Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 17:32:28 -0700
From: RSI Advise <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: RSI.0003.05-15-98.HP-UX.RWRITE
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Repent Security Incorporated, RSI
[ ]
--- [CREDIT] --------------------------------------------------------------
'Bwana Brian': Research and development
Mark Zielinski: Author of advisory
--- [SUMMARY] -------------------------------------------------------------
Announced: May 15, 1998
Report code: RSI.0003.05-15-98.HP-UX.RWRITE
Report title: HP-UX rwrite/rlpdaemon
Vulnerability: Remote users can send commands to your terminal via
escape sequences sent to the rlpdaemon
Vendor status: Sun, 31 May 1998
Patch status: No patch currently available
Platforms: HP-UX 9.X, 10.X
Vulnerable: Systems running rlpdaemon where users use hpterm
Impact: If exploited, an attacker could remotely compromise an
account on your system, including root
--- [DETAILS] -------------------------------------------------------------
Problem: If a user has an hpterm session logged in to an HP-UX that
is running rlpdaemon, it is possible for an attacker to
remotely compromise the active account.
By sending carefully selected packets to the rlpdaemon, an
attacker can force a user's terminal to display a message
that contains escape sequences with embedded commands that
reprogram the soft-keys of the hpterm, allowing for arbitrary
playback and key remapping. The user does not need to have
'mesg y' on for this to happen.
This problem is present in any HP-UX running the current
version of rlpdaemon.
--- [FIX] -----------------------------------------------------------------
Solution: Disable rlpdaemon until Hewlett-Packard can provide
a patch.
--- [PATCH] ---------------------------------------------------------------
Solution: No patches are currently available.
Repent Security Incorporated (RSI)
[email protected]
13610 N. Scottsdale Rd.
Suite #10-326
Scottsdale, AZ
[ ]
Version: 2.6.2
Copyright April 1998 RepSec, Inc.
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