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[NEWS] Default Administrative Password in Cisco Guard and Traffic Anomaly Detector

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Date: 16 Dec 2004 12:25:12 +0200
From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Subject: [NEWS] Default Administrative Password in Cisco Guard and Traffic Anomaly Detector

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  Default Administrative Password in Cisco Guard and Traffic Anomaly 


 The Cisco Guard and Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector software contains a 
default password for an administrative account. This password is set, 
without any user's intervention, during installation of the software used 
by the Cisco Guard and Traffic Anomaly Detector Distributed Denial of 
Service (DDoS) mitigation appliances, and is the same in all installations 
of the product.

Software version 3.0 and earlier of the Cisco Guard and Traffic Anomaly 
Detector are affected by this vulnerability. Customers running version 3.1 
or higher of the software are not affected. There are workarounds 
available including one that does not require a reboot of the device. 
Cisco has made free software available to address this problem.


Affected Products
Vulnerable Products
All versions of the software for the Cisco Guard and Cisco Traffic Anomaly 
Detector prior to version 3.1 are affected by this vulnerability.

There are three ways to determine the software version that your Cisco 
Guard and Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector DDoS mitigation appliances are 
 * Virtual terminal or local serial console connection
 * Remote Secure Shell (SSH) connection
 * Remote secure web session

What follows is an example of each method; you should choose the method 
that applies to your particular environment and network setup.

1. To determine the software version number through the local serial 
console use a serial cable and a terminal emulation program to connect to 
the appliance. Once you are connected press the Enter key of your terminal 
and the Guard and Traffic Anomaly Detector will present, without even 
logging in, the version of the software running on the devices:

Cisco Guard Version 3.1(0.12)

GUARD login:

In this example the Cisco Guard is running software version 3.1.
For a virtual terminal the procedure is the same except that no serial 
cable or terminal emulation program is needed (a standard keyboard and 
monitor are directly connected to the appliance.)

2. To obtain the software version number through a SSH session use a SSH 
client to log into the Cisco Guard or Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector and 
issue the show version command-line interface (CLI) command. The following 
example shows an interaction with a Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector:

prompt$ ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
Last login: Wed Nov 24 22:45:53 on ttyS0
admin@DETECTOR#show version
Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Software License Agreement


Cisco Anomaly Detector
Release: 3.1(0.12)
Date: 2004/10/27 19:58:14

DETECTOR uptime is 3 weeks, 3 days, 17 hours, 53 minutes
System Serial Number: XXXXXXX

Contact Information:
   Cisco Systems Inc.
   [email protected]

In this example the Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector is running software 
version 3.1.

3. To obtain the software version that Cisco Guard and Cisco Traffic 
Anomaly Detector are running through a secure web interface, open the URL 
https://<IP address of your Guard or Detector>/ in a web browser, log in, 
and then click on the About link located on the top right section of the 
browser window.

The Cisco Guard and Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detectors are Distributed Denial 
of Service (DDoS) attack mitigation appliances that detect the presence of 
a potential DDoS attack and divert attack traffic destined for the network 
being monitored without affecting the flow of legitimate traffic.

Both the Cisco Guard and the Cisco Anomaly Traffic Detector appliances can 
be managed via a virtual terminal (standard keyboard and monitor attached 
directly to the appliance), a local serial console, remote SSH 
connections, and/or remote secure web sessions. Most management and 
troubleshooting tasks are performed through a CLI interface that is 
similar to that of most Cisco products, but a special administrative 
account is provided so certain management and troubleshooting tasks that 
are not covered by the standard CLI can be performed. The administrative 
account username is root, like the superuser in the Unix operating system.

This account has a default password that is the same in all installations 
of the Cisco Guard and Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector in all versions 
prior to 3.1. This default password is made up of a combination of 
letters, numbers, and punctuation per best security practices for 
passwords, but Cisco recommends that this password be changed for extra 

The vulnerability described here is documented in the Cisco Bug ID 
CSCeg12167 (registered customers only) for the Cisco Guard and in the 
Cisco Bug ID CSCeg12188 (registered customers only) for the Cisco Traffic 
Anomaly Detector.

Someone that is able to log into a Cisco Guard or Cisco Traffic Anomaly 
Detector DDoS mitigation appliance using the root administrative account 
has full control of the device, which includes the ability to change 
configurations, divert traffic, and install software.

Software Versions and Fixes
While workarounds that do not require a software upgrade exist, Cisco has 
made available free software that addresses the vulnerability described in 
this document.

Version 3.1 or later of the Cisco Guard and Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector 
software does not leave a default password for the administrative root 
account after a fresh installation or after an upgrade from previous 
versions. This is because in version 3.1 and later the 
installation/upgrade procedure requires the user to choose a password for 
the administrative account.

Note: the procedure to upgrade to version 3.1 can only be done through the 
out-of-band interfaces.

When considering software upgrades, please also consult  
<>; and any subsequent advisories to determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.

In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the devices 
to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current hardware and 
software configurations will continue to be supported properly by the new 
release. If the information is not clear, contact the Cisco Technical 
Assistance Center ("TAC") for assistance.

If affected customers are not able to upgrade the software, the 
workarounds presented in the Workarounds section can be employed to 
completely eliminate this vulnerability.

Obtaining Fixed Software
As the fix for this vulnerability is a default configuration change, and a 
workaround is available, a software upgrade is not required to address 
this vulnerability. However, if you have a service contract, and wish to 
upgrade to unaffected code, you may obtain upgraded software through your 
regular update channels once that software is available. For most 
customers, this means that upgrades should be obtained through the 
Software Center on Cisco's Worldwide Web site at  <>;

If you need assistance with the implementation of the workarounds, or have 
questions on the workarounds, please contact the Cisco Technical 
Assistance Center (TAC).

 * +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
 * +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
 * e-mail: [email protected]

See  <>; for additional 
TAC contact information, including special localized telephone numbers and 
instructions and e-mail addresses for use in various languages.

Customers may only install and expect support for the feature sets they 
have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or otherwise using 
such software upgrades, customers agree to be bound by the terms of 
Cisco's software license terms found at  
<>;, or as otherwise set 
forth at Downloads at  

The vulnerability described in this document can be eliminated completely 
by logging into the affected Cisco Guard and Cisco Traffic Anomaly 
Detector DDoS mitigation appliances and changing the default password for 
the administrative root account to a strong password chosen by the user.

To change the default password you need to run the passwd command once you 
have logged in as the root user. The following interaction shows and 
example of a change password dialog in a Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector 
that is performed via SSH:

prompt$ ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
Last login: Tue Nov 23 15:48:13 on ttyS0
[root@DETECTOR root]# passwd
Changing password for user root.
New password: <new password typed in here>
Retype new password: <new password typed in here>
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

In order to perform this procedure you will need the default password. To 
obtain this password customers must contact the Cisco TAC. Entitlement 
will be checked so please have your product serial number available and 
give the URL of this notice.

After changing the default password, the Cisco Guard and Traffic Anomaly 
Detector will not accept root logins using the default password.

A reboot is not required for the new password to take effect, so network 
operations will not be disrupted.

If affected customers do not wish to contact Cisco to obtain the default 
password, it is possible to change the administrative account's password 
by performing the password recovery procedure. This procedure is 
documented at the following location:


As a security best practice, it is recommended that customers make use of 
the access control feature that restricts connectivity to the SSH and 
web-based management services to certain IP networks configured by the 
administrator. Refer to the documentation for your Cisco Guard and Cisco 
Traffic Anomaly Detector, specifically the permit wbm and permit ssh 
commands, for details on how to enable this feature. Having these access 
control mechanisms in place may mitigate the vulnerability if it cannot be 
eliminated completely by changing the default password as described above.


The information has been provided by  <> Cisco 
Systems Product Security Incident Response Team.
The original article can be found at:  

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DISCLAIMER: The information in this bulletin is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. In no event shall we be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages.

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