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Astaro Security Linux 6.0 - HTTP CONNECT Access Localhost Weakness

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Subject: Astaro Security Linux 6.0 - HTTP CONNECT Access Localhost Weakness
From: oliver karow <>
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Astaro Security Linux 6.0 - HTTP CONNECT Access Localhost Weakness

Product: ======== Astaro Security Linux 6.0 is a network security solution, including a combination of the following security applications: - Stateful inspection firewall with application proxies - VPN - AV - IDS - AntiSpam - ContentFilter Vuln ==== A proxy is running on Port 8080/TCP, accepting HTTP CONNECT requests destinated to localhost. Therefore it is f.e. possible to connect to the installed HTTPd, running on localhost. Other scenarios like connecting to the SSH-Admin port are possible, depending on the configuration of the allowed destination ports for the CONNECT method. Exploiting ========== No exploit required. Simply netcat to the proxy port and enter the following command: CONNECT localhost:80 HTTP/1.0 MISC ==== In addition i found some other, interesting issues, which can be security relevant, depending on the usage of the product: 1) Sending an invalid, unauthenticated request ("CONNECT localhost 21 HTTP/1.0") to the proxy port delivers the following information: "Proxy-authorization: Basic LTpwcHBwCg==" as part of the proxy response. The string can also be found hardcodet in the binary "/var/storage/chroot-http/usr/bin/hyperdyper". This login-credentials are used internaly by the Content Filter Framework. 2) Astaro can be configured using Webmin. Due to a directory traversal vuln. is it possible for authenticated webmin users to access files on the filesystem, which are not accessible via the webmin-gui, and should only be accessable by console-users: GET /index.fpl?SID=1497553306006&id=0555&frameset=active&wfe_download=/../../etc/passwd&fname=MeinePasswd&mime_type=application%2foctet%2dstream HTTP/1.1 3) If an administrator is logged in via webmin, and another administrator is logging in, the new admin can disconnect/kick the currently logged in one. Thereby it is possible to supply a message, that will be automaticly displayed at the kicked admins browser. However, supplying Script-Code instead of a message leads to an automated execution of the code in the kicked admins browser. So, not realy risky but shows missing input filtering. Its up to the reader to deside about the risk level of 1-3. I just sent this information for completeness. Version ======== The vulnerable version of the product is Solution ======== Upgrade to version Upgrade is available at the vendors website. Vendor ====== Astaro respondet very fast, and was very cooperative. Fixes were delivered within a day after informing. Discovered ========== oliver karow 10.08.2005

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