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[NEWS] Cisco MARS Default Administrative Password

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From: SecuriTeam <>
To: [email protected]
Date: 15 Jan 2006 19:17:14 +0200
Subject: [NEWS] Cisco MARS Default Administrative Password
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The following security advisory is sent to the securiteam mailing list, and can be found at the SecuriTeam web site:
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  Cisco MARS Default Administrative Password


Cisco Security Monitoring, Analysis and Response System (CS-MARS) is "a 
security system that receives event logs from various network devices, 
correlates and analyzes the received data for security problems and 
reports the findings. In addition, CS-MARS can perform automated tasks to 
mitigate security problems. All CS-MARS appliances ship with a default 
password set for the undocumented administrative account root".

Successful exploitation of the vulnerability in CS-MARS will result in an 
attacker gaining full administrative privileges on the CS-MARS device.


Vulnerable Systems:
 * CS-MARS version 4.1.2 and prior

Immune Systems:
 * CS-MARS version 4.1.3

The Cisco Security Monitoring, Analysis and Response System (CS-MARS) 
software contains a default password for an undocumented administrative 
account. This password is set, without any user intervention, during 
installation of the software used by CS-MARS appliances, and is the same 
in all installations of the product. Users must be authenticated to the 
CS-MARS command line in order to utilize the default password to access 
the administrative account.

This privileged account is intended to be used only by authorized Cisco 
development engineers for advanced debugging purposes. No direct remote 
access to the root account is permitted. In order to access a privileged 
system shell, users must first successfully login into the CS-MARS system 
administration command line interface with the "pnadmin" account. Once 
authenticated, the root account can be accessed with the undocumented 
command "expert".

Prior to CS-MARS version 4.1.3, users do not have a method to modify the 
root password. CS-MARS versions 4.1.3 and later provide the command 
"passwd expert", which allow users to modify a portion of the root 
password providing additional security. The selected user password is 
combined with a Cisco controlled component to form a new root password.

After performing this step, neither Cisco personnel or the user can access 
the root account without knowledge of both components used to create the 
root password. When authorized Cisco development engineers need access to 
the root account for advanced debugging, both Cisco and the user will need 
to enter their portion of the configured root password to enable access.

To verify the version of CS-MARS software, use a SSH client to login into 
the system administration command line interface with pnadmin account and 
execute the version command.
  prompt$ ssh [email protected]
  [email protected]'s password:
  Last login: Fri Dec 30 15:19:14 2005 from

  CS MARS - Mitigation and Response System

    ? for list of commands

  [pnadmin]$ version
  4.1.2 (2042)

The vulnerability described in this advisory can be mitigated by first 
upgrading the software on CS-MARS appliances to version 4.1.3 and then 
using the "passwd expert" command to modify the root password.

CS-MARS appliances can be upgraded via the HTTPS management interface or 
system administration command line. Please refer to the CS-MARS product 
documentation for instructions on how to upgrade the software.

While the documentation refers to CS-MARS 4.x versions, the instructions 
are also applicable to CS-MARS 3.x versions.


Once a CS-MARS appliance is upgraded to version 4.1.3, the root password 
can be modified using the "passwd expert" command. Using a SSH client, 
login into the CS-MARS system administration interface with the "pnadmin" 
account and use the "passwd expert" command to select a new password. The 
selected password must be at least six characters long.

    prompt$ ssh [email protected]
    [email protected]'s password: Last
    login: Fri Dec 30 19:45:51 2005 from

      CS MARS - Mitigation and Response System

        ? for list of commands

    [pnadmin]$ passwd expert
    New password:
    Retype new password:


The information has been provided by  <> Cisco 
The original article can be found at:  

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