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Input Validation/Output Encoding Vulnerabilities in Cisco CallManager Allow Script Injection Attacks

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Subject: Input Validation/Output Encoding Vulnerabilities in Cisco CallManager Allow Script Injection Attacks
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 12:16:38 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Thread-Topic: Input Validation/Output Encoding Vulnerabilities in Cisco CallManager Allow Script Injection Attacks
Thread-Index: AcaTxB/9b5dq6u1/ScSIXkAGTIpYXA==
From: "Reynolds, Jake" <>
To: <>
X-Virus-Scanned: antivirus-gw at


Release Date: 07/19/2006

Affected Application: Cisco CallManager 3.1 and up (versions prior to =
3.1 were not tested but may
still be vulnerable)

Severity If Exploited: High

Impact: Arbitrary configuration of phone system/Theft of individual =
phone users' credentials

Mitigating Factors: Requires user action (following a link, visiting a =
resource with an embedded

Initial Notification of Vendor: 10/24/2005

Discovery: Jake Reynolds, Senior Security Engineer -- FishNet Security

Contributions: Arian Evans, Senior Security Engineer - FishNet Security

Permanent Advisory Location:


Vulnerability Overview:
The web interface used to administer Cisco CallManager software suffers =
from a lack of input
validation and output encoding. As a result, an attacker could craft a =
request that causes the
CallManager web interface to include malicious JavaScript in its =
response. If a victim can be made to
submit this specially crafted request, the response will be processed, =
and the malicious JavaScript
payload executed in the browser of the victim.

Attack Overview:=20

If such a request is provided to CallManager administrators (either in =
an email or embedded in an html
resource using something like an automatic redirect) an attacker can =
perform a variety of nefarious
actions. Depending on the scripted payload, these attacks are commonly =
referred to as cross-site
scripting (XSS), session riding, and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). =
Potential threats that can be
realized through these vulnerabilities could include but are not limited =

* Deletion of phone system components such as devices, partitions, =
calling search spaces, etc

* Reconfiguration of phone system components such as route plans, global =
directory, services, etc

* Theft of global directory user credentials

* Theft of "Cisco CallManager User Options" credentials or session token =
leading to user identity
spoofing within that specific interface of CallManager (Utilization of =
the stolen credentials or
session tokens would require direct connectivity to CallManager.)


Vulnerability Details:=20
The web interfaces used to administer Cisco CallManager exhibit input =
validation/output encoding
vulnerabilities throughout the applications. Specifically, the "Cisco =
CallManager Administration" and
"Cisco CallManager User Options" interfaces contain multiple instances =
of these vulnerabilities. This
advisory will focus on a subset of those vulnerabilities that allow =
attack execution from an
unauthenticated perspective. Not all vulnerability instances will be =

The "Cisco CallManager Administration" =
(http://CallManagerAddress/ccmadmin/) web interface contains
parameters that have their user-supplied input returned in subsequent =
responses without being properly
encoded. Although this interface requires basic authentication before =
access to the vulnerable
parameters is granted, the original request will be sent to the server =
after successful
authentication. Thus, reflected script injection is possible if the =
attacker can lure a CallManager
administrator into entering their credentials upon being presented with =
the basic authentication box.
The URL below takes advantage of the vulnerable "pattern" parameter that =
returns user-supplied input
at several points within the subsequent responses.


A simple proof of concept script has been written that utilizes XMLHTTP =
to search for devices and
delete them from the CallManager configuration. Prior knowledge of the =
CallManager configuration would
allow for more savvy attacks that could intelligently reconfigure the =
phone system.

The "Cisco CallManager User Options" =
(http://CallManagerAddress/ccmuser/) web interface also contains
vulnerable parameters. Most notably, arbitrary parameters included in =
requests to /ccmuser/logon.asp
are returned by the application without proper input validation or =
output encoding. The URL below
takes advantage of this behavior by appending the parameter =
"MadeUpParameter", escaping the form
included in the response, and rewriting all form actions to point to an =
attacker site that collects
all input. The application seems to remove the '+' character used to =
post-increment the loop counter
so URL hex encoding (%2B) was used to obfuscate it.

arameter=3D"><script>for (i=3D0;
i<document.forms.length; i%2B%2B)

By luring phone system users into making the above request and logging =
in, an attacker can steal their


Prerequisites: In all cases, there is some prerequisite information that =
an attacker must have. The
address of the CallManager is obviously a necessity in order to =
correctly craft malicious requests.
This could be easily gained internally by viewing the network =
configuration on the IP phones that
register with the targeted CallManager unless the display of this =
information has been disabled.
Social engineering could allow an attacker to gain this information from =
inside or outside of the
organization. It is important to note that while the address of the =
target CallManager is required,
the attacker does not require connectivity. Reflected script injection =
attacks only require that the
victim has connectivity to the vulnerable application, since the victim =
is the entity that makes the
malicious request, causing unwanted execution of the script included in =
the vulnerable server's

Any intelligent reconfiguration of Cisco CallManager using CSRF attacks =
as mentioned above would
require knowledge of the current CallManager configuration. However, a =
significant amount of damage
could be inflicted by an XMLHTTP-based script that searches for and =
deletes all devices without prior
knowledge of the current CallManager configuration.

Exploitation of the "Call Manager User Options" logon page does not =
require connectivity to the target
CallManager. However, the use of stolen credentials gained through such =
an attack would require
connectivity to a system that utilizes them. This system, in many cases =
might only be the CallManager
itself. However, in the case of CallManager integration with another =
directory such as iPlanet or
Active directory, credential theft could lead to an attacker gaining =
access to many other services.


Technical Workarounds:

* Upgrade Software When Fixes Become Available - Cisco has stated that =
future releases of all trains
of Cisco CallManager will contain fixes for these vulnerabilities.

* Restrict Network Connectivity to CallManager Interfaces - During =
discovery, it was noted that
several organizations had their CallManager administration interfaces =
exposed to the Internet. Simple
Google queries are all an attacker needs in this case to obtain the =
target CallManager address. There
are few compelling reasons one could present that would justify public =
access to CallManager web

* Treat Sensitive/Critical Interfaces as Sensitive & Critical - =
Information about the specifics of the
CallManager configuration should be kept confidential. Access to the =
various CallManager interfaces
should be as restrictive as possible. Although these attacks do not =
require an attacker to have
connectivity to the vulnerable application, restriction of this access =
still serves to limit attack
vectors by limiting the amount of potential victims.

Nontechnical Workarounds:

* Education & Awareness of User Luring Attack Vector - Educate all users =
about the risks of social
engineering attacks. Users should be aware of the triviality of spoofing =
emails, caller ID, and other
types of information.


You can reach the author of this advisory by emailing =

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