X-RDate: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 14:17:18 +0600 (YEKST)
X-UIDL: 35317d34000000fc
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 00:20:36 +0400
From: GvS One <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: feature Re: pine/pico vt control characters bug
On Sat, 25 Apr 1998, Michal Zalewski wrote:
>Pico, an editor included with pine 3.96 package, handles vt control
>characters (eg. 0x9B) improperly, so it's possible to do almost anything
>when normal text file is viewed with pico. Example? Try viewing file
>containing only two characters: 0x9B and 0x63... That's not all, pico is
>called by pine when you're replying to mail message. Anyone may insert any
>control chars (using quoted-printable encoding) to his signature.
Hm... Guessing... Pine: Main Menu -> Setup -> configure, few lines
[X] Pass-control-characters-as-is
... or something like that. Don't you want to try it turned off while
reading such message? ;)
>--- display.c.orig Wed Jul 10 18:59:09 1996
>+++ display.c Sat Apr 25 14:23:41 1998
>@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
> }
> while ((vtcol&0x07) != 0);
> }
>- else if (c.c < 0x20 || c.c == 0x7F) {
>+ else if (c.c < 0x20 || c.c == 0x7F || c.c == 0x9B) {
> ac.c = '^';
> vtputc(ac);
> ac.c = (c.c ^ 0x40);
>(should help, at least in above situation)
sorry to bother you, if I'm wrong and you had turned that feature off.
If so, and pico's control characters passing algorithm is incomplete,
we should fix it to work with termcap/terminfo databases to determine
what the characters are treated to be control.
SY, Seva Gluschenko, just stranger at the Road.
--- IRC: erra * Origin: gone to the Internet ([email protected]) [http://www.agmar.ru/~gvs/]