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HP-UX Predictive & Netscape SSL Vulnerabilities

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Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 12:38:17 -0500
From: Aleph One <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: HP-UX Predictive & Netscape SSL Vulnerabilities

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Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 05:24:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: HP Electronic Support Center
     <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Security Bulletins Digest

                        HP Support Information Digests

o HP Electronic Support Center World Wide Web Service --------------------------------------------------- If you subscribed through the HP Electronic Support Center and would like to be REMOVED from this mailing list, access the HP Electronic Support Center on the World Wide Web at: Login using your HP Electronic Support Center User ID and Password. Then select Support Information Digests. You may then unsubscribe from the appropriate digest.
Digest Name: Daily Security Bulletins Digest Created: Wed Jul 29 4:15:01 PDT 1998 Table of Contents: Document ID Title --------------- ----------- HPSBUX9807-081 Security Vulnerability with Predictive on HP-UX HPSBUX9807-080 Security Advisory with Netscape servers on HP-UX The documents are listed below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document ID: HPSBUX9807-081 Date Loaded: 19980728 Title: Security Vulnerability with Predictive on HP-UX ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEWLETT-PACKARD SECURITY BULLETIN: #00081, 29 July 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in the following Security Bulletin should be acted upon as soon as possible. Hewlett Packard will not be liable for any consequences to any customer resulting from customer's failure to fully implement instructions in this Security Bulletin as soon as possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM: Fixes a problem with the e-mail or modem traffic to and from on-site customer machines and Response Center Predictive machines. PLATFORM: HP9000 series 700/800, HP-UX releases 9.X, 10.X, and 11.00 DAMAGE: Data transfer may be compromised. SOLUTION: Apply the appropriate patch noted below. AVAILABILITY: All patches are now available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. A. Background Many on-site customer machines are running Predictive. This issue is relevant to those users who send Predictive messages and/or receive Predictive messages by modem or by e-mail, on all versions released to date. The predictive executable can be found in /opt/pred/bin. B. Fixing the problem The problem can be fixed by applying the appropriate Predictive Support cumulative patch mentioned below. C. Recommended solution HP-UX release 9.04 PHSS_14587 and PHSS_5788, HP-UX release 10.01 PHSS_15532, HP-UX release 10.10 PHSS_15533, HP-UX release 10.20 PHSS_15534, HP-UX release 10.30 PHSS_15535, HP-UX release 11.00 PHSS_14592. Any HP-UX version released on or after June 1998 contains the Security fix which shipped with that Indepedent Product release (IPR), 9806. IPR's are currently shipped every two months. D. To subscribe to automatically receive future NEW HP Security Bulletins from the HP Electronic Support Center via electronic mail, do the following: Use your browser to get to the HP Electronic Support Center page at: (for US, Canada, Asia-Pacific, & Latin-America) (for Europe) Login with your user ID and password (or register for one). Remember to save the User ID assigned to you, and your password. Once you are in the Main Menu: To -subscribe- to future HP Security Bulletins, click on "Support Information Digests". To -review- bulletins already released from the main Menu, click on the "Technical Knowledge Database (Security Bulletins only)". Near the bottom of the next page, click on "Browse the HP Security Bulletin Archive". Once in the archive there is another link to our current Security Patch Matrix. Updated daily, this matrix is categorizes security patches by platform/OS release, and by bulletin topic. E. To report new security vulnerabilities, send email to [email protected] Please encrypt any exploit information using the security-alert PGP key, available from your local key server, or by sending a message with a -subject- (not body) of 'get key' (no quotes) to [email protected]. Permission is granted for copying and circulating this Bulletin to Hewlett-Packard (HP) customers (or the Internet community) for the purpose of alerting them to problems, if and only if, the Bulletin is not edited or changed in any way, is attributed to HP, and provided such reproduction and/or distribution is performed for non-commercial purposes. Any other use of this information is prohibited. HP is not liable for any misuse of this information by any third party. ________________________________________________________________________ -----End of Document ID: HPSBUX9807-081-------------------------------------- Document ID: HPSBUX9807-080 Date Loaded: 19980728 Title: Security Advisory with Netscape servers on HP-UX ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEWLETT-PACKARD SECURITY ADVISORY: #00080, 29 July 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in the following Security Advisory should be acted upon as soon as possible. Hewlett-Packard Company will not be liable for any consequences to any customer resulting from customer's failure to fully implement instructions in this Security Advisory as soon as possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM: The Million Question vulnerability affects the use of RSA Data Security encryption algorithms with Netscape server products that support Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). The nature of the vulnerability is that a single encrypted SSL network conversation could be recorded and subsequently decrypted. PLATFORM: HP9000 Series 7/800 running HP-UX releases 10.X and 11.00 DAMAGE: A cryptanalytic vulnerability could potentially be used to discover the key for a particular encrypted session through a process of repeatedly sending approximately one million carefully constructed messages to a target server and observing the server's response. SOLUTION: Patches for can be downloaded from Netscape directly. See below for the URL. AVAILABILITY: All patches for 3.X servers are available now. Older versions will be available soon. For updated information on availability please check: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. A. Background According to RSA Data Security, Inc., this potential attack against secure Web communications is currently the subject of research and has not been reported by any users. CERT has made a technical advisory on this vulnerability available at B. Fixing the problem The following servers and products are affected. Servers impacted: FastTrack, Enterprise and Proxy. Patches are available for those three Servers. Messaging and Collabora. Product replacements are available for these two Servers. C. Recommended solution The URL is: A README file is included with each package and has detailed instructions for installing the patch, for Enterprise and Proxy Server customer. Please ensure you download the correct version. There is an international version (for customer outside US) as well as a domestic version (for customer within US and Canada). Netscape believes deployments with higher vulnerability are: FastTrack/Enterprise Server applications using SSL to protect communication of sensitive data over the Internet, Proxy servers in secure reverse proxy mode protecting sensitive communications, Messaging and Collabra Servers run exclusively in SSL mode over an unprotected network. HP recommends that products deployed in the above situations be updated as soon as is practical. D. To subscribe to automatically receive future NEW HP Security Bulletins from the HP Electronic Support Center via electronic mail, do the following: Use your browser to get to the HP Electronic Support Center page at: (for US, Canada, Asia-Pacific, & Latin-America) (for Europe) Login with your user ID and password (or register for one). Remember to save the User ID assigned to you, and your password. Once you are in the Main Menu: To -subscribe- to future HP Security Bulletins, click on "Support Information Digests". To -review- bulletins already released from the main Menu, click on the "Technical Knowledge Database (Security Bulletins only)". Near the bottom of the next page, click on "Browse the HP Security Bulletin Archive". Once in the archive there is another link to our current Security Patch Matrix. Updated daily, this matrix is categorizes security patches by platform/OS release, and by bulletin topic. E. To report new security vulnerabilities, send email to [email protected] Please encrypt any exploit information using the security-alert PGP key, available from your local key server, or by sending a message with a -subject- (not body) of 'get key' (no quotes) to [email protected]. Netscape, Messaging, Collabora, FastTrack/Enterprise Server and Netscape Server are trademarks of Netscape Communications Corp. Permission is granted for copying and circulating this Bulletin to Hewlett-Packard (HP) customers (or the Internet community) for the purpose of alerting them to problems, if and only if, the Bulletin is not edited or changed in any way, is attributed to HP, and provided such reproduction and/or distribution is performed for non-commercial purposes. Any other use of this information is prohibited. HP is not liable for any misuse of this information by any third party. ______________________________________________________________________ -----End of Document ID: HPSBUX9807-080--------------------------------------

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