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[NEWS] Barracuda Spam Firewall Mail Relay Restriction Bypassing

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From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 24 Feb 2005 17:23:12 +0200
Subject: [NEWS] Barracuda Spam Firewall Mail Relay Restriction Bypassing
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  Barracuda Spam Firewall Mail Relay Restriction Bypassing


 <> The Barracuda Spam Firewall is "an integrated 
hardware and software solution for complete protection of your e-mail 
server. It provides a powerful, easy to use, and affordable solution to 
eliminate SPAM and viruses from your organization".

It is possible to bypass the Barracuda product's configuration and cause 
the Baracuda act as an open relay if the sender's domain is in the 


Vulnerable Systems:
 * The Barracuda Spam Firewall version 3.1.10 and prior.

Immune Systems:
 * The Barracuda Spam Firewall version 3.1.11 (Firmware 3.1.12 was 
released on 02/09/2005) or newer

Under normal circumstances, the Barracuda Spam Firewall only relays 
traffic for domains it is configured for. If a sender's domain or the 
Barracuda's own domain is whitelisted, however, all rules are bypassed and 
the Barracuda becomes an open relay for all e-mail sent from the 
whitelisted domain. This is unacceptable behavior, and whitelisted senders 
should only be able to send e-mail to domains for which the Barracuda is 
configured to relay.

Although this bug was found while evaluating the Barracuda Spam Firewall 
Model 200 (Firmware 3.1.10), a quick search of Barracuda Networks' forums 
revealed other customers had complained about the same problem.


Vendor Status:
Vendor Response via E-mail (02/08/2005): The initial vendor response was 
misleading and inferred that the Barracuda will only become an open relay 
if you whitelist your own domain.

Under the Block/Accept -> Sender Domain Block/Accept tab, if you do not 
whitelist your own domains, you do not have to worry about the relaying 
issue. Open relaying means people telnet to the Barracuda on port 25, use 
"mail from: [email protected]" and then "rcpt to" somewhere else on the 
Internet. Your Barracuda is rejecting these activities and returns 
"Recipient address rejected: No such domain at this location" when the 
"rcpt to" domain is not one of the "Allowed Recipient Domains."

Your test below was successful because it is the same way that mails are 
sent into your network.

Vendor Response via E-mail (02/09/2005): The second vendor response 
verified the author's findings and confirmed a fix would be available.

Basically anything in that causes the the email to be white listed will 
bypass the scanning engine. This is going to cause the barracuda to be a 
open relay.

Release Notes (3.1.11):
Fix: Whitelisted senders no longer have the potential to use the Barracuda 
as a relay. Messages are rejected before acceptance instead of afterwards 
if destined for a domain not listed on the system.


The information has been provided by  <> Sean 

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