butenko's mail explosion on my OpenBSD running
qmail. Load avg is around 7. Other than that, I can't notice much impact
on the system. It must be spinnning the disk furiously but I can't hear
it, I'm not at home :-) I ran it to make 2^13 deliveries. Should this
be enough for the smoke test? Well, anyway I'm still convienced that
qmail is cool and very well performing MTA. I wonder what sendmail
is like with this kind of load?
И далее:
Alex> Could I use your info for advertising purposes? :-)
Ага, возьми да попробуй сам:
echo '|mail greg-a greg-b' > .qmail-a
echo '|mail greg-a greg-b' > .qmail-b
mail greg-a < /dev/null
Подожди когда их несколько тысяч наберется...
echo ~/Trash > .qmail-a
echo ~/Trash > .qmail-b
Теперь тот же трюк с сенмейлом:
echo a: "|mail a b" >> /etc/aliases
echo b: "|mail a b" >> /etc/aliases
mail a < /dev/null
Подождать, глядя как машина встает раком.
Hа FreeBSD мы смогли потом сказать killall sendmail, она прочухалась.
--- ifmail v.2.14dev3 * Origin: Demos online service (2:5020/400)