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[linux-security] [RHSA-1999:052-1] new initscripts available (/tmp problems)

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Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 11:18:34 -0500
From: Bill Nottingham <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: [linux-security] [RHSA-1999:052-1] new initscripts available (/tmp problems)
Cc: [email protected], [email protected]

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		   Red Hat, Inc. Security Advisory

Synopsis:		new initscripts packages available (/tmp race)
Advisory ID:		RHSA-1999:052-01
Issue date:		1999-11-08
Updated on:		1999-11-08	
Ключевые слова: , lang.csh, resolv.conf, CHAP, ppp-watch,  (найти похожие документы)
Cross references: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Topic: One security bug and several functionality bugs have been fixed in a new release of initscripts. 2. Problem description: A /tmp race existed in /etc/profile.d/lang.csh. Users who had csh/tcsh as their login shell could be vulnerable to having arbitrary shell code run by their shell on login. On PPP connections, CHAP authentication did not always work. New DNS entries were not always correctly added to the /etc/resolv.conf file. Also, there was a theoretical chance that random processes could be sent signals by ppp-watch, though no outside process could affect which processes would be signaled, and in every known case the signals are sent to impossible process ids and therefore have no effect. Other various bugs present in the initscripts that shipped with Red Hat Linux 6.1 are fixed, including: - linuxconf-created IP aliases did not work - linuxconf-created static routes may not work - path to ipx_interface was incorrect - /sbin/service did not work - incompatibility with devfs - inability to shut down cleanly with quotas - any user could force 'interactive' startup on next reboot It is recommended that users of Red Hat Linux 6.1 update to the fixed packages. 3. Bug IDs fixed ( for more info): Security problem in lang.csh: 6645 Missing DNS entries: 6664, 6649 CHAP: 6664, 6646, 6506, 6586 Linuxconf issues: 5784, 5976, 6039, 6069, 6162, 6777 Others: 5646, 5959, 6252, 6286, 6300, 6301, 6527 4. Relevant releases/architectures: Red Hat Linux 6.1, Intel 5. Obsoleted by: 6. Conflicts with: 7. RPMs required: Intel: Source packages: 8. Solution: For each RPM for your particular architecture, run: rpm -Uvh <filename> where filename is the name of the RPM. 9. Verification: MD5 sum Package Name -------------------------------------------------------------------------- cb1e656770202d043797dcbb96c43e1d i386/initscripts-4.63-1.i386.rpm dabecab5d4e9ff8f82df329901b49829 SRPMS/initscripts-4.63-1.src.rpm These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat, Inc. for security. Our key is available at: You can verify each package with the following command: rpm --checksig <filename> If you only wish to verify that each package has not been corrupted or tampered with, examine only the md5sum with the following command: rpm --checksig --nogpg <filename> 10. References: -- To unsubscribe: mail [email protected] with "unsubscribe" as the Subject. -- To unsubscribe: mail -s unsubscribe [email protected] < /dev/null -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Please refer to the information about this list as well as general information about Linux security at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe: mail -s unsubscribe [email protected] < /dev/null

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