Date: 20 Jul 2004 10:01:01 +0200
From: SecuriTeam <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]Subject: [NT] Buffer Overflow in Whisper FTP Surfer
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Buffer Overflow in Whisper FTP Surfer
<> Whisper FTP Surfer is "a freeware FTP
client for Windows". A buffer overflow occurs when trying to open a file
with a long name from an FTP Server.
Vulnerable Systems:
* Whisper FTP Surfer version 1.0.7
For common extension (as .txt) FTP Surfer create a temporary file and
tries to open it. When closing the FTP Surfer, it tries to delete the
temporary file. The long name of the file added to the name of the
temporary folder overflows the buffer.
Proof of concept:
Create a file with a very long name with the ".txt" extension, put it on
an FTP Server and try to open it from FTP Surfer, you'll get an error
message: "Unable to execute program". Then when you close the FTP Surfer
the EIP will be invalid.
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