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X-RDate: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 10:25:14 +0500 (ESK)
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 12:29:09 -0500
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: BoS:      hole in sudo for MP-RAS.

There is a bug in sudo versions (at least) 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 on NCR's MP-RAS
that makes it trivial to bypass sudo's restrictions.  I reported this to
the sudo-bugs address given in the source on 12/23/97, but never heard back,
so screw 'em.  It is important to note that MP-RAS is one of the platforms
listed in the RUNSON file included with the distribution, so there are
probably many people running this; I imagine you will want to reconsider it
if you are one of them.

Basically, if you define a command that a user is not allowed to run, they
will still be allowed to run it if they cd to the directory containing the
command and preface it with ./.  Here's an example:

/da8 atlas> sudo date
Sorry, user osiris is not allowed to execute "/usr/bin/date" as root on atlas.

/da8 atlas> sudo /bin/date
Sorry, user osiris is not allowed to execute "/bin/date" as root on atlas.

/da8 atlas> cd /usr/bin
/usr/bin atlas> sudo ./date
Mon Jan 12 12:15:34 EST 1998

I'm not sure if this problem affects any other platforms.  I believe HP-UX
9.04 at least is safe.


Date: 	Mon, 12 Jan 1998 18:54:13 -0800
Reply-To: Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Systems Group <[email protected]>
Sender: avalon
>From: Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Systems Group <[email protected]>
Subject:      Re: hole in sudo for MP-RAS.
X-To:         "Todd C. Miller" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
In-Reply-To:  Your message of "Mon, 12 Jan 1998 16:28:01 MST." 
              <[email protected]>
Approved: [email protected]
X-Originally-To: To: [email protected]
X-Originated-From: From: [email protected]

> As this seems to only affect that one OS, I'm not sure I would call
> it a bug in sudo.  When this was reported for 1.5.2 I took a look
> but couldn't find any way to reproduce it (and I don't have access
> to the OS in question).

I've been able to reproduce the exploit using cu-sudo 1.5.3 under DEC UNIX
4.0B and FreeBSD 2.2.5.  After looking at the code the bug can be exploited on
any platform.

Here is a patch to fix the problem, assuming your operating system of choice
supports realpath(3).  *BSD, Linux, Solaris, SunOS, DEC UNIX, AIX, and DG/UX
should have no problem with this patch.

diff -ur sudo.v1.5.3.orig/find_path.c sudo.v1.5.3/find_path.c
--- sudo.v1.5.3.orig/find_path.c        Wed Nov 13 18:37:22 1996
+++ sudo.v1.5.3/find_path.c     Mon Jan 12 17:55:43 1998
@@ -118,7 +118,11 @@
      * the error is "not found" -- this way we get the correct error.
     if (strchr(file, '/')) {
-       (void) strcpy(command, file);
+       if (realpath(file, command) == NULL) {
+           (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s", Argv[0], file);
+           perror("");
+           exit(1);
+       }
        if (sudo_goodpath(command)) {
        } else {

>  - todd

Regards,                       Phone:  (250)387-8437
Cy Schubert                      Fax:  (250)387-5766
UNIX Support                   OV/VM:  BCSC02(CSCHUBER)
ITSD                          BITNET:  [email protected]
Government of BC            Internet:  [email protected]
                                       [email protected]

                "Quit spooling around, JES do it."

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