Date: 3 Jun 2003 20:41:27 -0000
From: JeiAr <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: Vulnerabilities In Pablo Software Solutions FTP Service 1.2
Plaintext Password Vulnerability
User info is stored in users.dat in plaintext. If the
anonymous account is present (it is by default) the
entire FTP server can be compromised
ftp://somewhere/program files/pablo's ftp service/users.dat
Default Anonymous Account
The anonymous account is by default set to
have download access to anything in the C:\
directory. While this can be disabled by simply
deleting the anonymous account, it poses a
serious threat for anyone not aware of the problem.
In conclusion this application is totally open to
complete compromise by default. Vendor was notified
and plans on releasing a fix soon.
Creits go to JeiAr of GulfTech Computers
and CSA Security Research Team