Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 04:34:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: (IT Resource Center) <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: security bulletins digest
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Digest Name: daily security bulletins digest
Created: Tue Oct 23 3:00:03 PDT 2001
Table of Contents:
Document ID Title
--------------- -----------
HPSBUX0110-174 Sec. Vulnerability in JRE
HPSBTL0110-001 Sec. Vulnerability in fs protection
The documents are listed below.
Document ID: HPSBUX0110-174
Date Loaded: 20011022
Title: Sec. Vulnerability in JRE
Originally issued: 22 October 2001
The information in the following Security Bulletin should be acted
upon as soon as possible. Hewlett-Packard Company will not be
liable for any consequences to any customer resulting from customer's
ailure to fully implement instructions in this Security Bulletin as
soon as possible.
ISSUE: Sun Microsystems discovered a potential security issue
in the Java Runtime Environment. The issue poses a
possible security risk by allowing malicious Java code
to access the system clipboard under certain circumstances.
PLATFORM: HP9000 Series 700/800 running HP-UX releases 10.20 and
11.x only. This security bulletin applies to Java
on HP-UX. It does not cover software shipped on Linux
or Windows/NT.
POSSIBLE RESULT: Contents of system clipboard is accessed improperly.
MANUAL ACTIONS: Determine what Java version you have, see below.
SOLUTION: Install the latest Java releases, as described below.
AVAILABILITY: These fixed releases are on now.
They are not available from
A. Background
A vulnerability in certain versions of the Java(TM) Runtime
Environment may allow malicious Java code to access the system
clipboard under certain circumstances.
There are no known attacks reported based on this vulnerability
to the best of Sun's knowledge.
B. Fixing the problem
Obtain and install the latest releases of the Java products.
For JDK/JRE 1.2.2 and JDK/JRE 1.3.x based releases go to
Section C. 1.) below will guide you in determining your
installed Java version on HP-UX.
C. Recommended solution
JDK and JRE or higher for HP-UX 11.x.
JDK and JRE or higher for HP-UX 11.x.
JDK and JRE or higher for HP-UX 11.x.
1.) HP-UX: Determining Java version information for JDK, JRE, & JPI
There are two mechanisms to determine which versions of the Java
JDK/SDK (developer kit), JRE (runtime), or JPI (Java Plugin for
Netscape) you have installed.
First, you can use the following command to list the bundle revisions
for any installed Java products:
/usr/sbin/swlist -l bundle | grep -i java
Second, you can ask Java to identify itself by executing the
<path>/bin/java -version
where path is typically
/opt/java - for Java 1.1
/opt/java1.2 - for Java 1.2
/opt/java1.3 - for Java 1.3
but may be an alternate location as specified during setup.
The plugin (JPI) is installed in user's home directories, so
you will need to check its version using the following.
For Java 1.2:
$HOME/.netscape/java/bin/java -version
For Java 1.1, you must use:
what $HOME/.netscape/java/bin/PA_RISC/green_threads/jre
NOTE: Do not rely on Netscape's Help/About_Plug-ins menu to find the
version number of the Plugin, because in some cases the version
number is incorrect.
a.) Unplugging the Plugin (Since the Plugin is manually
installed into Netscape, it must be manually removed as well.)
If you have a plugin that you wish to remove because it has a
security issue, in addition to doing a swremove of the product
you must also do the following for Java 1.1 and Java 1.2:
rm -f $HOME/.netscape/plugins/
rm -rf $HOME/.netscape/java
D. To subscribe to automatically receive future NEW HP Security
Bulletins from the HP IT Resource Center via electronic
mail, do the following:
Use your browser to get to the HP IT Resource Center page
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User ID assigned to you, and your password.
In the left most frame select "Maintenance and Support".
Under the "Notifications" section (near the bottom of
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To -subscribe- to future HP Security Bulletins or other
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To -review- bulletins already released, select the link
(in the middle column) for the appropriate digest.
To -gain access- to the Security Patch Matrix, select
the link for "The Security Bulletins Archive". (near the
bottom of the page) Once in the archive the third link is
to the current Security Patch Matrix. Updated daily, this
matrix categorizes security patches by platform/OS release,
and by bulletin topic. Security Patch Check completely
automates the process of reviewing the patch matrix for
11.XX systems.
For information on the Security Patch Check tool, see:"
The security patch matrix is also available via anonymous
On the "Support Information Digest Main" page:
click on the "HP Security Bulletin Archive".
E. To report new security vulnerabilities, send email to
[email protected]
Please encrypt any exploit information using the
security-alert PGP key, available from your local key
server, or by sending a message with a -subject- (not body)
of 'get key' (no quotes) to [email protected].
Permission is granted for copying and circulating this
Bulletin to Hewlett-Packard (HP) customers (or the Internet
community) for the purpose of alerting them to problems,
if and only if, the Bulletin is not edited or changed in
any way, is attributed to HP, and provided such reproduction
and/or distribution is performed for non-commercial purposes.
Any other use of this information is prohibited. HP is not
liable for any misuse of this information by any third party.
-----End of Document ID: HPSBUX0110-174--------------------------------------
Document ID: HPSBTL0110-001
Date Loaded: 20011022
Title: Sec. Vulnerability in fs protection
Originally issued: 23 October '01
The information in the following Security Bulletin should be acted
upon as soon as possible. Hewlett-Packard Company will not be
liable for any consequences to any customer resulting from customer's
failure to fully implement instructions in this Security Bulletin as
soon as possible.
PROBLEM: File system protection does not work in all cases.
PLATFORM: Any system running HP Secure OS software for Linux Release
DAMAGE: Under certain conditions, users can have privileges on
some files contrary to restrictions specified in
file-system protection rules.
SOLUTION: Apply the appropriate patch (see section B below).
AVAILABILITY: These patches are available now.
A. Background
Hewlett-Packard Company has discovered a vulnerability
in the file-system protection subsystem of its Secure OS
Software for Linux. It is possible too that users may have
unauthorized privileges on files which have had protection
rules specified on them.
B. Fixing the problem
Apply one of the following patches (depending upon the processor
architecture on the installed system):
Architecture Patch ID
------------ --------
i586 HPTL_00001
i686-UNP HPTL_00002
i686-SMP HPTL_00003
These patches are available as follows: -
Use your browser to get to the HP IT Resource Center page
Use the 'Login' tab at the left side of the screen to login
using your ID and password. Use your existing login or the
"Register" button at the left to create a login, in order to
gain access to many areas of the ITRC. Remember to save the
User ID assigned to you, and your password.
Under the "Maintenance and Support" section, select "individual patches".
In the field at the bottom of the page labelled "retrieve a specific patch
by entering the patch name", enter the appropriate Patch ID as specified in
the table above.
C. To subscribe to automatically receive future NEW HP Security
Bulletins from the HP IT Resource Center via electronic
mail, do the following:
Use your browser to get to the HP IT Resource Center page
and login as described in section B. above.
In the left most frame select "Maintenance and Support".
Under the "Notifications" section (near the bottom of
the page), select "Support Information Digests".
To -subscribe- to future HP Security Bulletins or other
Technical Digests, click the check box (in the left column)
for the appropriate digest and then click the "Update
Subscriptions" button at the bottom of the page.
To -review- bulletins already released, select the link
(in the middle column) for the appropriate digest.
D. To report new security vulnerabilities, send email to
[email protected]
Please encrypt any exploit information using the
security-alert PGP key, available from your local key
server, or by sending a message with a -subject- (not body)
of 'get key' (no quotes) to [email protected].
Permission is granted for copying and circulating this
Bulletin to Hewlett-Packard (HP) customers (or the Internet
community) for the purpose of alerting them to problems,
if and only if, the Bulletin is not edited or changed in
any way, is attributed to HP, and provided such reproduction
and/or distribution is performed for non-commercial purposes.
Any other use of this information is prohibited. HP is not
liable for any misuse of this information by any third party.
-----End of Document ID: HPSBTL0110-001--------------------------------------