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Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS HTTP Server Vulnerability

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Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 04:03:01 -0400
From: Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team <>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS HTTP Server Vulnerability


Cisco IOS HTTP Server Vulnerability

Revision 1.0

For public release 2000 May 14 at 09:00 US/Eastern (UTC+0400)



A defect in multiple releases of Cisco IOS software will cause a Cisco
router or switch to halt and reload if the IOS HTTP service is enabled and
browsing to "http://<router-ip>/%%" is attempted. This defect can be
exploited to produce a denial of service (DoS) attack. This defect has been
discussed on public mailing lists and should be considered public

The vulnerability, identified as Cisco bug ID CSCdr36952, affects virtually
all mainstream Cisco routers and switches running Cisco IOS software
releases 11.1 through 12.1, inclusive. The vulnerability has been corrected
and Cisco is making fixed releases available to replace all affected IOS
releases. Customers are urged to upgrade to releases that are not vulnerable
to this defect as shown in detail below.

The vulnerability can be mitigated by disabling the IOS HTTP server, using
an access-list on an interface in the path to the router to prevent
unauthorized network connections to the HTTP server, or applying an
access-class option directly to the HTTP server itself. The IOS HTTP server
is enabled by default only on Cisco 1003, 1004, and 1005 routers that are
not configured. In all other cases, the IOS http server must be explicitly
enabled in order to exploit this defect.

The complete advisory is available at .


Affected Products

The following list of products are affected if they are running a release of
Cisco IOS software that has the defect. To determine if a Cisco product is
running IOS, log in to the device and issue the command show version.
Classic Cisco IOS software will identify itself simply as "Internetwork
Operating System Software" or "IOS (tm)" software and will display a version
number. Other Cisco devices either will not have the show version command,
or will give different output. Compare the version number obtained from the
router with the versions presented in the Software Versions and Fixes
section below.

Cisco devices that may be running affected releases include:

   * Cisco routers in the AGS/MGS/CGS/AGS+, IGS, RSM, 800, ubr900, 1000,
     2500, 2600, 3000, 3600, 3800, 4000, 4500, 4700, AS5200, AS5300, AS5800,
     6400, 7000, 7200, ubr7200, 7500, and 12000 series.
   * Most recent versions of the LS1010 ATM switch.
   * The Catalyst 6000 if it is running IOS.
   * Some versions of the Catalyst 2900XL LAN switch.
   * The Cisco DistributedDirector.

For some products, the affected software releases are relatively new and may
not be available on every device listed above.

If you are not running classic Cisco IOS software then you are not affected
by this vulnerability. Cisco products that do not run classic Cisco IOS
software and thus are not affected by this defect include:

   * 700 series dialup routers (750, 760, and 770 series) are not affected.
   * Catalyst 1900, 2800, 2900, 3000, and 5000 series LAN switches are not
     affected except for some versions of the Catalyst 2900XL. However,
     optional router modules running Cisco IOS software in switch
     backplanes, such as the RSM module for the Catalyst 5000 and 5500, are
     affected (see the Affected Products section above).
   * The Catalyst 6000 is not affected if it is not running IOS.
   * WAN switching products in the IGX and BPX lines are not affected.
   * The MGX (formerly known as the AXIS shelf) is not affected.
   * No host-based software is affected.
   * The Cisco PIX Firewall is not affected.
   * The Cisco LocalDirector is not affected.
   * The Cisco Cache Engine is not affected.



The HTTP server was introduced in IOS release 11.0 to extend router
management to the worldwide web. The defect appears in a function added in
IOS releases 11.1 and 11.2 that parses special characters in a URI of the
format "%nn" where each "n" represents a hexadecimal digit. The
vulnerability is exposed when an attempt is made to browse to
"http://<router-ip>/%%". Due to the defect, the function incorrectly parses
"%%" and it enters an infinite loop. A watchdog timer expires two minutes
later and forces the router to crash and reload. Once it has resumed normal
operation, the router is again vulnerable to the same defect until the HTTP
server is disabled, access from untrusted hosts is prohibited, or the router
is upgraded to a release of Cisco IOS software that is not vulnerable to
this defect.

In rare cases, the affected device fails to reload, forcing the
administrator to cycle the power to resume operation. Some devices have
reloaded without providing stack traces and may indicate wrongly that they
were "restarted by power-on" when that did not occur.

The HTTP server is not enabled by default except on unconfigured Cisco model
1003, 1004, and 1005 routers. Once initial access is granted to configure
the router, the customer may disable or limit access to the HTTP server by
changing the configuration. Once the new configuration has been saved, the
the HTTP server will not be enabled automatically when the router restarts.



Any affected Cisco IOS device that is operating with the HTTP server enabled
and is not protected against unauthorized connections can be forced to halt
for a period of up to two minutes and then reload. The vulnerability can be
exercised repeatedly, possibly creating a denial of service (DoS) attack,
until such time as the HTTP server is disabled, the router is protected
against the attack, or the software on the router is upgraded to an
unaffected release of IOS.

In rare instances when a router at a remote location fails to reload, an
administrator must visit the physical device to recover from the defect. In
rare cases where no stack trace could be recovered and the router may
erroneously report "restarted by power-on", the customer may be misled as to
the true cause of a reload.


Software Versions and Fixes

The following table summarizes the major releases of Cisco IOS software
affected by the defect described in this notice and scheduled dates on which
the earliest corresponding fixed releases will be available. All dates are
tentative and subject to change.

Each row of the table shows the earliest release that contains the fix for
the vulnerability in the "Rebuild", "Interim", or "Maintenance" columns,
presented in release number order.

A Maintenance Release is the most heavily-tested and highly-recommended
release in a given row.

A Rebuild Release is constructed from the previous maintenance or mainline
release with the addition of a code fix for the specific defect. Although it
receives less testing than a maintenance release, it is built from the
previous maintenance release and includes only the minimum changes necessary
to address the specific defect.

An Interim Release has much less testing than a maintenance release and
should be selected only if there is no other suitable release that fixes the

To find an appropriate replacement for a vulnerable release, compare the
release number as reported by the show version command to the major releases
in the first column below. For example, if your device reports that it is
running 12.0(5)S, find the row in the table for 12.0S. Reading across to the
right, you find that the earliest maintenance release containing the fix
will be 12.0(11)S, which will be available for download from CCO on or about
2000-5-29. The earliest interim release containing the fix will be
12.0(10.6)S, available on or about 2000-05-15. The rebuild of the previous
maintenance release, 12.0(10)S1, should be available on 2000-05-01.

The only difference between 12.0(10)S and 12.0(10)S1 is the minimum change
necessary to fix this vulnerability. In particular, 12.0(10)S1 will not
contain any fixes or features applied to any interim releases since the
earlier maintenance release, whereas the interim release, 12.0(10.6)S,
contains the fix as well as the features and instabilities introduced by
previous interim releases, 12.0(10.1)S through 12.0(10.5)S. Therefore, based
on this example:

   * If you can apply a workaround or otherwise wait for the maintenance
     release, then upgrade to 12.0(11)S.


   * If you are running 12.0(10.1)S to 12.0(10.5)S inclusive and need some
     functionality introduced in those interim releases, upgrade to
     12.0(10.6)S. Upgrade to 12.0(11)S or later as soon as possible.


   * If you are running release 12.0(10)S or earlier, upgrade to 12.0(10)S1.

In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the devices to
be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that their current hardware and
software configurations will continue to be supported properly by the new
    Major  |   Description or | 	
   Release |      Platform    |      Availability of Repaired Releases*
  Unaffected Earlier Releases |    Rebuild  |   Interim**  |  Maintenance
 11.0 &	   |    	      | 	    |		   |
 earlier,  |                  | Not         | Not	   |
 all       | Numerous         | vulnerable  | vulnerable   | Not vulnerable
 variants  |    	      | 	    |		   |
      11.1-based Releases     |    Rebuild  |   Interim**  |  Maintenance
           | General	      | 	    |		   |
 11.1      | Deployment (GD): | Unavailable | Unavailable  | Unavailable
           | all platforms    | 	    |		   |
           |                  |             | 11.1(33.2)CA | 11.1(34)CA
 11.1CA    | Core/ISP support:| 	    |		   |
           | rsp, c7200	      | 	    |		   |
           |                  |             | 2000-05-08   | 2000-05-30
           |                  | 11.1(33)CC1 | 11.1(33.1)CC | 11.1(34)CC
 11.1CC    | FIB support: rsp,| 	    |		   |
           | c7200	      | 	    |		   |
           |                  | 2000-05-10  | 2000-05-22   | 2000-06-12
      11.2-based Releases     |    Rebuild  |   Interim**  |  Maintenance
           | General          | 11.2(22a)   | 11.2(22.2)   | 11.2(23)
 11.2      | Deployment (GD): | 	    |		   |
           | all platforms    | 2000-05-29  | 2000-05-08   | 2000-07-10
           | IBM networking,  | 11.2(22a)BC | 11.2(22.1)BC |
 11.2BC    | CIP & TN3270     | 	    |		   |
           | support: rsp     | 2000-05-31  | 2000-05-05   |
           |                  | 11.2(22a)P  | 11.2(22.2)P  | 11.2(23)P
 11.2P     | All platforms    | 	    |		   |
           |                  | 2000-05-29  | 2000-05-08   | 2000-07-17
      11.3-based Releases     |    Rebuild  |   Interim**  |  Maintenance
           | xDSL access      | 11.3(1)DA9  |		   |
 11.3DA    | multiplexer:     | 	    |		   |
           | c6200            | 2000-05-31  |		   |
      12.0-based Releases     |    Rebuild  |   Interim**  |  Maintenance
           | General          | 12.0(11a)   | 12.0(11.1)   | 12.0(12)
 12.0      | Deployment (GD): | 	    |		   |
           | all platforms    | 2000-05-31  | 2000-05-22   | 2000-07-17
           |                  | 12.0(8)DA5  |		   |
 12.0DA    | xDSL support:    | 	    |		   |
           | 6100, 6200	      | 	    |		   |
           |                  | 2000-05-31  |		   |
           |                  | 12.0(10)S1  | 12.0(10.6)S  | 12.0(11)S
 12.0S     | Core/ISP support:| 	    |		   |
           | gsr, rsp, c7200  | 	    |		   |
           |                  | 2000-05-03  | 2000-05-15   | 2000-05-29
           |                  |             | 12.0(10.6)SC | 12.0(11)SC
 12.0SC    | Cable/broadband  | 	    |		   |
           | ISP: ubr7200     | 	    |		   |
           |                  |             | 2000-05-15   | 2000-05-30
           |                  | 12.0(9)SL1  |              | 12.0(10)SL
 12.0SL    | 10000 ESR: c10k  | 	    |		   |
           |                  | 2000-05-15  |              | 2000-05-31
           |                  | 12.0(9)ST1  |              | 12.0(10)ST
 12.0ST    | MPLS/VPN support:| 	    |		   |
           | gsr, rsp, c7200  | 	    |		   |
           |                  | 2000-05-31  |              | 2000-06-12
           | cat8510c,        |             |              | 12.0(5)W5(13d)
           | cat8540c, c6msm  | 	    |		   |
           |                  |             |              | 2000-05-19
           | ls1010, cat8510m,|             |              | 12.0(7)W5(15c)
           | cat8540m	      | 	    |		   |
           |                  |             |              | 2000-05-08
 12.0W5    |                  |             |              | 12.0(7)W5(15d)
           | cat2948g, cat4232| 	    |		   |
           |                  |             |              | 2000-05-12
           | c5atm, c5atm,    |             |              | 12.0(9)W5(17a)
           | c3620, c3640,    | 	    |		   |
           | c4500, c5rsfc,   | 	    |		   |
           | c5rsm, c7200, rsp|             |              | 2000-05-22
      12.1-based Releases     |    Rebuild  |   Interim**  |  Maintenance
           | General          | 12.1(1b)    | 12.1(2.1)    | 12.1(3)
 12.1      | Deployment (GD)  | 	    |		   |
           | candidate: all   | 	    |		   |
           | platforms        | 2000-05-01  | 2000-05-15   | 2000-07-10
           | Access & Dial    | 	    |		   |
           | Early Deployment | 12.1(1)AA2  |              | 12.1(2)AA
 12.1AA    | (ED): c5200,     | 	    |		   |
           | c5300, c5800,    | 2000-05-31  |              | 2000-05-22
           | dsc-c5800	      | 	    |		   |
           |                  |             |              | 12.1(1)DA
 12.1DA    | xDSL support:    | 	    |		   |
           | 6160, 6260	      | 	    |		   |
           |                  |             |              | 2000-05-11
           |                  |             |              | 12.1(1)DB
 12.1DB    | xDSL support:    | 	    |		   |
           | c6400	      | 	    |		   |
           |                  |             |              | 2000-05-30
           |                  |             |              | 12.1(1)DC
 12.1DC    | xDSL NRP support:| 	    |		   |
           | c6400r	      | 	    |		   |
           |                  |             |              | 2000-05-15
           | ELB Early	      | 	    |		   |
           | Deployment (ED): | 12.1(1)E2   |              | 12.1(2)E
 12.1E     | cat6k, 8500,     | 	    |		   |
           | ls1010, 7500,    | 2000-05-04  |              | 2000-05-30
           | 7200, 7100	      | 	    |		   |
           | Cable/broadband  |             |              | 12.1(2)EC
 12.1EC    | Early Deployment | 	    |		   |
           | (ED): ubr7200    |             |              | 2000-05-30
           | New technology   |             | 12.1(2.0.1)T2| 12.1(2)T
 12.1T     | Early Deployment | 	    |		   |
           | (ED): all	      | 	    |		   |
           | platforms        |             | 2000-05-01   | 2000-05-22
           |                  | 12.1(1)XA3  |              | 12.1(2)T***
 12.1XA*** | Obsolete	      | 	    |		   |
           |                  | 2000-05-31  |              | 2000-05-22
           | Early Deployment |             |              | 12.1(1)XD
 12.1XD    | (ED): limited    | 	    |		   |
           | platforms        |             |              | 2000-05-15
           | Early Deployment |             |              | 12.1(1)XE
 12.1XE    | (ED): limited    | 	    |		   |
           | platforms        |             |              | 2000-05-08
 * All dates are estimated and subject to change.

  • Interim releases are subjected to less rigorous testing than regular maintenance releases, and may have serious bugs.
  • 12.1XA is obsolete. Customers should upgrade to 12.1(2)T when it becomes available. This is not a misprint. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Obtaining Fixed Software Cisco is offering free software upgrades to remedy this vulnerability for all affected customers. Customers with service contracts may upgrade to any software release. Customers without contracts may upgrade only within a single row of the table above, except that any available fixed software release will be provided to any customer who can use it and for whom the standard fixed software release is not yet available. Customers may install only the feature sets they have purchased. Note that not all fixed software may be available as of the release date of this notice. Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through their regular update channels. For most customers, this means that upgrades should be obtained via the Software Center on Cisco's Worldwide Web site at Customers without contracts should get their upgrades by contacting the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) as follows: * +1 800 553 2447 (toll-free call within North America) * +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from elsewhere in the world) * E-mail: [email protected] Additional contact information for the TAC is on-line at, including instructions and e-mail addresses for use by non-English speakers. Give the URL of this notice as evidence of your entitlement to a free upgrade. Free upgrades for non-contract customers must be requested through the TAC. Please do not contact either "[email protected]" or "[email protected]" for software upgrades. You will obtain faster results by contacting the TAC directly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Workarounds In lieu of an upgrade, the threat may be eliminated or reduced by any of the following measures: * Completely disable the HTTP server using the command no ip http server while in global configuration mode. Or * If the HTTP server must remain enabled while unrepaired, network access to it can be controlled by applying a standard access list to the HTTP service itself. For example, if the router's HTTP service should be reachable only from a browser running on a computer at IP address, then use the following commands in global configuration mode to create a standard access list and apply it to the HTTP server: access-list 1 permit ip http access-class 1 If access list 1 is already in use, then choose another number in the range 0-99. The implicit deny rule added to the end of every access list will prevent access from any other IP addresses. Or * Prevent network access to a vulnerable HTTP server by blocking traffic in the network path to the server's port with an extended access list. Such a list would be applied on an interface of the vulnerable router itself or on another Cisco router in the path of a potential attack, e.g., applied inbound on the outside interface of an edge router. The port number used in the extended access list statement must be the default port used by the HTTP server, port 80, or equal to whatever value it may have been set via the ip http port command. Please use this particular workaround with great care; it cannot be recommended confidently without knowledge of specific customer network configurations. Be sure to save the resulting configuration in memory so that protection of the server is not inadvertently removed after a reload. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exploitation and Public Announcements This vulnerability was announced on the BUGTRAQ mailing list on 2000-04-27 with sufficient information that anyone could exercise the flaw. The Cisco PSIRT responded the same day and acknowledged the vulnerability in e-mail to the BUGTRAQ list with preliminary information regarding estimates of affected platforms and releases as well as a workaround to mitigate the threat. Following the response to BUGTRAQ, the Cisco PSIRT sent a preliminary warning with similar content to [email protected] and several internal Cisco mailing lists. This vulnerability has been discussed in detail on full-disclosure mailing lists and web sites, and requires no special equipment to be exploited. The Cisco PSIRT has received no reports of malicious exploitation of this vulnerability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Status of This Notice: INTERIM This is an interim notice. Cisco expects the contents of this report will change. The reader is warned that this notice may contain inaccurate or incomplete information. Although Cisco cannot guarantee the accuracy of all statements in this notice, all of the facts have been checked to the best of our ability. Cisco anticipates issuing monthly updates of this notice until it reaches final status. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Distribution This notice will be posted at In addition to this HTML version on Cisco's Worldwide Web site, a text version of this notice will be clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and posted to the following e-mail addresses and Usenet newsgroups: * [email protected] * [email protected] * [email protected] * [email protected] (which includes the CERT/CC) * [email protected] * [email protected] * * Various internal Cisco mailing lists Future updates of this notice, if any, will be placed on Cisco's Worldwide Web server, and may or may not be actively announced on mailing lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are encouraged to check the URL given above for any updates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revision History -----------+-----------+------------------------------------------------ Revision 1.0| 2000-05-14| Initial public release. -----------+-----------+------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cisco Product Security Incident Assistance Process The web page at describes how to report security vulnerabilities in Cisco products, obtain assistance with security incidents, and register to receive product security information from Cisco Systems, Inc., including instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco Security Advisories and notices. This advisory is Cisco's official public statement regarding this vulnerability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This notice is copyright 2000 by Cisco Systems, Inc. This notice may be redistributed freely after the release date given at the top of the text, provided that redistributed copies are complete and unmodified, including all date and version information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 6.5.2 iQEVAwUBOR+pUWiN3BRdFxkbAQHZYwgAmjz3K8SalTY1UvzvERQMgjfi/QSUwF7A cGzFFyvL4ZRnT2SwHqowVqYukhutmg5dcfYibFK4yUROvj5Rg/qxv4xJruTjAoqR wZXiQjZh8wX0/Dxt8hnyA8ZNbMsy3S+OHI5inJYULv5wK/mXhgp1idE6AP9ayBCM EvwAVTNz60a74qMEsFIjoVMCTxkLjB8yNydrr8EkP3bWWS9k0eVMmOtJcMSTVrlk ZNgpst4jLg4uvt+oJF2IEXgytJt9IELJ/a4S2N3GsglcojgueCeKSopU8goFhtg0 enLUjf6My35ytOHGKWG/D/UwVFTrzkXKhQv40K3fOS1zL1s2TiVGRg== =wUl3 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP 6.5.2 mQENAzhQ8qUCYQEIALshjezuQIzQT3zZrKrQit2HTNarH8iba6HLdN2niIDGW9LN ShhH0kPdD57EeOAkO2ccNvgY4HvJESgykBS6z86HULeiSVMv89TfQsKOv34cczYm BeYtcfbgkm4MM/37UjFxUGAIoOxVX/bzya/tegiYPAaTsOcaonxqaOds/kLIR32S /+3vcV6tu9QiiLwdKAGSN+KkrREP3qTFzKxmus1DKFz5o03yDMtYGplRQ62iae21 I8NbQtVXvARN5bdG5+4KaqI9hsT/tz8dh8OgapdaD6ht0qkY8J2DGIa1xnai4Vbe hoz7Vozf65LErlbRWBVAn6XBD3qtaI3cFF0XGRsABRG0R0Npc2NvIFN5c3RlbXMg UHJvZHVjdCBTZWN1cml0eSBJbmNpZGVudCBSZXNwb25zZSBUZWFtIDxwc2lydEBj aXNjby5jb20+iQEVAwUQOFDypWiN3BRdFxkbAQEVgAf/Qins/ms1PNhD4ucJyGCY V60wz6hQX5FXCKxewSxPOMOxkbQeiNxqENYldTwH6RZ2eVXYJX0PKZjhUmpQCwg7 aYQUv8GeROxQYlJx/j2FKmQcjIWLHQZImb7FxTFt0rgcCJI+ChGu8U3IqOmyeBmE 44qXxU/IGhJaXj8jIkSUxeKFQtI9JSxsfNiqX8itjeJlYTF8Y1MnTiuhikM3y7JM sQFzrKSzhzfPcc3RqDAtbwYtvmb+6/9IGkHks2hox5ltJZ5v2c4lbReEpmLweDSf enojuPPoPug8zRS/xa1uHzSZ3XKQwLWfjwZwGMzTTHOAiMWo6wlbhNnR4LlN/upv uIkARgQQEQIABgUCOFDzRAAKCRBwkpqcbcMYIVfZAJ4z5xm+IJuj+byK+gNsNY7X FK4THgCfS0n95c/Gxvu9tOvRFH+uwQh2dgGJAHUDBRA4UPNs3nAfbKMmz4kBAejY AvoD771l0JZWwf5XmoCWLL0ChzbdFJqTsnd2zG4jGr1J91dkES4YDir4itqyWVRA VFzalYCYouNPhOJZKLXUphQnAQ7x74cDznEw+MYT9eavbYcSeKkBZNEdjE3vf67x 4fSJAJUDBRA4UP5XwAV6rQ+eJbkBAX2CA/9GPlvk9EWTS54M6uTJCtC/6Bcx7phz InAUYEX7gjlBmNF7MdIy1UdUsNL2rTdR26peB6VwzT6uXRG+RbhpGVvfHdEmJ2ec brKaUmFisrVWB7Ho9NOo72xTru7GeJxGHb0xRcsDMCIYfyOCMvbr6lxMMAcD9zx3 nMx4VDJ7RfSStrRQQ2lzY28gU3lzdGVtcyBQcm9kdWN0IFNlY3VyaXR5IEluY2lk ZW50IFJlc3BvbnNlIFRlYW0gPHNlY3VyaXR5LWFsZXJ0QGNpc2NvLmNvbT6JARUD BRA4UPL6aI3cFF0XGRsBAdYKCACIhd2yDPXITE2pQzukNo+jxrMeSnqvl4DUoP6f Ai64KLGYAqo+ZWuyFd1JLT5CtsaWuLXEBvt/9SevI/qbN18c9eSBko3wNcO49C+T s0uttahHplxMgArqTK8y1u35C7QUz0T9xRLPaKvXYARw3/wFdaPQYehrVWBThbxk KxJuamT3OT5uB7NgtkHK1nHpxuATj39EnvZSUTWe45ZBVulduGMG7grYRCQJ1jrG 2Ei0FO/adFKZU6DxSygwjWCM9Fdh/dncs00G7tXW8fpfIRmdsVZuYIQ7HPkoiUJF 87Hw+mdkZHiTAhPMuNO9AamZsIF65QcD4vera/zOXwU+MUcaiQBGBBARAgAGBQI4 UPNYAAoJEHCSmpxtwxghi9gAn12vk1AazXrc9GVCdXC5oFpi1TmlAJ9BsHkWwGUr mLSAE3OE70LjxHHhDokAdQMFEDhQ84DecB9soybPiQEB2NoC/jSF5glFC5jfYjAp VMiZHgGZDA49lcf/VZDz7ZeJAkOtZZHzlycVAlCukLl0sXfIhgygmWj6WQPPIF2z COEjVgR625CRbYhrqC0H9ieWYJ3fu7GILoEb200GbSgUZifvq4kAlQMFEDhQ/mvA BXqtD54luQEBWzAD/31F6aic5ZV/u6HY/ChORildURolK8LfNTwwsmwN32ZcJOUb gSsU5cafE5XGaWvgVrPVKwAH9DFcviElBK+n7fhw+SRS5x+Ar8tZMKEgP5I9yIZX DHwNZmFdpmk95xoK4TvCd3iyj23HcaoAGroRtuVrv5UtBG9P+FDMxScgO/cR =sJ3p -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

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