Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 17:30:20 -0700
From: RSI Advise <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: RSI.0009.09-08-98.ALL.OMNIBACK
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Repent Security Incorporated, RSI
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--- [CREDIT] --------------------------------------------------------------
'Bermuda Brian': Research and development
Mark Zielinski : Author of advisory
--- [SUMMARY] -------------------------------------------------------------
Announced: August 18, 1998
Report code: RSI.0009.09-08-98.HP-UX.OMNIBACK
Report title: Omniback
Vulnerability: Several vulnerabilities have been discovered
which can allow an attacker to execute remote commands,
impersonate another user, and overwrite any file
on the server.
Vendor status: Hewlett Packard contacted on August 18, 1998
Patch status: Patches are being developed by Hewlett Packard
Platforms: Any platform with the Omniback package installed
Impact: If exploited, users can execute commands and
gain root access remotely, and overwrite any file
on the system locally.
Special Note: Although Omniback is not known to be shipped with
any operating system, many platforms are supported
by the Omniback software package according to
Installation of Omniback on any system could
potentially leave you vulnerable.
--- [DETAILS] -------------------------------------------------------------
Problem: Three problems are covered in this advisory:
The first issue allows an attacker to remotely
execute commands on the server by sending arbitrary
data with a ";" after commands such as "CELL"
or "INFO".
The second issue also allows remote execution of commands
by impersonating a valid user and Omniback server.
The third issue allows for any file on the system
to be overwritten locally via a /tmp symlink problem.
These problems are present in the 2.1, and 2.5
Omniback Cell servers, disk agents, and media agents.
The Omniback protocol is vulnerable to spoofing attacks
which introduces these vulnerabilities:
Vulnerability #1: Omniback allows commands to be executed
with root access since it requires full
access to the local filesystem.
By sending arbitrary data to the Omniback
server containing commands such as
"CELL;command" or "INFO;command",
an attacker can execute commands as root.
Vulnerability #2: Omniback also allows remote commands to
be executed through a second process.
Any user that can impersonate the
Omniback Cell server can start a
job on the remote system and potentially
execute commands as root.
Vulnerability #3: Omniback allows an arbitrary local user
overwrite any file on the filesystem.
By symlinking /tmp/util.tmp to
the file you want to create/overwrite
and sending the Omniback server an
UNSECURE command, you can potentially
create/overwrite that file.
This software has also been ported to a number of other
platforms which are currently untested, but may
be subject to the same vulnerabilities:
SNI Sinix 5.4.2
IBM AIX 3.2.5, 4.1
Hewlett Packard HP-UX 9.0, 10.0, 10.20, 11.0
Sun Microsystems SunOS 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6
Novell Netware 3.11, 3.12, 4.01, 4.1
Microsoft Windows NT Server & Workstation 3.51, 4.0
Further platforms can be included via NFS and shared disks
--- [FIX] -----------------------------------------------------------------
Solution: The following temporary solutions exist to help deal with the
above issues, however each solution may not be best suited
for your network or adequately deal with the problems.
Adding access controls to 'inetd.sec' could potentially
limit the scope of a network attack, but would not be
considered a complete or failsafe solution.
Blocking port 5555 at the external router of your network
will defend against most Internet based attacks, but could
potentially interfere with other applications that may use
port 5555 such as 'personal-agent'. Current IANA port
assignments include a note (in comments) that HP Omniback
also uses this port, but does not specifically assign it
to the Omniback service. This solution will not protect you
from internal/Intranet attacks.
The last solution is to disable Omniback until a patch
is provided by your vendor.
--- [PATCH] ---------------------------------------------------------------
Solution: HP has informed us that patches are in process to address
issues #1 and #3.
Repent Security Incorporated (RSI)
13610 N. Scottsdale Rd.
Suite #10-326
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
E-Mail: [email protected]
Version: 2.6.2
Copyright September 1998 RepSec, Inc.
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