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[NEWS] Cisco Default Username and Password in WLSE and HSE Devices

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Date: 8 Apr 2004 08:38:18 +0200
From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Subject: [NEWS] Cisco Default Username and Password in WLSE and HSE Devices

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  Cisco Default Username and Password in WLSE and HSE Devices


A default username/password pair is present in all releases of the 
Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE) and Hosting Solution Engine (HSE) 
software. A user who logs in using this username has complete control of 
the device. This username cannot be disabled. There is no workaround.


Affected Products:
 * The affected software releases for WLSE are 2.0, 2.0.2 and 2.5
 * The affected software releases for HSE are 1.7, 1.7.1, 1.7.2 and 1.7.3

A hardcoded username and password pair is present in all software releases 
for all models of WLSE and HSE devices.

This vulnerability is documented in the Cisco Bug Toolkit as Bug ID 
CSCsa11583 (registered customers only) for the WLSE and CSCsa11584 
(registered customers only) for the HSE. 

CiscoWorks WLSE provides centralized management for the Cisco Wireless LAN 
infrastructure. It unifies the other components in the solution and 
actively employs them to provide continual "Air/RF" monitoring, network 
security, and optimization. The CiscoWorks WLSE also assists network 
managers by automating and simplifying mass configuration deployment, 
fault monitoring and alerting. 

Cisco Hosting Solution Engine is a hardware-based solution to monitor and 
activate a variety of e-business services in Cisco powered data centers. 
It provides fault and performance information about the Layer 2-3 hosting 
infrastructure and Layer 4-7 hosted services.

Any user who logs in using this username has complete control of the 
device. One can add new users or modify details of the existing users, and 
change the device's configuration. Here are some more concrete examples of 
possible actions: 

 * For WLSE this means that an adversary can hide the presence of a rogue 
Access Point or change the Radio Frequency plan, potentially causing 
system-wide outages. The first action may cause long-term loss of 
information confidentiality and integrity. The second action can yield 
Denial-of-Service (DOS). 

 * For HSE this may lead up to illegal re-directing of a Web site with the 
ultimate loss of revenue.

 * In both cases the device itself may be used as a launching platform for 
further attacks. Such attacks could be directed at your organization, or 
towards a third party. 

Software Versions and Fixes:
For WLSE, users need to install the patch. The 
patch can be downloaded from  
<>; (registered 
customers only). This patch is applicable to WLSE 1130 software releases 
2.0, 2.0.2 and 2.5. 

For HSE, users need to install the patch. The 
patch can be downloaded from  
<>; (registered 
customers only). This patch is applicable to HSE 1105 for versions 1.7, 
1.7.1, 1.7.2, and 1.7.3.


The information has been provided by  <> Cisco 
Systems Product Security Incident Response Team.

The original article can be found at:  

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