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Установка антивируса и спамфильтра для почтовой системы qmail (qmail mail spam virus freebsd)

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Ключевые слова: qmail, mail, spam, virus, freebsd,  (найти похожие документы)
From: info from Bugzilla, text by Olegy <olegy at> Newsgroups: email Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 14:31:37 +0000 (UTC) Subject: Установка антивируса и спамфильтра для почтовой системы qmail Установка Антивирус+Спамфильтр для почтовой системы qmail (qmail+ucspi-tcp) OS FreeBSD Установка нужного программного обеспечения: ------------------------------------------- 1) Обновляем порты если, они вручную не обновляются. Рабочая конфигурация : amavisd-new-2.1.2 + clamav-0.80 стоит у меня на freebsd 4.9 2) cd /usr/ports/security/amavisd-new/ делаем make, если ругается на perl, идём в /usr/ports/lang/perl5.8 делаем make install если всё поставилось без вопросов, тогда идём в cd /work делаем файл use.perl запускным, после чего запускаем - ./use.perl port Теперь у нас есть perl линейки 5.8 и он анонсирован в системе как дефолтный. Идём опять в /usr/ports/security/amavisd-new/ И делаем : make после чего идём в папку cd /work/amavisd-new-2.1.2 и делаем следующее : patch <amavisd-new-qmqpqq.patch Далее : make install Это мы поставили приблуду которая свяжет нам спамфильтр и антивирус (поддерживает около 10-ти антивирусных систем, можно включить все сразу, "для параноиков" 8-))) ). 3) Ставим спамфильтр - cd /usr/ports/mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin/ make make install 4) Ставим антивирус cd /usr/ports/security/clamav/ make make install 5) Нам нужно пропатчить наш qmail, ищем папку с исходниками qmail-а, если таковой уже давно нет, тогда идём на и качаем по ссылкам qmail и все нужные патчи к нему, плюс тот что нужен нам можно найти здесь - Далее патчим qmail всеми патчами. Идём в каталог с qmail-ом, находим файл qmail-qmqpc.c и меняем в нем #define PORT_QMQP 628 на #define PORT_QMQP 10628 Устанавливаем qmail туда же где он уже стоит. Настройка программного обеспечения: ------------------------------------ 1) Идём туда где у нас лежит файл с адресами которым разрешен "открытый релей", у меня такой файл лежит в /etc называется tcp.smtp, в него нужно добавить строчку:,RELAYCLIENT="",QMAILQUEUE="bin/qmail-queue.orig" Далее нужно создать файл tcp.smtp.amavis и сунуть в него следующее :,RELAYCLIENT="",QMAILQUEUE="bin/qmail-queue.orig":deny А в файл ренегации базы добавить строчку : tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.amavis.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.amavis.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp.amavis В файл запуска tcpserver-ов добавляем : tcpserver -x /etc/tcp.smtp.amavis.cdb -p -DRHl localhost -u 89 -g 83 10025 \ /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd & В моем случае - -u 89 : это uid пользователя vpopmail -u 83 : это gid группы vchkpw 2) В папке /var/qmail/control создать файл qmqpservers и сунуть в него: 3) Нам нужен алиал ip на локальном интерфэйсе, для этого запускаем команду: ifconfig lo0 inet netmask alias И дописываем в /etc/rc.conf : ifconfig_lo0_alias0="inet netmask" 4) Привожу свой конфигурационный файл от amavisd-new (в нём только нужно указать ваш дефолтный домен), лежит он /usr/local/etc/amavisd.conf:
use strict; # a minimalistic configuration file for amavisd-new with all necessary settings # # (see amavisd.conf-default for a list of all variables with their defaults) # (see amavisd.conf-sample for a traditional-style commented file) # COMMONLY ADJUSTED SETTINGS: # @bypass_virus_checks_maps = (1); # uncomment to DISABLE anti-virus code # @bypass_spam_checks_maps = (1); # uncomment to DISABLE anti-spam code $max_servers = 10; # number of pre-forked children (2..15 is common) $max_requests = 350; $daemon_user = 'vscan'; # (no default; customary: vscan or amavis) $daemon_group = 'vscan'; # (no default; customary: vscan or amavis) $mydomain = 'ВАШ.ДОМЕН'; # a convenient default for other settings $MYHOME = '/var/amavis'; # a convenient default for other settings $TEMPBASE = "$MYHOME/tmp"; # working directory, needs to be created manually $ENV{TMPDIR} = $TEMPBASE; # environment variable TMPDIR $QUARANTINEDIR = '/var/virusmails'; # $daemon_chroot_dir = $MYHOME; # chroot directory or undef # $db_home = "$MYHOME/db"; # $helpers_home = "$MYHOME/var"; # prefer $MYHOME clean and owned by root? # $pid_file = "$MYHOME/var/"; # $lock_file = "$MYHOME/var/amavisd.lock"; #NOTE: create directories $MYHOME/tmp, $MYHOME/var, $MYHOME/db manually @local_domains_maps = ( [".$mydomain"] ); # @mynetworks = qw( ::1 ); $log_level = 0; # verbosity 0..5 $log_recip_templ = undef; # disable by-recipient level-0 log entries $DO_SYSLOG = 0; # log via syslogd (preferred) $SYSLOG_LEVEL = 'mail.debug'; $LOGFILE = "$MYHOME/amavis.log"; $enable_db = 1; # enable use of BerkeleyDB/libdb (SNMP and nanny) $enable_global_cache = 1; # enable use of libdb-based cache if $enable_db=1 $protocol = "QMQPqq"; $inet_socket_port = 10628; # listen on this local TCP port(s) (see $protocol) $inet_socket_bind = ''; # limit socket bind to loopback interface @inet_acl = qw( ); #$unix_socketname = "$MYHOME/amavisd.sock"; # when using sendmail milter $sa_tag_level_deflt = 2.0; # add spam info headers if at, or above that level $sa_tag2_level_deflt = 6.31; # add 'spam detected' headers at that level $sa_kill_level_deflt = 6.31; # triggers spam evasive actions $sa_dsn_cutoff_level = 10; # spam level beyond which a DSN is not sent $sa_mail_body_size_limit = 200*1024; # don't waste time on SA if mail is larger $sa_local_tests_only = 1; # only tests which do not require internet access? $sa_auto_whitelist = 1; # turn on AWL in SA 2.63 or older (irrelevant # for SA 3.0, cf option is 'use_auto_whitelist') # @lookup_sql_dsn = # ( ['DBI:mysql:database=mail;host=;port=3306', 'user1', 'passwd1'], # ['DBI:mysql:database=mail;host=host2', 'username2', 'password2'] ); $virus_admin = "admin\@$mydomain"; # notifications recip. $mailfrom_notify_admin = "abuse\@$mydomain"; # notifications sender $mailfrom_notify_recip = "abuse\@$mydomain"; # notifications sender $mailfrom_notify_spamadmin = "abuse\@$mydomain"; # notifications sender $mailfrom_to_quarantine = ''; # null return path; uses original sender if undef #@addr_extension_virus_maps = ('virus'); #@addr_extension_spam_maps = ('spam'); #@addr_extension_banned_maps = ('banned'); #@addr_extension_bad_header_maps = ('badh'); $path = '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin'; $file = 'file'; # file(1) utility; use recent versions $gzip = 'gzip'; $bzip2 = 'bzip2'; $lzop = 'lzop'; $rpm2cpio = ['','rpm2cpio']; $cabextract = 'cabextract'; $uncompress = ['uncompress', 'gzip -d', 'zcat']; $unfreeze = ['unfreeze', 'freeze -d', 'melt', 'fcat']; $arc = ['nomarch', 'arc']; $unarj = ['arj', 'unarj']; $unrar = ['rar', 'unrar']; $zoo = 'zoo'; $lha = 'lha'; $cpio = ['gcpio','cpio']; $dspam = 'dspam'; $MAXLEVELS = 14; $MAXFILES = 1500; $MIN_EXPANSION_QUOTA = 100*1024; # bytes (default undef, not enforced) $MAX_EXPANSION_QUOTA = 300*1024*1024; # bytes (default undef, not enforced) $sa_spam_subject_tag = '***SPAM*** '; $defang_virus = 1; # MIME-wrap passed infected mail $defang_banned = 1; # MIME-wrap passed mail containing banned name # OTHER MORE COMMON SETTINGS (defaults may suffice): # $myhostname = ''; # must be a fully-qualified domain name! # $notify_method = 'smtp:[]:10025'; # $forward_method = 'smtp:[]:10025'; # set to undef with milter! $forward_method = 'smtp:'; $notify_method = $forward_method; $final_virus_destiny = D_REJECT; $final_banned_destiny = D_BOUNCE; $final_spam_destiny = D_REJECT; $final_bad_header_destiny = D_PASS; # SOME OTHER VARIABLES WORTH CONSIDERING (see amavisd.conf-default for all) # $warnbadhsender, # $warnvirusrecip, $warnbannedrecip, $warnbadhrecip, (or @warn*recip_maps) # # @bypass_virus_checks_maps, @bypass_spam_checks_maps, # @bypass_banned_checks_maps, @bypass_header_checks_maps, # @virus_lovers_maps, @spam_lovers_maps, # @banned_files_lovers_maps, @bad_header_lovers_maps, # # @blacklist_sender_maps, @score_sender_maps, # # $virus_quarantine_to, $banned_quarantine_to, # $bad_header_quarantine_to, $spam_quarantine_to, # # $defang_bad_header, $defang_undecipherable, $defang_spam # REMAINING IMPORTANT VARIABLES ARE LISTED HERE BECAUSE OF LONGER ASSIGNMENTS @viruses_that_fake_sender_maps = (new_RE( [qr'\bEICAR\b'i => 0], # av test pattern name [qr'^(WM97|OF97|Joke\.)'i => 0], # adjust names to match your AV scanner [qr/.*/ => 1], # true for everything else )); @keep_decoded_original_maps = (new_RE( # qr'^MAIL$', # retain full original message for virus checking (can be slow) qr'^MAIL-UNDECIPHERABLE$', # recheck full mail if it contains undecipherables qr'^(ASCII(?! cpio)|text|uuencoded|xxencoded|binhex)'i, )); # for $banned_namepath_re, a new-style of banned table, see amavisd.conf-sample $banned_filename_re = new_RE( # qr'^UNDECIPHERABLE$', # is or contains any undecipherable components # block certain double extensions anywhere in the base name qr'\.[^./]*\.(exe|vbs|pif|scr|bat|cmd|com|dll)\.?$'i, # qr'[{}]', # curly braces in names (serve as Class ID extensions - CLSID) qr'^application/x-msdownload$'i, # block these MIME types qr'^application/x-msdos-program$'i, qr'^application/hta$'i, # qr'^message/partial$'i, qr'^message/external-body$'i, # rfc2046 MIME types # [ qr'^\.(Z|gz|bz2)$' => 0 ], # allow any type in Unix-compressed [ qr'^\.(rpm|cpio|tar)$' => 0 ], # allow any type in Unix archives # [ qr'^\.(zip|rar|arc|arj|zoo)$'=> 0 ], # allow any type within such archives qr'.\.(exe|vbs|pif|scr|bat|cmd|com)$'i, # banned extension - basic # qr'.\.(ade|adp|bas|bat|chm|cmd|com|cpl|crt|exe|hlp|hta|inf|ins|isp|js| # jse|lnk|mdb|mde|msc|msi|msp|mst|pcd|pif|reg|scr|sct|shb|shs|vb| # vbe|vbs|wsc|wsf|wsh| # app|fxp|prg|mdw|mdt|ops)$'ix, # banned extension - long # qr'.\.(mim|b64|bhx|hqx|xxe|uu|uue)$'i, # banned extension - WinZip vulnerab. qr'^\.(exe-ms)$', # banned file(1) types # qr'^\.(exe|lha|tnef|cab)$', # banned file(1) types ); # See;EN-US;q262631 # and # ENVELOPE SENDER SOFT-WHITELISTING / SOFT-BLACKLISTING @score_sender_maps = ({ # a by-recipient hash lookup table, # results from all matching recipient tables are summed # ## per-recipient personal tables (NOTE: positive: black, negative: white) # '[email protected]' => [{'[email protected]' => 10.0}], # '[email protected]' => [{'' => -3.0}], # '[email protected]' => [{'[email protected]' => -7.0, # '' => -5.0}], ## site-wide opinions about senders (the '.' matches any recipient) '.' => [ # the _first_ matching sender determines the score boost new_RE( # regexp-type lookup table, just happens to be all soft-blacklist [qr'^(bulkmail|offers|cheapbenefits|earnmoney|foryou)@'i => 5.0], [qr'^(greatcasino|investments|lose_weight_today|market\.alert)@'i=> 5.0], [qr'^(money2you|MyGreenCard|new\.tld\.registry|opt-out|opt-in)@'i=> 5.0], [qr'^(optin|saveonlsmoking2002k|specialoffer|specialoffers)@'i => 5.0], [qr'^(stockalert|stopsnoring|wantsome|workathome|yesitsfree)@'i => 5.0], [qr'^(your_friend|greatoffers)@'i => 5.0], [qr'^(inkjetplanet|marketopt|MakeMoney)\d*@'i => 5.0], ), { # a hash-type lookup table (associative array) '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]'=> -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -5.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, '' => -3.0, '[email protected]' => -3.0, lc('[email protected]') => -3.0, lc('[email protected]') => -5.0, # soft-blacklisting (positive score) '[email protected]' => 3.0, '' => 1.0, }, ], # end of site-wide tables }); @av_scanners = ( # ### # ['Sophie', # \&ask_daemon, ["{}/\n", '/var/run/sophie'], # qr/(?x)^ 0+ ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/, qr/(?x)^ 1 ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/, # qr/(?x)^ [-+]? \d+ : (.*?) [\000\r\n]* $/ ], # ### # ['Sophos SAVI', \&sophos_savi ], ##### ['ClamAV-clamd', \&ask_daemon, ["CONTSCAN {}\n", "/var/run/clamav/clamd"], qr/\bOK$/, qr/\bFOUND$/, qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ], # # NOTE: run clamd under the same user as amavisd; match the socket # # name (LocalSocket) in clamav.conf to the socket name in this entry # # When running chrooted one may prefer: ["CONTSCAN {}\n","$MYHOME/clamd"], # ### and CPAN (memory-hungry! clamd is preferred) # ['Mail::ClamAV', \&ask_clamav, "*", [0], [1], qr/^INFECTED: (.+)/], # ### # ['OpenAntiVirus ScannerDaemon (OAV)', # \&ask_daemon, ["SCAN {}\n", ''], # qr/^OK/, qr/^FOUND: /, qr/^FOUND: (.+)/ ], # ### # ['Trophie', # \&ask_daemon, ["{}/\n", '/var/run/trophie'], # qr/(?x)^ 0+ ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/, qr/(?x)^ 1 ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/, # qr/(?x)^ [-+]? \d+ : (.*?) [\000\r\n]* $/ ], # ### # ['AVG Anti-Virus', # \&ask_daemon, ["SCAN {}\n", ''], # qr/^200/, qr/^403/, qr/^403 .*?: ([^\r\n]+)/ ], # ### # ['FRISK F-Prot Daemon', # \&ask_daemon, # ["GET {}/*?-dumb%20-archive%20-packed HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", # ['','','', # '',''] ], # qr/(?i)<summary[^>]*>clean<\/summary>/, # qr/(?i)<summary[^>]*>infected<\/summary>/, # qr/(?i)<name>(.+)<\/name>/ ], # ###,, # ['DrWebD', \&ask_daemon, # DrWebD 4.31 or later # [pack('N',1). # DRWEBD_SCAN_CMD # pack('N',0x00280001). # DONT_CHANGEMAIL, IS_MAIL, RETURN_VIRUSES # pack('N', # path length # length("$TEMPBASE/amavis-yyyymmddTHHMMSS-xxxxx/parts/pxxx")). # '{}/*'. # path # pack('N',0). # content size # pack('N',0), # '/var/drweb/run/drwebd.sock', # # '/var/amavis/var/run/drwebd.sock', # suitable for chroot # # '/usr/local/drweb/run/drwebd.sock', # FreeBSD drweb ports default # # '', # or over an inet socket # ], # qr/\A\x00(\x10|\x11)\x00\x00/s, # IS_CLEAN, EVAL_KEY # qr/\A\x00(\x00|\x01)\x00(\x20|\x40|\x80)/s, # KNOWN_V, UNKNOWN_V, V._MODIF # qr/\A.{12}(?:infected with )?([^\x00]+)\x00/s, # ], # # NOTE: If using amavis-milter, change length to: # # length("$TEMPBASE/amavis-milter-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/parts/pxxx"). # ### (in the 'file server version') # ['KasperskyLab AVP - aveclient', # ['/usr/local/kav/bin/aveclient','/usr/local/share/kav/bin/aveclient', # '/opt/kav/bin/aveclient','aveclient'], # '-p /var/run/aveserver -s {}/*', [0,3,6,8], qr/\b(INFECTED|SUSPICION)\b/, # qr/(?:INFECTED|SUSPICION) (.+)/, # ], # ### # ['KasperskyLab AntiViral Toolkit Pro (AVP)', ['avp'], # '-* -P -B -Y -O- {}', [0,3,6,8], [2,4], # any use for -A -K ? # qr/infected: (.+)/, # sub {chdir('/opt/AVP') or die "Can't chdir to AVP: $!"}, # sub {chdir($TEMPBASE) or die "Can't chdir back to $TEMPBASE $!"}, # ], ### The kavdaemon and AVPDaemonClient have been removed from Kasperky ### products and replaced by aveserver and aveclient # ['KasperskyLab AVPDaemonClient', # [ '/opt/AVP/kavdaemon', 'kavdaemon', # '/opt/AVP/AvpDaemonClient', 'AvpDaemonClient', # '/opt/AVP/AvpTeamDream', 'AvpTeamDream', # '/opt/AVP/avpdc', 'avpdc' ], # "-f=$TEMPBASE {}", [0,8], [3,4,5,6], qr/infected: ([^\r\n]+)/ ], # # change the startup-script in /etc/init.d/kavd to: # # DPARMS="-* -Y -dl -f=/var/amavis /var/amavis" # # (or perhaps: DPARMS="-I0 -Y -* /var/amavis" ) # # adjusting /var/amavis above to match your $TEMPBASE. # # The '-f=/var/amavis' is needed if not running it as root, so it # # can find, read, and write its pid file, etc., see 'man kavdaemon'. # # defUnix.prf: there must be an entry "*/var/amavis" (or whatever # # directory $TEMPBASE specifies) in the 'Names=' section. # # cd /opt/AVP/DaemonClients; configure; cd Sample; make # # cp AvpDaemonClient /opt/AVP/ # # su - vscan -c "${PREFIX}/kavdaemon ${DPARMS}" ### or # ['H+BEDV AntiVir or CentralCommand Vexira Antivirus', # ['antivir','vexira'], # '--allfiles -noboot -nombr -rs -s -z {}', [0], qr/ALERT:|VIRUS:/, # qr/(?x)^\s* (?: ALERT: \s* (?: \[ | [^']* ' ) | # (?i) VIRUS:\ .*?\ virus\ '?) ( [^\]\s']+ )/ ], # # NOTE: if you only have a demo version, remove -z and add 214, as in: # # '--allfiles -noboot -nombr -rs -s {}', [0,214], qr/ALERT:|VIRUS:/, # # ### # ['Command AntiVirus for Linux', 'csav', # '-all -archive -packed {}', [50], [51,52,53], # qr/Infection: (.+)/ ], # ### # ['Symantec CarrierScan via Symantec CommandLineScanner', # 'cscmdline', '-a scan -i 1 -v -s {}', # qr/^Files Infected:\s+0$/, qr/^Infected\b/, # qr/^(?:Info|Virus Name):\s+(.+)/ ], ### # ['Symantec AntiVirus Scan Engine', # 'savsecls', '-server -mode scanrepair -details -verbose {}', # [0], qr/^Infected\b/, # qr/^(?:Info|Virus Name):\s+(.+)/ ], # # NOTE: check options and patterns to see which entry better applies ### # ['F-Secure Antivirus', 'fsav', # '--dumb --mime --archive {}', [0], [3,8], # qr/(?:infection|Infected|Suspected): (.+)/ ], # # ['CAI InoculateIT', 'inocucmd', # retired product # '-sec -nex {}', [0], [100], # qr/was infected by virus (.+)/ ], # # see: ### (ex InoculateIT) # ['CAI eTrust Antivirus', 'etrust-wrapper', # '-arc -nex -spm h {}', [0], [101], # qr/is infected by virus: (.+)/ ], # # NOTE: requires suid wrapper around inocmd32; consider flag: -mod reviewer # # see ### # ['MkS_Vir for Linux (beta)', ['mks32','mks'], # '-s {}/*', [0], [1,2], # qr/--[ \t]*(.+)/ ], ### # ['MkS_Vir daemon', 'mksscan', # '-s -q {}', [0], [1..7], # qr/^... (\S+)/ ], ### # ['ESET Software NOD32', 'nod32', # '-all -subdir+ {}', [0], [1,2], # qr/^.+? - (.+?)\s*(?:backdoor|joke|trojan|virus|worm)/ ], ### # ['ESET Software NOD32 - Client/Server Version', 'nod32cli', # '-a -r -d recurse --heur standard {}', [0], [10,11], # qr/^\S+\s+infected:\s+(.+)/ ], # Experimental, based on posting from Rado Dibarbora (Dibo) on 2002-05-31 # ['ESET Software NOD32 Client/Server (NOD32SS)', # \&ask_daemon2, # greets with 200, persistent, terminate with QUIT # ["SCAN {}/*\r\n", '' ], # qr/^200 File OK/, qr/^201 /, qr/^201 (.+)/ ], ### # ['Norman Virus Control v5 / Linux', 'nvcc', # '-c -l:0 -s -u {}', [0], [1], # qr/(?i).* virus in .* -> \'(.+)\'/ ], ### # ['Panda Antivirus for Linux', ['pavcl'], # '-TSR -aut -aex -heu -cmp -nbr -nor -nso -eng {}', # [0], [0x10, 0x30, 0x50, 0x70, 0x90, 0xB0, 0xD0, 0xF0], # qr/Found virus :\s*(\S+)/ ], # GeCAD AV technology is acquired by Microsoft; RAV has been discontinued. # Check your RAV license terms before fiddling with the following two lines! # ['GeCAD RAV AntiVirus 8', 'ravav', # '--all --archive --mail {}', [1], [2,3,4,5], qr/Infected: (.+)/ ], # # NOTE: the command line switches changed with scan engine 8.5 ! # # (btw, assigning stdin to /dev/null causes RAV to fail) ### # ['NAI McAfee AntiVirus (uvscan)', 'uvscan', # '--secure -rv --mime --summary --noboot - {}', [0], [13], # qr/(?x) Found (?: # \ the\ (.+)\ (?:virus|trojan) | # \ (?:virus|trojan)\ or\ variant\ ([^ ]+) | # :\ (.+)\ NOT\ a\ virus)/, # # sub {$ENV{LD_PRELOAD}='/lib/'}, # # sub {delete $ENV{LD_PRELOAD}}, # ], # # NOTE1: with RH9: force the dynamic linker to look at /lib/ before # # anything else by setting environment variable LD_PRELOAD=/lib/ # # and then clear it when finished to avoid confusing anything else. # # NOTE2: to treat encrypted files as viruses replace the [13] with: # # qr/^\s{5,}(Found|is password-protected|.*(virus|trojan))/ ### # ['VirusBuster', ['vbuster', 'vbengcl'], # # VirusBuster Ltd. does not support the daemon version for the workstation # # engine (vbuster-eng-1.12-linux-i386-libc6.tgz) any longer. The names of # # binaries, some parameters AND return codes have changed (from 3 to 1). # "{} -ss -i '*' -log=$MYHOME/vbuster.log", [0], [1], # qr/: '(.*)' - Virus/ ], # ### # ['VirusBuster (Client + Daemon)', 'vbengd', # # HINT: for an infected file it always returns 3, # # although the man-page tells a different story # '-f -log scandir {}', [0], [3], # qr/Virus found = (.*);/ ], # ### # ['CyberSoft VFind', 'vfind', # '--vexit {}/*', [0], [23], qr/##==>>>> VIRUS ID: CVDL (.+)/, # # sub {$ENV{VSTK_HOME}='/usr/lib/vstk'}, # ], ### # ['Ikarus AntiVirus for Linux', 'ikarus', # '{}', [0], [40], qr/Signature (.+) found/ ], ### # ['BitDefender', 'bdc', # '--all --arc --mail {}', qr/^Infected files *:0+(?!\d)/, # qr/^(?:Infected files|Identified viruses|Suspect files) *:0*[1-9]/, # qr/(?:suspected|infected): (.*)(?:\033|$)/ ], # ); @av_scanners_backup = ( ### - backs up clamd or Mail::ClamAV ['ClamAV-clamscan', 'clamscan', "--stdout --disable-summary -r --tempdir=$TEMPBASE {}", [0], [1], qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ], # ### - backs up F-Prot Daemon # ['FRISK F-Prot Antivirus', ['f-prot',''], # '-dumb -archive -packed {}', [0,8], [3,6], # qr/Infection: (.+)/ ], # ### - backs up Trophie # ['Trend Micro FileScanner', ['/etc/iscan/vscan','vscan'], # '-za -a {}', [0], qr/Found virus/, qr/Found virus (.+) in/ ], # ###, - backs up DrWebD # ['drweb - DrWeb Antivirus', # ['/usr/local/drweb/drweb', '/opt/drweb/drweb', 'drweb'], # '-path={} -al -go -ot -cn -upn -ok-', # [0,32], [1,9,33], qr' infected (?:with|by)(?: virus)? (.*)$'], # ['KasperskyLab kavscanner', ['/opt/kav/bin/kavscanner','kavscanner'], # '-i1 -xp {}', [0,10,15], [5,20,21,25], # qr/(?:CURED|INFECTED|CUREFAILED|WARNING|SUSPICION) (.*)/ , # sub {chdir('/opt/kav/bin') or die "Can't chdir to kav: $!"}, # sub {chdir($TEMPBASE) or die "Can't chdir back to $TEMPBASE $!"}, # ], # Commented out because the name 'sweep' clashes with Debian and FreeBSD # package/port of an audio editor. Make sure the correct 'sweep' is found # in the path when enabling. # # ### - backs up Sophie or SAVI-Perl # ['Sophos Anti Virus (sweep)', 'sweep', # '-nb -f -all -rec -ss -sc -archive -cab -tnef --no-reset-atime {}', # [0,2], qr/Virus .*? found/, # qr/^>>> Virus(?: fragment)? '?(.*?)'? found/, # ], # # other options to consider: -mime -oe -idedir=/usr/local/sav # always succeeds (uncomment to consider mail clean if all other scanners fail) # ['always-clean', sub {0}], ); 1; # insure a defined return
Привожу свой конфигурационный файл от антивируса clamd - /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf :
## ## Example config file for the Clam AV daemon ## Please read the clamd.conf(5) manual before editing this file. ## # Comment or remove the line below. #Example # Uncomment this option to enable logging. # LogFile must be writable for the user running daemon. # A full path is required. # Default: disabled LogFile /var/log/clamav/clamd.log # By default the log file is locked for writing - the lock protects against # running clamd multiple times (if want to run another clamd, please # copy the configuration file, change the LogFile variable, and run # the daemon with --config-file option). # This option disables log file locking. # Default: disabled #LogFileUnlock # Maximal size of the log file. # Value of 0 disables the limit. # You may use 'M' or 'm' for megabytes (1M = 1m = 1048576 bytes) # and 'K' or 'k' for kilobytes (1K = 1k = 1024 bytes). To specify the size # in bytes just don't use modifiers. # Default: 1M #LogFileMaxSize 2M # Log time with each message. # Default: disabled LogTime # Also log clean files. Useful in debugging but drastically increases the # log size. # Default: disabled LogClean # Use system logger (can work together with LogFile). # Default: disabled #LogSyslog # Specify the type of syslog messages - please refer to 'man syslog' # for facility names. # Default: LOG_LOCAL6 #LogFacility LOG_MAIL # Enable verbose logging. # Default: disabled #LogVerbose # This option allows you to save a process identifier of the listening # daemon (main thread). # Default: disabled PidFile /var/run/clamav/ # Optional path to the global temporary directory. # Default: system specific (usually /tmp or /var/tmp). #TemporaryDirectory /var/tmp # Path to the database directory. # Default: hardcoded (depends on installation options) DatabaseDirectory /usr/local/share/clamav # The daemon works in a local OR a network mode. Due to security reasons we # recommend the local mode. # Path to a local socket file the daemon will listen on. # Default: disabled LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd # Remove stale socket after unclean shutdown. # Default: disabled FixStaleSocket # TCP port address. # Default: disabled #TCPSocket 3310 # TCP address. # By default we bind to INADDR_ANY, probably not wise. # Enable the following to provide some degree of protection # from the outside world. # Default: disabled #TCPAddr # Maximum length the queue of pending connections may grow to. # Default: 15 #MaxConnectionQueueLength 30 # Close the connection if this limit is exceeded. # Default: 10M #StreamMaxLength 20M # Maximal number of threads running at the same time. # Default: 10 MaxThreads 20 # Waiting for data from a client socket will timeout after this time (seconds). # Value of 0 disables the timeout. # Default: 120 #ReadTimeout 300 # Waiting for a new job will timeout after this time (seconds). # Default: 30 #IdleTimeout 60 # Maximal depth directories are scanned at. # Default: 15 #MaxDirectoryRecursion 20 # Follow directory symlinks. # Default: disabled #FollowDirectorySymlinks # Follow regular file symlinks. # Default: disabled #FollowFileSymlinks # Perform internal sanity check (database integrity and freshness). # Default: 1800 (30 min) SelfCheck 600 # Execute a command when virus is found. In the command string %v will # be replaced by a virus name. # Default: disabled #VirusEvent /usr/local/bin/send_sms 123456789 "VIRUS ALERT: %v" # Run as a selected user (clamd must be started by root). # Default: disabled User clamav # Initialize supplementary group access (clamd must be started by root). # Default: disabled AllowSupplementaryGroups # Don't fork into background. # Default: disabled #Foreground # Enable debug messages in libclamav. # Default: disabled #Debug # Do not remove temporary files (for debug purposes). # Default: disabled #LeaveTemporaryFiles # By default clamd uses scan options recommended by libclamav. This option # disables recommended options and allows you to enable selected ones below. # DO NOT TOUCH IT unless you know what you are doing. # Default: disabled #DisableDefaultScanOptions ## ## Executable files ## # PE stands for Portable Executable - it's an executable file format used # in all 32-bit versions of Windows operating systems. This option allows # ClamAV to perform a deeper analysis of executable files and it's also # required for decompression of popular executable packers such as UPX, FSG, # and Petite. # Default: enabled #ScanPE # With this option clamav will try to detect broken executables and mark # them as Broken.Executable # Default: disabled #DetectBrokenExecutables ## ## Documents ## # This option enables scanning of Microsoft Office document macros. # Default: enabled ScanOLE2 ## ## Mail files ## # Enable internal e-mail scanner. # Default: enabled ScanMail # If an email contains URLs ClamAV can download and scan them. # WARNING: This option may open your system to a DoS attack. # Never use it on loaded servers. # Default: disabled #MailFollowURLs ## ## HTML ## # Perform HTML normalisation and decryption of MS Script Encoder code. # Default: enabled ScanHTML ## ## Archives ## # ClamAV can scan within archives and compressed files. # Default: enabled ScanArchive # Due to license issues libclamav does not support RAR 3.0 archives (only the # old 2.0 format is supported). Because some users report stability problems # with unrarlib it's disabled by default and you must uncomment the directive # below to enable RAR 2.0 support. # Default: disabled ScanRAR # The options below protect your system against Denial of Service attacks # using archive bombs. # Files in archives larger than this limit won't be scanned. # Value of 0 disables the limit. # Default: 10M ArchiveMaxFileSize 15M # Nested archives are scanned recursively, e.g. if a Zip archive contains a RAR # file, all files within it will also be scanned. This options specifies how # deep the process should be continued. # Value of 0 disables the limit. # Default: 5 ArchiveMaxRecursion 8 # Number of files to be scanned within an archive. # Value of 0 disables the limit. # Default: 1000 ArchiveMaxFiles 1500 # If a file in an archive is compressed more than ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio # times it will be marked as a virus (Oversized.ArchiveType, e.g. Oversized.Zip) # Value of 0 disables the limit. # Default: 250 #ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio 300 # Use slower but memory efficient decompression algorithm. # only affects the bzip2 decompressor. # Default: disabled #ArchiveLimitMemoryUsage # Mark encrypted archives as viruses (Encrypted.Zip, Encrypted.RAR). # Default: disabled #ArchiveBlockEncrypted # Mark archives as viruses if ArchiveMaxFiles, ArchiveMaxFileSize, or # ArchiveMaxRecursion limit is reached. # Default: disabled #ArchiveBlockMax ## ## Clamuko settings ## WARNING: This is experimental software. It is very likely it will hang ## up your system!!! ## # Enable Clamuko. Dazuko (/dev/dazuko) must be configured and running. # Default: disabled #ClamukoScanOnAccess # Set access mask for Clamuko. # Default: disabled #ClamukoScanOnOpen #ClamukoScanOnClose #ClamukoScanOnExec # Set the include paths (all files in them will be scanned). You can have # multiple ClamukoIncludePath directives but each directory must be added # in a seperate line. # Default: disabled #ClamukoIncludePath /home #ClamukoIncludePath /students # Set the exclude paths. All subdirectories are also excluded. # Default: disabled #ClamukoExcludePath /home/guru # Don't scan files larger than ClamukoMaxFileSize # Value of 0 disables the limit. # Default: 5M #ClamukoMaxFileSize 10M
5) Идём в папку /usr/local/etc/rc.d, нужно немного подредактировать запускные файлы, и, в них во всех нужно заскоментировать строчки : в amavisd_enable="YES" в clamav_clamd_enable="YES" в clamav_freshclam_enable="YES" Теперь всё готово к запуску, НО, всё же ещё рано, нужно занести пользователя clamav в группу vscan, для этого идём в /etc и открываем файл group, дописываем clamav в группу vscan и должно получится что-то вроде : vscan:*:1002:clamav Теперь наверное всё. Идём в /usr/local/etc/rc.d и запускаем файлы, и Смотри процессы ps ax, если всё запустилось нормально, в списке должны быть : 162 ?? Ss 0:10.66 amavisd (master) (perl) 190 ?? Ss 1:32.63 /usr/local/sbin/clamd 197 ?? Is 0:00.18 /usr/local/bin/freshclam -daemon 22326 ?? S 1:17.30 amavisd (ch331-avail) (perl) 22555 ?? S 1:15.20 amavisd (ch327-avail) (perl) 22668 ?? S 1:11.71 amavisd (ch329-avail) (perl) 22723 ?? S 1:09.37 amavisd (ch325-avail) (perl) 22742 ?? S 1:13.26 amavisd (ch325-avail) (perl) 22770 ?? S 1:13.80 amavisd (ch326-avail) (perl) 22803 ?? S 1:15.35 amavisd (ch324-avail) (perl) 22944 ?? R 1:09.06 amavisd (22944-323) (perl) 23023 ?? S 1:10.89 amavisd (ch320-avail) (perl) 23036 ?? S 1:12.03 amavisd (ch324-avail) (perl) Если всё это есть и amavisd запустился без ошибок, тогда нам остается на пару секунд зашатдаунить qmail для того чтобы сделать пару заключительных команд : cd /var/qmail/bin mv qmail-queue qmail-queue.orig ln -s qmail-qmqpc qmail-queue после чего запускаем qmail и наслаждаемся. Всю информацию по пойманным вирусам и спаму читать в /var/amavis/amavis.log

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Обсуждение [ RSS ]
  • 1, Юля (?), 17:01, 07/04/2005 [ответить]  
  • +/
    "Далее нужно создать файл tcp.smtp.amavis и сунуть в него следующее :,RELAYCLIENT="",QMAILQUEUE="bin/qmail-queue.orig":deny

        А в файл ренегации базы добавить строчку :
    tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.amavis.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.amavis.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp.amavis"

    У меня после запуска

    tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.amavis.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.amavis.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp.amavis

    tcprules: fatal: unable to parse this line:,RELAYCLIENT="",QMAILQUEUE="/bin/qmail-queue.orig":deny


  • 2, Саша (??), 17:28, 01/05/2005 [^] [^^] [^^^] [ответить]  
  • +/
    Вообще-то правильно будет,RELAYCLIENT="",QMAILQUEUE="bin/qmail-queue.orig"

    в две строчки: разрешаем для и запрещаем для всех остальных


  • 3, stend (?), 10:30, 31/01/2006 [ответить]  
  • +/
    Если используете clamav будте осторожны с параметром ScanRAR т.к. сжатые файлы формата rar3 будут дропаться... Есть в инете статья как обойти эту неприятность
  • 4, Radio (??), 09:17, 08/05/2006 [ответить]  
  • +/
    Не работает это на Фре шестой.

    Вот это
        Идём опять в /usr/ports/security/amavisd-new/
        И делаем :
        после чего идём в папку cd /work/amavisd-new-2.1.2
        и делаем следующее :
    patch <amavisd-new-qmqpqq.patch
        Далее :
    make install

    Даёт 0 эффекта. Нужно сначало удалить файл work/.build_done.amavisd-new-2.4.0,1._usr_local. Потом запустить make и make install.

    Но до этого не сложно догадаться. Что только делать с вот этой вот ошибкой:

    server2# ./ start
    Starting amavisd.
    In::QMQPqq code not available at /usr/local/sbin/amavisd line 9071.

    На этом всё потухает.

  • 5, ripko (?), 15:20, 10/07/2009 [ответить]  
  • +/
    5) Идём в папку /usr/local/etc/rc.d, нужно немного подредактировать запускные файлы, и, в них во всех нужно
       заскоментировать строчки :




    зачем такие извращения?
    может правильнее будет прость прописать в /etc/rc.conf



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